Wednesday, July 13, 2016


What is a Recti Split? 

It is the separation of the Rectus Abdominis, the identical pair of muscles that run up and down each side off center of your abdomen. This separation of these muscles can occur in healthy as well as unhealthy bodies.  If you've had some kind of abdominal surgery or weakness in your abdomen, say, from an injury, childhood or otherwise, that might lead to a Recti Split. When someone has a hernia around a previous injury, incision, or weakness, it is called a ventral hernia. For an illustration of a Recti Split, however, see here:

Here is another view:

The white tissue beneath the Diastasis Recti is called the Linea Alba.  That is connective tissue, and it is indeed white when observed in surgery.  According to WiseGEEK
The linea alba is the vertical line that divides the recturs abdominus or "six-pack" muscle into left and right halves.  Actually composed of [8] sections of muscle that are delineated by several lines of connective tissue--three horizontal lines and the linea alba--the rectus abdonimis extends from the sternum to the pelvis.  Like the rest of the body's connective tissue, the linea alba is made up of collagen and elastin fibers rather than muscle fibers and is white in color.  In addition to dividing the rectus abdominis bilaterally, on its deep surface is an attachment point for the other abdominal muscles: the external obliquesinternal obliques [the obliques cover the sides of the abdomne], and the transverse abdominis [and here].
That does tend to drive the point home.  If that doesn't, this should: 

So what causes it? 

In women, it's most often caused by childbirth.  This woman, Lorraine Scapens, owner of Pregnancy, does a terrific job of pointing to the cause of the Diastasis Recti. She cites the presence of pregnancy hormones that a woman's body produces that start to lengthen, weaken, and relax the stomach muscles.  Just hearing this was good for me.  

In men, age, strenuous lifting, and abdominal obesity are the major factors.  I've never heard of abdominal obesity. I have heard of obesity, the general term but never heard of abdominal obesity.  Hmm.  One guy who was concerned about a hernia because he enjoys lifting weights and exercising wanted to know how to protect himself with a 6" vertical gap between his Rectus Abdominis.  Here is what he asks:
I am a 59 yr. old male with at least a 6 inch diastasis rect running vertically down my abs.  I love lifting weights and exercising.  Do I need to get this recti fixed before it could cause a hernia or become a hernia?  One doctor told me that just repairing it would only be temporary until I started to work out again and I could tear it loose again.  Another doctor said that is not true.  You get it fixed and it will not tear loose when lifting weights. 
Who is right?  
And then a plastic surgeon from San Diego, one Michael Roark, answered him:  
I agree with the other doctors' answers, however, you can test the integrity of your muscle all by the following: lie on your back, bend your knees with feet on the floor, lift head and shoulders off the floor (do a sit up).  If you have a flat abdomen, the supporting fascial layer is intact.  If you have a large outward bulge, you should see a doctor regarding a possible hernia.  The muscle separation and extra loose skin are repaired at the same time a tummy tuck is done.  
 Oh, no, a tummy tuck!  What the hell!  Also called Abdominoplasty.  Something else one will want to know with regard to this topic, linea alba.

First . . .
a.  Lie down on the floor with both legs and both feet on the ground.  That's easy.
b.  Put both hands on the lower stomach and point fingers downward.
c.  Breathe in and out in a steady stream. 
d.  Slowly life the head and shoulders off the ground. 
e.  Press down on the lower abdomen using hands and fingers. 

Second . . . 
The more you strengthen the muscles that are involved in diastasis, the more difficult it is to divide the muscular tissue. 
a.  Lie on the ground on the back with knees bent and feet on the floor.
b.  Tighten the muscles in the lower abdomen and life your hip at the same time. 
c.  Do 10 reps or as directed.

Exercises that help repair a Recti Split.  With women, it occurs during pregnancy.  It can occur during pushing or when the abdomen expands quickly.  With men, it occurs with obesity.  As the belly grows and the pelvic floor is weak, the stomach muscles can separate.  Test to prove whether you have it or not is the same for men and for women.  This woman (her YouTube Channel is here) does a nice job of explaining the terms and what to work.  She is helpful and has a decent following. Good for her.  

She says you want to work the internal abdominal muscles, called the Transverse Abdominis.  
See her test for a Recti Split at the 4-minute mark. She says that if you detect a Recti Split that you'll need to strengthen your pelvic floor (the muscular base of your abdomen, attached to the pelvis) before you start in on any abdominal exercises.  This is a good illustration of the male urogenital system.  
Then she mentions the kegel muscles and kegel exercises before her segue into talking about her "really nice nurse."  I like her voice, and she's smart.  But perhaps, for men, you'll need something that exerts the muscles more.  That's my opinion.  You'll need to test it yourself.
#1  Starts with the Pelvic Tilt.  She recommends 2 sets of 50; 3 sets of 50 is better.  
#2  Leg Extension Heel Slide with Pelvic Tilt.  You're sliding your heel along the floor as you extend. Wow!
#3  Elevated Leg Extensions.
#4  Towel-Assisted Raises.  Wouldn't a hernia belt prove beneficial as well as the towel to keep the abdominal muscles tight?
Do this every day.  Build a good interior foundation on your abs--that's what pulls them in and flattens them out.  And that's what gives you support for your whole life.  It's also great to support your back.  Any back problems, this is a great workout.  
Okay. We'll see.  
It looks like exercise is the ticket to any kind of improvement unless you want a tummy tuck, which is not completely out of the question.  But what about food?  Can food remedies play a role in improving a rectus split?

Start with Resveratrol and Quercetin.  They help burn fat and ease the burden of weight on those stomach muscles.

IP6 will chelate the unbound iron in your bloodstream along with some calcium, zinc, and magnesium.  The benefit of this is that it helps to resolve prior injuries.  Seriously.  

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