Monday, June 6, 2016

"Bad breath is due to protein breakdown"

The following came up in an online forum on FBO, fecal body odor, and I thought you might find it interesting.
When dealing with a problem which can have various causes and is not well understood by the medical profession we can find ourselves clinging to all sorts of theories in the hope of a cure. What I've learned is that the mouth is a perfect place for harboring bacteria. In order for FBO to get from the dudenum & small intestine to the mouth it must pass through various barriers including the pyloric & cardiac sphincters as well as the stomach content and esophagus.  FBO in the mouth is highly unlikely to be caused by fecal matter in the gut.  What I have learned is the following:  
The stomach
First, I'd want to know what the pyloric and cardiac sphincters are. Google Images can fix that:
Cardiac sphincter is located at the top of the stomach.  It stops food from going back up into the esophagus.  Pyloric [sphincter] is at bottom of the stomach, it stops bile and digested food from entering the stomach.
Just as excessive bacteria in your mouth is responsible for bad breath, so is a proliferation of bacteria in your digestive tract responsible for fecal body odor.  Fixing this requires two solutions.  One, an effective antibiotic. But which bacteria are causing the odor?  Not sure?  Then try nature's most effective antibiotic, garlic.  Eat it raw or brown it in butter and incorporate it into dishes.  

Two, what can we do to keep our bodies from producing the bacteria in the first place?  Consume less red meat and animal products.  Our bodies need to produce enzymatic bacteria to help digest all the protein that we eat.  I was eating lots of protein a few weeks back.  So I stopped for a few days, eating only salads with a sprinkle of cheese.  Then I resumed the meat again and boy could I smell the difference. So if you want to bring the bad body odor to an end, you'll have to either stop or reduce your consumption of meat.  This is not an argument on behalf of PETA or vegetarians whatsoever.  I love my cow.  If I could eat it without troubling consequences I would.  But I think that our bodies produce a lot of bacteria as meat-eaters.  

Here is a preferred probiotic for leaky gut.  Not all probiotics are created equally.  Some work better on different conditions than others.  So when you search for a probiotic to address your specific condition be sure to type in a Google search also your condition if it has been diagnosed or describe the sypmtom along with "probiotic."

All cheese will immediately break down to smells within hours. In fact cheese will cause a faeces smell in your mouth. This is probably the most offensive smell you can have. This is because cheese is high in the amino acid Methionine and this amino acid breaks down to Methyl Mercaptan (faces smells). Milk also will break down to smells within hours. Milk is high in the amino acid Cysteine, and this amino acid will break down to Hydrogen Sulphide (rotten eggs smell). So if there was one food group I would tell you to eliminate right now from your diet it would be dairy. Also did you know that milk and cheese will increase the amount of mucous collecting in the back of the throat. I recommend that you use Rice Milk or Oat Milk as your dairy substitute. Sufferers of fbo should recognize that the cause may be multiple & they should list areas of the cause & come up with strategies to cater fro each area.If you are serious about tackling fbo from the mouth you could do the following:

1. Tongue Cleaning must be performed morning and night as part of your daily ritual. First you need to clean the tongue surface with a non foaming cleaning gel right to the back of the tongue. Most commercial toothpastes foam and are not designed to be tongue friendly, so choose your cleaning gel carefully. After cleaning the tongue with a non foaming gel or paste you need to use a tongue cleaner to remove all the waste product from the tongue surface. 

2. Flush the mucous from the throat every day. Mucous collecting at the back of the throat drips into the throat area and onto the gag reflex at the back of the tongue. The tongue cleaning will take care of the gag reflex, but only flushing hypertonic saline through the nose can clean the mucous collecting in the throat. The nose is the only way to get to the throat area. Anything going through the mouth only goes to the stomach. Just like you clean your teeth every day as part of your personal hygiene, you also need to flush the throat every day as a part of this hygiene routine. 

3. Review your food intake (as above). 

4. Bad breath is due to protein breakdown. Only consume carbohydrates during the day to prevent smell problems. Have proteins at night at dinner time. This seems to work fine because you will be doing a really good clean before bed to remove all the protein breakdown occurring in the mouth. Remember to do the cleaning regime just before sleep. Reducing the amount of bacteria on the tongue surface just before sleep will go a long way to eliminating morning breath when you wake the next day. 5. Don't snack during the day. Have breakfast lunch and dinner and if you are still hungry then have morning and afternoon tea. Snacking increases acids. This is regardless of whether the foods you snack on are healthy or not. It is the fact of putting food in your mouth that causes the acid. Saliva is the body's natural defence against bad breath. The more saliva you have the less of a bad breath issue you will have. Regarding fbo from the anus, this can have many causes & I don't profess to have the answers but what one can do a few things to minimize or reduce the severity.Trying something for a few days & giving up if you don't see results misses the point.Some foods for example continue to affect me days after having consumed them.What you can do is:
  • Control your weight & blood pressure.
  • Chew your food well.
  • Eat away from the tv or pc where you can be mindful of the food you eat.
  • Regular daily aerobics exercise & weights.
  • Meditation, yoga or deep relaxation.
  • Eliminate all processed foods including cakes, sweets, soda, burgers, take away, etc etc.
  • Eat fresh fruit & vegetables & limit meat intake.
  • Avoid processed meats such as hams, salami, mince & processed meats.
  • Drink plenty of water every day.
  • Avoid drugs & tobacco & limit alcohol intake.
  • Allow an hour each morning as part of your regular routine to allow time to pass your stools.
Our bodies are fragile systems which we punish everyday in a lifestyle in which we eat for taste rather than nourishment & nutrition. Many of us get by but some fall by the wayside with all kinds of symptoms.Devote yourself to doing all these things as though you are preparing for an Olympic event.It all comes down to how badly you want to improve your life.Even if this regime doesn't cure you I guarantee your symptoms will be less severe & you will have the strength to live your life. Good luck with the future. 

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