Monday, April 25, 2016

"The area of your life that is most controlled, regulated, and impacted by the government is your refrigerator." 

"Americans used to enjoy one hundred variety of apples.  Some farms offer twenty.  Today's supermarkets offer cardboard.  They are long-distanced, trucked apples, often kept in cold storage for long periods of time.  The loss of value and quality to our food supply because of the regulatory framework has been so immense and detrimental on so many levels both just from an aesthetic, enjoyment perspective what America offers culinarily in the standard grocery store and through the standard food system is appalling." 

"USDA just approved that chickens raised in America can be frozen, shipped all the way to China to be processed, then be refrozen, and then shipped all the way back to America and the label will never tell you that your chicken just enjoyed a dual transpacific flight . . . or whatever." 

"And why does the USDA and FDA not want you to know that your chicken did that, . . . at the same time a farm like [his] is only allowed to butcher a very limited number of chickens on farm under the governmental regulations.  Like the Prime Act introduced by Congressman Massie." 

"Why is beef from New Zealand cheaper than beef from his next door neighbor?  It's the insanely biased regulatory structure . . . ." 

The area of your life that is most controlled, regulated, and impacted by the government is your refrigerator and what's inside it.  There is no area of American life that is as twisted and out of sorts as our diets and our farming system and it's all because of the government.  Government subsidies, government regulations, so many different things.  You'll find an organization whose goal is to restore farm and food freedom."

Farm to Consumer.

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