Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Be Careful With That Candy, Cake, and Cola

What's interesting is that certain health conditions get the lion's share of attention--heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and others.  But perhaps the most important organ for over all health is your liver.  Keep that in good shape, don't destroy or interrupt its functions and you should do well for many, many years aging gracefully for many, many more.  This 30-second video is good because at the end it points to how destructive sugar is on the liver. 

Sugar is the main food that most kids eat.  It is the source they rely on for energy, when in fact the best and better source of energy is fat.  Not trans fats, but saturated fats.  These do not need to be consumed in massive amounts; just in meals.  They can be consumed as a snack.  See coconut butter.  It is tasty stuff.  

Sugar on the other hand is ubiquitous.  And it is in foods that demonize fats.  Sugar is in all of their cereals.  It's in pancakes or the syrup they use on the pancakes.  It's in their snacks, sugary yogurt.  It's in their sodas.  And in their juice.  I'd be amazed if any kid can escape sugar or corn syrup.  THAT would be a real story.  But where is the fat--the bacon, eggs, butter, coconut butter, cream, whole milk?  Imagine a good twenty years before kids begin to review their score of years of sugar consumption.  Is it too late?  I don't know. Somebody's made lots of money off of that addiction.  But I do know that 20 years of regular sugar consumption will and does take a toll on your organs, particularly your liver.  It's why 35 year-old adults feel tired and develop chronic fatigue.  Oh, boy, and if these adults defer their understanding of their chronic fatigue to a doctor who prescribes (pushes, more like it) pharmaceuticals, a euphemism for chemicals, they they're in for a wild ride through Big Pharma.  So after twenty years, these adults are looking to retrieve the energies that were lost to a sugary diet.  Why not take care now.  Look at your liver as your most important organ for aging and living well.  Avoid sugar and you won't to be prescribed a score of different drugs to keep certain conditions in check.  

Protect your liver.  

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