Wednesday, April 23, 2014

ObamaCare:  Costs and a Way Out

Nestmann covers some good points regarding Obamacare.  I figure anybody reviewing the literature on that law is courageous.  Here he reviews the costs to him personally and what the source of those costs are as well a way out from underneath Obamacare if you prefer to seek healthcare in your own way and with your own provider.

"One big reason health insurance has become so expensive is that not enough young and healthy people have signed up for Obamacare. That saddles older folks with higher premiums – even though proponents claimed this wouldn’t be a problem. Sound familiar?"

Okay, so not enough younger folks are signing up for Obamacare.  That is good.  But the political good means a personal cost to those whose healthcare comes under the mandates of Obamacare.

Nestmann continues:
". . . my monthly health insurance premium recently increased by 25%. And my agent predicts that at the end of 2014 my premium will double." 

Obamacare is pricey.

And restrictive:
"Can’t you just purchase a high-deductible insurance policy and pay for medical care out of my pocket like I used to? Nope. The high-deductible policy I used to have is no longer Obamacare compliant. And it’s a big no-no to have a non-compliant policy. If you have a very low income, you’re looking at a $95 fine. Otherwise, you get penalized 1% of your taxable income. That penalty increases to 2% in 2015 and 2.5% in 2016."

This is why Obamacare is law--to take more of the taxpayers' money.  So, Obamacare is pricey.  It's restrictive.  And it's absurd:

"Another reason Obamacare policies cost more is that they must provide a mandated set of benefits – some of them surprising. I just received a letter from my insurance carrier informing me that I was now covered for reconstructive surgery after mastectomy (breast removal). That’s great, but mastectomy is performed only in the event of breast cancer –and 99% of the victims are female."

Nestmann concludes that there is a way to exempt yourself from Obamacare: 
"There is, of course, one solution available by which you can not only opt out of Obamacare, but also out of US tax, health care, and other laws . . . permanently. That solution is expatriation – giving up your US citizenship and passport.

Yes, it’s a radical step – one that you shouldn’t take without a great deal of advance preparation and, yes, soul-searching. But it’s the only way to permanently sever your obligations to your Big Brother in Washington, DC."

So, there is a way to exempt oneself from Obamacare if you're so moved.  But you will have to move and surrender your citizenship.  So, next year when someone asks, "Oh, where is that accent from, you'll be saying, 'Southern Italy.'"

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