Monday, March 17, 2014

Top Ten Reasons It Makes Sense Not to Enroll in Obamacare
By Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D., of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

The entire article is here.

1) The Obamacare health insurance policies cost significantly more – likely more than the penalty (tax). Most people can expect to see their premiums double.

2) The Obamacare health-insurance policies limit your choice of doctors.

3) The Obamacare health-insurance policies limit your choice of hospitals. For example, several major state-of-the-art, internationally known cancer treatment centers are excluded.

4) Your out-of-pocket costs will skyrocket, with the new Obamacare health-insurance policies doubling and tripling the deductibles you must pay before coverage will kick in.

5) Your medical privacy is lost when you enroll, and your medical information becomes controlled by government agencies.

6) Your personal financial and health information may be seriously compromised by the security flaws in the website.

7) You are at risk of identity theft by providing your personal information to the “Obamacare navigators,” a significant number of whom have been found to have criminal backgrounds.

8) Enrolling in the Obamacare health exchange may lead to compromises of your Second Amendment rights, as medical databases collect information on gun ownership.

9) Obamacare enrollees are finding it difficult or impossible to cancel their plan if they find a better option.

10) Obamacare policies are basically “managed care” with limitations on your options – and financial incentives for your doctor to restrict your care.

(h/t Robert Wenzel)

Okay, so the above list consists of 10 good reasons to opt out, but what of the penalties?  Is it worth it, penalty-wise and financially, to opt out?  You can avoid the penalties by filing for exemptions.  The HHS offers 14 exemptions. Claim yours here.  Dr. Gary North had the skinny on these exemptions.  See his comments below.

14 Loopholes: How to Opt Out of ObamaCare Legally

Gary North--March 18, 2014

The Democrats in the Senate see what's coming in November. They pressured the Obama administration to get them off the hook for ObamaCare. HHS complied--sort of.

The HHS created an opt-out form. It exempts 14 categories of people from the obligation of paying the fine. One category is this: your policy was canceled, but you cannot find a low-cost alternative. You don't have to prove this.

Then HHS buried the exemption form. It is hard to find.

The Wall Street Journal found out about this form. It called the public's attention to the existence of this form, but it did not post its URL.

A contact of mine found it. I am posting it here, where it cannot be buried even deeper.

The Obama administration is playing games. It is playing games with Senate Democrats: "We complied. Now you're off the hook, sort of." It plays games with the public: "We're giving you an escape hatch, if you can find it. Lots of luck!"

No one will be satisfied with this, come November. ObamaCare is the concrete blocks around the Democrats' feet. They know it. The Democrats' defeat last week in the special election in Florida was the warning bell. The Republican ran a poor campaign, but he won. He hammered the Democrat on ObamaCare.

Maureen Dowd of the New York Times wrote this.
Brown jumping in was just one blast of bad news for Democrats. They also lost a special election last Tuesday in Florida by a hair, a defeat David Plouffe called "a screaming siren." Alex Sink, a promising candidate, sank after she could not overcome the blast of ads linking her to President Barack Obama and his health care law.
Republicans had been so worried about losing the Florida election that they prematurely trashed their own candidate, a former lobbyist named David Jolly, telling Politico that his campaign was a Keystone Kops operation.
The law is a political disaster for the Democrats at this point. They have until November to reverse the voters' perception of the law.

Obama's solution so far is to offer delays on implementation. But if the Democrats lose the Senate in November, Obama will be under tremendous pressure to keep delaying implementation, for the sake of the 2016 election.

Meanwhile, people who were sent policy-rejection notices, but who don't know about the exemption, will be looking for revenge in November.

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