Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Okay, I just figured out how to take care of the kidneys.  
Here's a story.  I eat a lot of meat, and I prefer meat with lots of fat.  It fortifies me.  The only problem is that in my case, I tend to put on weight.  I don't exercise like I should or like I did.  I used to play basketball three times week.  But a stress fracture in my foot caused that foot to swell into a football and it has been touch and go ever since.  So no more basketball.  I've always accepted that advice that plenty of protein will help you rebuild.  And it does. Cannot deny that.  Protein is also a great energy source.  I cannot and will not deny that.  But I tend to eat too much protein--cheese, steak, rotisserie chicken, spare ribs, bacon, eggs, raw milk--I love it all.  But my meals and my diet are not balanced.  And though I may only eat once or even twice a day, my diet is overloaded with protein.  And this make my kidneys tired and sluggish.  I don't eat vegetables with any regularity, or at least I didn't.  I do now.  And for the last week I've been eating raw kale, carrots, and Swiss chard.  I have been sluggish and overweight for a very long time.  For at least two years.  I've also been more sedentary during that same period because of a new kind of work.  It makes plenty of sense as I read it, process it, and learn it.  I have felt my kidneys laboring, pulsing in my lower back as though it were on its last pulse.  Blurp . . . blurp . . . blurp.  But in this past week from eating raw kale, carrots, and Swiss chard and drinking more water, I have for the first time in well over two years felt my kidneys working vigorously, pumping blood down to my feet and up into my head.  Over this period my feet have frequently felt numb.  I attributed it to getting older.  Same with my hands.  Numb at different times of the day and on certain parts of my hand.  Now I have greater sensation all across my body.  I love the incredible focus and energy and ease with which tasks and ideas come to me.  I am appreciative, but more than that is that I figured out how to solve a chronic condition.  At least for me!  The information below corroborates only what I've recently been doing with my diet.  It's worth a look.  A lot of people, including myself, are interested in the Paleo Diet.  But it doesn't mean eating all meat or mostly meat.  Oh, one other thing in my diet that I would consume regularly throughout the day is coffee.  I am giving that a break.

1.  Consumption of pure water is the delicacy of the kidney, as it helps remove harmful toxins and fats easily and without work. You should drink a day at least 2 liters of pure water, but if you eat high protein or salty foods, you must add two more glasses. If you don’t do this, your kidneys will be among the first to resent. If you want to keep your kidneys healthy, free of infections and diseases, drinking water is the base. People with more severe problems which can’t pee and are very swollen should avoid drinking water. If you have stones, drink bicarbonate water, which prevents the formation or enlargement of uric acid kidney stones, which cause cramps and other problems resulting from kidney failure.

2.  Watermelon: healing fruit and best ally of the kidney because of its high water content and its juice, which helps cleansing the tissues and blood. If you're going to eat watermelon, choose a cool and do not store more than two days as it often oxidize rapidly.

3.  Diuretic Foods: such as grapes, artichokes, apples, pineapple, etc. If you suffer from any condition of the liver, put on a diet one day eating only watermelon, grapes or apples and pure water. This diet helps fight stones.

4.  Carrot: an excellent vegetable cleansing, helps restore and nourish the kidney tissues.

5.  Dandelion is considered one of the best home remedies for the kidneys. 

6.  Parsley is an excellent remedy for the kidneys, strengthens and prevents the occurrence of stones. 

7.  Green nettle is also a very good remedy for the kidneys. Put a tablespoon of herb in a cup of pure water boiling and simmer for 15 minutes. Turn off and let stand another 5 minutes. Strain and drink one cup fasting three days a week, you will feel great. 

8.  St. Nicholas (Chrysactinia mexicana): use the stem and leaves, is an excellent diuretic. 

9.  Horsetail (Equisetum robustum): is a plant stimulant and a diuretic for the kidneys, recommended for treating kidney stones, gallstones, inflammation and urinary tract infections and in case of fluid retention. These are generally all the problems of kidney and urinary tract. 

10. Stonebreaker: it has diuretic and tonic for the urinary bladder, helps to dissolve all kinds of kidney stones. 

11. Guazima flower (Pithecellobiun): its flowers have applications for liver and kidney. 

12. Arnica: if you have suffered a severe blow in the kidney and only want to help you recover from the injury, it is best arnica, either in cream or taking arnica tea infusions.

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