Sunday, December 1, 2013

Powerhouse Greens: Swiss Chard, Kale, Collards, & Spinach

When it comes to your health you have to take a more serious, committed approach to regaining strength, energy, equilibrium, and vigor.  Eating sugars over time may have a deleterious effect on your immunity, on your energy, and on muscle integrity.  Fruits are one form of sugar.  But the anti-oxidant benefits of fruit outweigh the intake of sugars, right?  It depends.  Each fruit and fruit company have done an excellent job at marketing their product. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" so goes Washington state's apple industry.  We're told over and over again that you need and that you get your potassium from bananas.  Okay.  Why do we need potassium?  Energy?  To stave off radiation?  Not sure.  But I know we need it.  Because we were told that we need it.  And not only do you get Vitamin C from oranges but you also get sunshine, particularly from Florida oranges.  But perhaps the most powerhoused food would be dense green leafy vegetables.  We're told about Brussels sprouts, which are not a leafy vegetable but a cruciferous vegetable.  Vegetables like kale, swiss chard, collard greens, and spinach are powerhouse vegetables.  And you know this.  If you're looking to rebuild, then eat these powerhouse vegetables with fat and cholesterol and protein. 

Swiss Chard.  Consume this.

Kale.  Consume this.

Collard Greens.  Consume this.

Spinach.  Consume this.

Also note that that old stand-by, broccoli, is quite good at removing radiation from your body.  "In the 1950's and 1960's, experiments were done, particularly by the United States Army, showing that the consumption of broccoli and other dark green vegetables protects a body from radiation damage to a surprising degree. This led to further research into the most common factor of such vegetation: chlorophyll."

Annette Larkins, 70, who eats raw vegan is proof one of the benefits of eating raw vegetables. I have experienced and heard similar complaints about meats being unhealthy, yet I like my bacon, sausage, steak, fish, and chicken. But maybe there are times when cutting back or abstaining from meats periodically might actually be healthful and energetic. I know that when I eat a plate or bowlful of raw vegetables that my energy soars, my system gets cleaned out, and I am more alert. But you'll have to test and judge for yourself. But I definitely think that eating vegetables raw has benefits over eating them cooked. Eating raw vegetables means eating salads.

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