Last night I was reading an article about anti-depressants and learned that the Eli Lily drug, Prozac, is made of fluoxetine hydrochloride. That's right, fluoride, that toxic and notorious nerve destroyer. Prozac is bad, though the pharmaceutical companies and their shills will celebrate its virtuous and harmless effects. This stuff is not harmless. Read the article just above that I linked. If you're not feeling yourself and you want a quick fix, reach for food. But never, never, never surrender self-ownership and stewardship of your condition over to doctors who are essentially drug dealers for the pharmaceuticals, like DOW, Pfizer, GKSmith, Monsanto, and others. It's not worth it. In fact, you will come to regret as that gentleman has in the article. If you want to feel better, reach for pineapple. If you want to feel better reach for a piece of cheese. Get some good fats into your system, even bad fats which are certainly less harmful than Prozac, which is essentially a chemically-induced blunt trauma. Don't do these things to yourself. To your body, your good, strong body, be gentle. If you are looking to rebuild or repair or restore nerve impairment, there may be no better medicine to achieve that result than a little light exercise.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Last night I was reading an article about anti-depressants and learned that the Eli Lily drug, Prozac, is made of fluoxetine hydrochloride. That's right, fluoride, that toxic and notorious nerve destroyer. Prozac is bad, though the pharmaceutical companies and their shills will celebrate its virtuous and harmless effects. This stuff is not harmless. Read the article just above that I linked. If you're not feeling yourself and you want a quick fix, reach for food. But never, never, never surrender self-ownership and stewardship of your condition over to doctors who are essentially drug dealers for the pharmaceuticals, like DOW, Pfizer, GKSmith, Monsanto, and others. It's not worth it. In fact, you will come to regret as that gentleman has in the article. If you want to feel better, reach for pineapple. If you want to feel better reach for a piece of cheese. Get some good fats into your system, even bad fats which are certainly less harmful than Prozac, which is essentially a chemically-induced blunt trauma. Don't do these things to yourself. To your body, your good, strong body, be gentle. If you are looking to rebuild or repair or restore nerve impairment, there may be no better medicine to achieve that result than a little light exercise.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Energy of American Ginseng
American ginseng stimulates, and Chinese ginseng calms. I really liked this chart here of the benefits of ginseng. It gives cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy more energy. You can purchase ginseng root in root form or in capsule form. If you purchase the root form, you'll need to prepare it. So, how does one prepare ginseng root? I mean it is not like ginger, which you can eat directly or added to meat and other dishes specifically to enhance the flavor. Ginseng can be added to soups or boiled to make tea. This is the version I would consume it in, for you can add some honey to enhance the flavor. Other alternatives, if you're ambitious enough, are to use the root as an infusion to oils or honeys and other liquids, vodkas even.
American ginseng stimulates, and Chinese ginseng calms. I really liked this chart here of the benefits of ginseng. It gives cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy more energy. You can purchase ginseng root in root form or in capsule form. If you purchase the root form, you'll need to prepare it. So, how does one prepare ginseng root? I mean it is not like ginger, which you can eat directly or added to meat and other dishes specifically to enhance the flavor. Ginseng can be added to soups or boiled to make tea. This is the version I would consume it in, for you can add some honey to enhance the flavor. Other alternatives, if you're ambitious enough, are to use the root as an infusion to oils or honeys and other liquids, vodkas even.
Where Is the Outrage?
I started this blog to post the benefits of food in restoring health and vigor. I did this in part for my family and for my friends in case they preferred turning to food to restore them. And for most of us, any ailment represents a ratio of health. We're only so healthy as our immune system. If it is 80% functioning, then that 20% of poor function puts our health at risk for something slight--a fever, aches and pains, joint stiffness, whatnot. So with food we try to tinker with percentages. We eat spinach, kale, or chard along with a piece of chicken or beef, and we increase that percentage from 80% to 85% even after a single meal. If we incorporate healthy meals into our daily lives, we can increase the strength of our immune system from 80 or 85% to 90 or 95%. For healthy people, we work with percentages; truthfully, we all work with percentages. But imagine people, kids, without the 80% or even 70% of their immune system working. Imagine the children of Iraq.
A world far from ours. Or so it seems. It's the appalling story of depleted uranium on the mothers, the fathers, and the babies in Iraq. The Pentagon and everyone and anyone in the weapons industry knows of the health hazards of depleted uranium on human health. They know. But the deny the effects, so that they can go about their murderous ways. The hatred and the fear that was so easily generated by the U. S. war propaganda against Iraq back in 2003 was appalling. And the American television put the war of "Shock and Awe" on air as though it were a summer and national blockbuster enjoyed endlessly and comfortably from the living room of one's home. We saw bombs bursting and rockets' red glare, an image that fit right in with our anthem. Though we could imagine far worse devastation, we would not learn of the depleted uranium until afterwards. And learn we did. It kills people. Not right away. The death is a slow one. The death is a painful one. And as the U.S. is guilty of war crimes around the world and throughout history, those who conducted the war remain anonymous. Those who destroyed the holy cities of Fallujah and Najah are protected and off the radar. Here we are half way through 2013, and the effects of war in Fallujah and Najah and throughout Iraq are still felt. But don't all cities, with the exception of Washington, D.C., have some aspects that are holy?
A world far from ours. Or so it seems. It's the appalling story of depleted uranium on the mothers, the fathers, and the babies in Iraq. The Pentagon and everyone and anyone in the weapons industry knows of the health hazards of depleted uranium on human health. They know. But the deny the effects, so that they can go about their murderous ways. The hatred and the fear that was so easily generated by the U. S. war propaganda against Iraq back in 2003 was appalling. And the American television put the war of "Shock and Awe" on air as though it were a summer and national blockbuster enjoyed endlessly and comfortably from the living room of one's home. We saw bombs bursting and rockets' red glare, an image that fit right in with our anthem. Though we could imagine far worse devastation, we would not learn of the depleted uranium until afterwards. And learn we did. It kills people. Not right away. The death is a slow one. The death is a painful one. And as the U.S. is guilty of war crimes around the world and throughout history, those who conducted the war remain anonymous. Those who destroyed the holy cities of Fallujah and Najah are protected and off the radar. Here we are half way through 2013, and the effects of war in Fallujah and Najah and throughout Iraq are still felt. But don't all cities, with the exception of Washington, D.C., have some aspects that are holy?
"No End In Sight," Iraq documentary by Charles Ferguson.
My question is, "Why did it take so long for the Norwegian delegation to learn of this?" For the world has known about depleted uranium and its crushing effects on human health for years. Have you seen the documentary Beyond Treason or The Hidden Wars of Desert Storm, both of which describe the criminal health effects from that first invasion? There were so many lies surrounding this first Gulf War of 1990. The U.S. government called it Operation Iraqi Liberation.
Here is Beyond Treason, released in 2005. NB: graphic images.
Here is Beyond Treason, released in 2005. NB: graphic images.
The Hidden Wars of Desert Storm, released in 2001. In the second half of this documentary, which I saw for the first time in a showing at Cal Tech Institute in Pasadena back in 2001 with local artist, Steve Hardy, there is some disturbing images of children deformed by the bombing and by the depleted uranium.
Again, what took the Norwegian delegation so long?
Then there was the Iraq War of 2003, launched by Bush, initially titled "Operation Iraq Liberation." The acronym, O.I.L., was not lost on anybody, so the administration altered the title of the campaign to "Operation Iraqi Freedom," blunting the goal of greed inherent in war.
Then there was the Iraq War of 2003, launched by Bush, initially titled "Operation Iraq Liberation." The acronym, O.I.L., was not lost on anybody, so the administration altered the title of the campaign to "Operation Iraqi Freedom," blunting the goal of greed inherent in war.
Sunday, July 21, 2013

I have used Epsom Salts for almost all post-athletic activity baths. Not any more. Basic table salt does the trick. It is fantastic. A friend explained that the salt removes fluids from interstitial areas (area between the cells) and keep the electrolytes in tact within your cells. Good to know. Haven't verified that yet, but good to know. Table salt is the best. If you suffer from insomnia, take a table salts bath at night. If you suffer from bloating or swelling, take a table salts bath. You'll wake up feeling thinner with your muscles and organs more cohesive. You will enjoy a table salts bath. Now, if you have a specific condition, I cannot comment on that.
Over the years the magnesium sulfate salts have relaxed my muscles. But there is one aspect of the Epsom Salts that I don't like. It leaves me feeling dehydrated or a little dry. Just slightly. And it's only on the surface of my skin. A friend suggested that I add baking soda to the Epsom Salts bath. So I did. The result was that it left my skin soft. But soft skin is really not my problem. If I had a case of eczema that would be different.
I have used Epsom Salts for almost all post-athletic activity baths. Not any more. Basic table salt does the trick. It is fantastic. A friend explained that the salt removes fluids from interstitial areas (area between the cells) and keep the electrolytes in tact within your cells. Good to know. Haven't verified that yet, but good to know. Table salt is the best. If you suffer from insomnia, take a table salts bath at night. If you suffer from bloating or swelling, take a table salts bath. You'll wake up feeling thinner with your muscles and organs more cohesive. You will enjoy a table salts bath. Now, if you have a specific condition, I cannot comment on that.
Over the years the magnesium sulfate salts have relaxed my muscles. But there is one aspect of the Epsom Salts that I don't like. It leaves me feeling dehydrated or a little dry. Just slightly. And it's only on the surface of my skin. A friend suggested that I add baking soda to the Epsom Salts bath. So I did. The result was that it left my skin soft. But soft skin is really not my problem. If I had a case of eczema that would be different.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Free Lunches in India Kill 21 Children
Here is the story of the 1984 Bhopal Disaster. And here is Dr. Vandana Shiva's website.
Here is the that Dr. Shiva refers to, and the Gardens-of-Hope.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Tumeric Tackles Cancer and Other Ailments
I have been incorporating tumeric into my desserts. I sprinkle some on my plain yogurt and add a diced Granny Smith apple or pineapple. In the last few days, I've been getting significant amounts of tumeric in my diet and system. I've been supplementing with tumeric as well. And I am not sure whether it in combination with the fish oils is providing my overall sense of well-being and minor weight loss and lighter feelings in my lower legs, but I believe that this stuff is 80 to 90% responsible for my increased energy. Yee-haw!! What I have noticed is that it wakes up my digestive system and intestines. I feel a lot more energy in my got that registers down through my legs and up through my chest. I like the effect. I will continue with tumeric for as long as I benefit from it. One last word, the tumeric seems to have a stimulating effect on my thyroid. Would be nice if it could restore my thyroid. One day at a time . . . one day at a time.

Here is a list of the health benefits of tumeric. You will be amazed.
Natural anti-inflammatory.
Natural anti-biotic (so is garlic).
Natural anti-septic.
Natural analgesic.
Speeds up wound healing.
Improves digestion.
Blood purifier.
Strengthens ligaments.
Skin tonic.
Helps coughs.
Improves asthma
Slows progression of MS.

Helps prevent gas/bloating.
Lowers cholesterol.
Heals stomach ulcers.
Improves skin conditions
(psoriasis, eczema, etc.)
Helps prevent cancer (breast, prostate, skin, colon, lymphoma, leukemia)
Prevents progression of Alzheimer's
Aids in fat metabolism and weight management
Reduces side effects of chemotherapy.
A recent article over at Natural News covers some of the benefits of tumeric. It seems like tumeric's greatest or most intense benefit is its capacity to turn off cancers. Author, Simard, points out that tumeric reduces" Mucosal ulceration, thickening of the intestinal walls or the emergence of inflammatory cells [in lab rats]. Researchers aren't sure how this process occurs but they suspect curcumin hinders the activity of a cellular inflammatory component named NF kappa-B."
For more evidence that tumeric causes colon cancer cells to self-destruct, see this.
Here is a list of the health benefits of tumeric. You will be amazed.
Natural anti-inflammatory.
Natural anti-biotic (so is garlic).
Natural anti-septic.
Natural analgesic.
Speeds up wound healing.
Improves digestion.
Blood purifier.
Strengthens ligaments.
Skin tonic.
Helps coughs.
Improves asthma
Slows progression of MS.
Helps prevent gas/bloating.
Lowers cholesterol.
Heals stomach ulcers.
Improves skin conditions
(psoriasis, eczema, etc.)
Helps prevent cancer (breast, prostate, skin, colon, lymphoma, leukemia)
Prevents progression of Alzheimer's
Aids in fat metabolism and weight management
Reduces side effects of chemotherapy.
A recent article over at Natural News covers some of the benefits of tumeric. It seems like tumeric's greatest or most intense benefit is its capacity to turn off cancers. Author, Simard, points out that tumeric reduces" Mucosal ulceration, thickening of the intestinal walls or the emergence of inflammatory cells [in lab rats]. Researchers aren't sure how this process occurs but they suspect curcumin hinders the activity of a cellular inflammatory component named NF kappa-B."
For more evidence that tumeric causes colon cancer cells to self-destruct, see this.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Jeffrey M. Smith, GMO Expert
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