The bitter rind of cucumbers chases ants away. Much better option than those toxic sprays can linger for hours and leave a nauseating air.

You can add other ingredients to cucumber rind to make the chase of the critters even more hurried. Here are a few amazing takeaways from the article linked in the previous sentence:
". . . keep crawling pests, such as ants, out. These include garlic – grind it up with water and apply – cayenne pepper, cinnamon, powdered charcoal, bone meal, talcum powder or chalk. Keep in mind that different pests have different aversions, so you’ll have to see what substance works best with the ones trying to sneak into your home."
"Boiling water is excellent for ant control or if you see where they are creeping into your house, squeeze some lemon into the hole or crack."
"If you don’t want to spread sugar around your house, boric acid, about as toxic to us as table salt, is naturally occurring and is another way to kill roaches dead." I've had great success with boric acid to shoo roaches.
"Baking soda and powdered sugar mixed in equal parts is a good roach killer."
"Cloves smell better than moth balls and are a natural deterrent against winged pests."
"Grind rosemary leaves into a fine dust and sprinkle it onto your pet or its bedding to ward off fleas." And my guess is that their memory and temperament would improve as a result.
You can add other ingredients to cucumber rind to make the chase of the critters even more hurried. Here are a few amazing takeaways from the article linked in the previous sentence:
". . . keep crawling pests, such as ants, out. These include garlic – grind it up with water and apply – cayenne pepper, cinnamon, powdered charcoal, bone meal, talcum powder or chalk. Keep in mind that different pests have different aversions, so you’ll have to see what substance works best with the ones trying to sneak into your home."
"Boiling water is excellent for ant control or if you see where they are creeping into your house, squeeze some lemon into the hole or crack."
"If you don’t want to spread sugar around your house, boric acid, about as toxic to us as table salt, is naturally occurring and is another way to kill roaches dead." I've had great success with boric acid to shoo roaches.
"Baking soda and powdered sugar mixed in equal parts is a good roach killer."
"Cloves smell better than moth balls and are a natural deterrent against winged pests."
"Grind rosemary leaves into a fine dust and sprinkle it onto your pet or its bedding to ward off fleas." And my guess is that their memory and temperament would improve as a result.