Friday, February 10, 2023

Bromelain shrinks tumors. Bromelain & NAC, the combo, destroys spike proteins

U.S. Department of Defense and other Governments around the world Conspired with Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen to defraud the world

It was a military operation?  Yep.  And our own government conspired to kill tens of thousands of people, tens of thousands Americans.  Are you surprised?  

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Eat functional foods. Avoid seed oils. Eat grass-fed beef, butter, and pastured raised eggs

Such a sweet gal.  And beautiful.   

Ask your local butcher, ask your local steakhouse: "Is the beef you source for your cuts vaccinated beef"? Then ask for proof

For those who don’t know who Seymour Hersh is. He’s no “blogger”—he’s the last investigative journalist.

Here is Sy Hersh's article. It is funny to see the legacy media rush to discredit Hersh's expose and indictment of Biden, his White House, including the   Unites States Navy, by calling the last of investigative journalists a blogger and his article at Substack a blog.