Thursday, January 19, 2023

Greta Thunberg showing some heart. But doesn't look good for her future going forward . . .

NHS DIRECTOR CONFIRMS: Hospitals lied about Cause of Death to create illusion of COVID Pandemic.

Protestors "in the Capitol (and in DC) on Jan 6 had never been there and didn’t know where they were going"

At the 41-second mark, the protestor realizes where he is at.  Doesn't sound like the protest was the product of some grand plan the way that Pelosi and the J6 Committee characterized them.   

She knew she would get wiped out in the next election due to her totalitarian policies during Covid. Instead of facing the voters, she is running.

Why Does Trump Defend the Vaccines? I Thought People Already Had Natural Immunity.

So much of politics is about subterfuge which requires deceiving the public, even if their overall plan benefits the public in some way.  But we might be hard-pressed to find examples of that.  So the flip-flopping is standard fare in politics.  That is not excusing it, and that is not suggesting that anyone be ethically okay with it if it serves a "higher purpose."  Lying is lying is lying is lying.  

Trump says that he "got the FDA to do things that . . . it was pretty amazing what we were able to do" but doesn't finish his sentence.  He doesn't finish it, because does he really have the authority over the FDA to tell them what to do with regard to a company's product and mandate that it be distributed pronto?  It suggests undue influence if so.    

But Trump has a terrible record, at least since taking office in 2017, on vaccines.  He's been pro-vaccine from Day 1.  When COVID struck, Trump was paraded about in his presidential limousine giving a thumbs-up to the treatment he received at Walter Reed Army Hospital for having caught COVID.  

So let's say that he's not a scientist or a virologist, so nobody will fight him for being wrong on that score.  But when you start recommending it to millions of people and putting them at risk because you don't know the product or its effects or its design, that does not exonerate your role in mass murder.  So when Trump says that he saved millions of lives, quite the contrary is true.  And the hospitals have doctored the results to such a degree that it makes it harder to know what people actually died of.  The media has adopted the phrase "Died suddenly" as a diagnosis and the hospitals may offer heart attack or thrombosis without ever pointing to the cause for which everybody knows the cause.