Saturday, December 17, 2022

We're going to need a bigger dictionary

Kathryn Edwards . . . remember her name.

It's easy to think of the mistakes, screw-ups, failures, even crimes of the pharmaceutical industrial complex as just a loosely banded bums or keystone cops. Conflict of interest is the operating principle of big medicine. 

ICANDECIDE explains:

Of the original five members, we knew of one early on because a CBS article revealed in September 2020, apparently by mistake, the inclusion of Kathryn Edwards, MD, a professor at Vanderbilt University. In case you missed our earlier briefing about her, here’s a brief recap: She was a paid advisor to Pfizer directly before joining the DSMB. She has also received payments, speaking fees, or funding from numerous pharmaceutical companies, including Moderna, Merck, and Smith-Kline Beecham, while Sanofi provided her with trips to Paris, Dublin, Amsterdam, and Cancun, among other destinations. Nice work if you can get it!

But surely she would be forthcoming about all such connections, right? Well, in her July 2020 presentation to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), titled COVID‑19 Vaccine Safety Considerations, the conflict conveniently was never disclosed despite the fact that she had been on a COVID-19 DSMB for over 3 months at that point!

Now, we finally have the names of the other DSMB members too. But before we look at them, here’s a reminder of what NIAID director Anthony Fauci, told an interviewer in September 2020. The DSMBs, he said, are “beholden to no one, not to the president, not to the vaccine companies, not to the FDA. Not to me.”

Well, this certainly doesn’t stand up in the case of Kathryn Edwards, but how accurate is Fauci’s pronouncement when it comes to the other members of Pfizer’s DSMB reviewing vaccine trial data? Here’s a thumbnail sketch: 

Continue reading . . .

Friday, December 16, 2022



Which FLCCC Protocol Should I Use? Use this easy guide to find out!

Here is the post-vaccine protocol, but be sure to check out the protocol that applies to your situation or that of your loved one. 


it is never necessary to set up one disease in a healthy organism to protect against another; that such procedure is an appalling violation of the basic principles of hygiene and sanitary science . . . Dr. J. W. Hodge

Eleanor McBean's books are: 

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations, Eleanor McBean, 2021.  Originally published in 1988.  Also, the full text is online free at Educate--Yourself

Vaccines: The Biggest Medical Fraud in History, Eleanor McBean, 2022.

The Hidden Dangers in Polio Vaccine, Eleanor McBean, 1956.

Swine Flu Expose, Eleanor McBean, 1976.

Poisoned Needle, Eleanor McBean, 1974.

Here is an interesting series of statements from Dr. Hodge who is quoted in The Poisoned Needle.   

Dr. J. W. Hodge, who wrote The Vaccination Superstition: Prophylaxis to Be Realized Through the Attainment of Health, Not by the Propagation of Disease; Can Vaccination Produce Syphilis? [which you can also find free online], wrote the following:

After a careful consideration of the history of vaccination gleaned from an impartial and comprehensive study of vital statistics, and pertinent data from every reliable source and after an experience derived from having vaccinated 3,000 subjects, I am firmly convinced that vaccination cannot be shown to have any logical relation to the diminution of cases of smallpox, and —

1 — That the practice of vaccination has been the means of disseminating some of the most fatal and loathsome diseases, such as leprosy, syphilis, tetanus and tuberculosis;

2 — That vaccination is not only useless, but positively injurious; of protecting its subjects from contagion of smallpox, it actually renders them  more susceptible to it by depressing the vital power and diminishing natural resistance;

3 — That immunity from all diseases is to be realized through the attainment of health, not by the propagation of disease;

4 — That it is never necessary to set up one disease in a healthy organism to protect against another; that such procedure is an appalling violation of the basic principles of hygiene and sanitary science;

5 — That the performance of the vaccine operation in the very nature of the case, violates the cardinal precepts of modern aseptic surgery, the aim of which is to exclude the products of disease from the organism, and never to introduce them;

6 — That there is no evidence worthy of the name, on record, to prove that vaccination either prevents or mitigates smallpox;

7 — That many healthy children have died from the effects of vaccination;

8 — That millions of vaccinated people have died of confluent smallpox while having the plainest vaccine scars on their bodies;

9 — That smallpox epidemics invariably attack the vaccinated first;

10 — That smallpox follows closely upon flagrant violation of the laws of health, hygiene and sanitation . . .