Wednesday, June 15, 2022


This is 3 hours long. Who has the time?  Listen to what you can, and you will learn a lot about the importance of Niacin and its flush and how it helps to expel toxins from the cells.  

The Niacin flush creates a thermogenesis response.  Your body needs energy to detox.  Inflammation over accumulates which uses up the Butyrate into down-regulation into silencing of this Niacin GPR 109A receptor.  Niacin should be used for Parkinson's too.

The niacin flush is anti-inflammation, a cooling down, a release if kinetic heat energy out of the system. It's not as hot there as it was before, The flush is literally blood-clot killing.  This is the first level of anti-inflammatory actions. 

If you're not tackling the inflammation, oxidative stress, if you don't clean that out with homeostasis metabolism that excess energy from the cells, it's going to accumulate and the more the cells fail.  With COVID, it's a rapid, complete phenotypic shift of energy.  The Niacin receptor informs how much Niacin you need.  Could be 10 years of little mini-COVIDs or one big COVID exposure.  If you don't tackle that inflammation, it leads to cellular failure.  If you want to get the inflammation out of your cells, you can only get out ehat it is signaling through its receptor. It's limited by the cells failing and not being able to signal as much.  

11:00. You talked about the first flush is so intense because

Where is the butyrate coming from, the colon rather than being systemically activated?  Rather than immune activation, you have butyrate being used as the primary tool.  Colonic Butyrate fuels the whole endothelium system.  Modulates systemic inflammation by the GPR 109A receptor. Intestinal homeostasis keeps butyrate in abundance.  Probiotics maintain GPR 109A in abundance.  Accumulative insults and over-accumulation of energy degrade butyrate, GPR 109A receptors, gut lining, etc. 

Kats' emphasis on niacin is different that what the mainstream says about niacin.  You need Niacin to make NAD, necessary for energy metabolism.  Molecules like NAADP get brushed into a secondary or tertiary line of importance.  GPR109A activates the flushing response.  People are trying to boost their NAD levels.  Institute of Medicine on niacin where they established the RDAs, Kats initially thought that the niacin flush was niacin getting into the cells and causing exfoliation of inflammation out of the body.  A fever response is trying to burn off fat of a stearified cholesterol.  Also when you exercise and release energy bonds that counter out free radicals and kinetic energy that goes downstream and you push it out, and that is what Niacin is doing.  Exercise allows you to exorcise excess energy out of the body.

Dietician, Jennifer Depew, explains the importance of niacin and references Dr. Kats's site.

Niacin (nicotinic acid) Protocol against COVID-19, shared with permission of the author, Dmitry Kats, Ph.D. *His website:  *The apples and antihistamines can decrease the flush effect if it seems like too much and should be fine at other times of the day, than taken with or shortly after the niacin dose.

I like what Dr. Kats says here on his website,

Efficiently restores health from remnant damage in long-haulers.  Reduces inflammation, cholesterol, aches & pains.  Increases blood oxygen levels, increases energy, Help heal lung tissue, vessels, and much more. 

FYI, Kats does point you to his other website,  There he offers a membership with a forum where you can comment and leave posts and whatnot.  The beginning price is worth it.  Price to clicking on the "Getting Started" button, check out his links first to get a lay of the land.  Kats says at the 40:25 mark to look up "kidney-niacin research."  Not great or specific direction, but okay.  I knew about kidney and baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, but never heard about how Niacin AND Baking Soda have a powerful effect on the kidneys.  I thought his point about how COVID was exhausting the kidneys was good.  I am just having a hard time figuring out where he's coming from: purely nutritional compound, or does he have some special insight about COVID-19 that I've not heard yet?  I'll have to keep searching his sites.  

This was interesting

Supplementation with daily low-dose niacin reliably reverses a large amount of the functional loss. This simple treatment is effective and critically important. Mortality rates with CKD are striking, as the 5-year survival rate for patients doing long-term dialysis is 35% compared to 25% in those with diabetes [T2DM] in the USA. 

I have now personally observed more than 25 documented cases of individuals having their CKD progression not only halted but reversed with the addition of 3 to 5 cents worth of niacin, per day (with 1.8-2.4g/day sodium-bicarbonate with/without 250-500mg/day calcium-carbonate). 

I did not know this about phosphorous.

I was lucky to have been mentored by Dr. William F. Finn. [46]. Even if a patient has not already been scheduled for dialysis, he explained, and especially if they are currently on dialysis, you must get the serum phosphorus down. Excessive phosphorous is toxic to the kidneys as well as virtually every organ system and the entire body. [47,48] Phosphorus is a primary initiator of vascular calcification, among several other pathologies. If the kidneys start to lose a certain fraction of their normal function, the body can no longer efficiently clear phosphorous. When phosphorous serum levels reach abnormal levels, then you begin to saturate the tissues. Then phosphorous binds to calcium and it's the phosphorous, not the calcium that starts the pathology leading to calcium phosphate stones. 



Here is Sam's full 3:19 report to the FDA's Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee in their hearing to approve the Covid19 "vaccines" on babies 5 and under. This is a critical step towards the pharmaceutical cartels gaining immunity for adverse reactions cause by their products.


Be sure to check his incisive reporting at any one of these platforms.

"I believe it's collusion and malfeasance--they did it on purpose--knowing it would hurt you"

 No duh.