Thursday, April 7, 2022

Pelosi Suddenly Tests COVID Positive Conveniently Cancelling Taiwan Trip

From Martin Armstrong,

In a stunning conveniently announcement, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tested positive for COVID-19, thereby postponing her trip to Taiwan after China threatened retaliation for trying to turn Taiwan into the next Ukraine. Pelosi’s top staffer just tweeted that his lord and master, Pelosi, who is fully vaccinated and boosted, is asymptomatic  and quarantining, chief of staff Drew Hammill tweeted. This is just absolutely incredible timing to come up with the excuse to back out of Taiwan trying to make it seem that this has NOTHING to do with China’s warning

The reason this is significant is because China warned Pelosi and the US to not visit for talks about Taiwan

China has bluntly warned that it would take strong measures if U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. They have warned that such a visit would  severely impact Chinese-U.S. relations. There is a strategy here to undermine BOTH Russia and China. Their three obstacles were Trump, Putin, and Xi. Trump was removed and now they are turning to Russia and China. They need to conquer both to reach their goal of a New World Order which they have boldly put forth at the 2022 World Government Summit.

DR. BERG: 23 Signs Your Body Is Deficient in Nutrients

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Fans say they will be boycotting Disney's degeneracy

New Zealand High Court Ends Jacinda Ardern’s Vaccine Mandate: “It’s a Gross Violation of Human Rights”


FOIA DROP: Charles Calisher, lead author of the fraudulent Lancet paper ("We...strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin") privately confessed that it totally could've come out of the lab.