Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Johns Hopkins Confirms You Can Be Vaccinated with a PCR Swab Test Without Knowing

An excerpt from Griffin.

Now several experts and former mainstream journalists like John O’Sullivan are warning that the massive PCR testing campaign could be a WHO vaccination program in disguise. (see Principia Scientific) [3] O’Sullivan is referring to a new technology developed at Johns Hopkins University that is supposed to make it possible to carry out covert vaccinations through a PCR test. (See Johns Hopkins University) [4]

Inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into the intestines of its host, Johns Hopkins researchers have developed tiny, star-shaped micro-devices that attach to the intestinal mucosa and can deliver drugs into the body.

These tiny devices, known as “Theragrippers,” are made of metal and a thin film that changes shape. They are covered with heat-sensitive kerosene wax and each no larger than a dust particle.

When the kerosene coating on the Theragripper reaches body temperature, the devices close autonomously and clamp onto the wall of the colon. Because of the sealing action, the tiny, six-pointed devices burrow into the mucosa and attach to the colon, where they are held and gradually release their drug load to the body. Eventually, the Theragripper lose their grip on the tissue and are removed from the colon through normal gastrointestinal muscle function.

Note: According to Johns Hopkins University, Theragrippers are actually administered with a cotton swab. (see Figure 2)


EXHIBIT B?  Would you want your child anywhere near this ghoul, a guy who is willing to mandate experimental poisons for your puberty-age teenager?  Please make these ghouls stop.

"Higher than expected myocarditis in 16 to 24 year-olds . . . ."  Hey, Dr. Peter Marks of the FDA!  Do you read or hear anything besides internal office memos and scripts given to you to read to the public?  Just think how much disdain these stooges have for the tax-paying public. 

PREMIER OF ONTARIO, DOUG FORD: Everybody's done with these mandates

Working out after getting COVID-19 vaccine increases antibodies - study

This . . .

Explains this . . .  

NCLA remains dismayed by GMU’s refusal . . . to recognize that the science establishes beyond any doubt that natural immunity is as robust or more so than vaccine immunity.”

George Mason University law professor Todd Zywicki 

Thanks to Jeff Deist at LRC

Heroic George Mason University law professor Todd Zywicki sued his employer last year over its vaccine mandate for faculty and staff. His argument was clear: he had existing (demonstrable) antibody immunity from an earlier covid infection, and thus his immunologist considered a vaccine both potentially harmful and medically unethical. The New Civil Liberties Alliance successfully represented Zywicki in US District Court, forcing school administrators to grant a medical exemption. You can hear my interview of Professor Zywicki here beginning at the 10:15 mark, and read the NCLA press release concerning his legal victory here.  

“NCLA is pleased that GMU granted Professor Zywicki’s medical exemption, which we believe it only did because he filed this lawsuit. According to GMU, with the medical exemption, Prof. Zywicki may continue serving the GMU community, as he has for more than two decades, without receiving a medically unnecessary vaccine and without undue burden. Nevertheless, NCLA remains dismayed by GMU’s refusal—along with many other public and private universities and other employers—to recognize that the science establishes beyond any doubt that natural immunity is as robust or more so than vaccine immunity.”

— Jenin Younes, NCLA Litigation Counsel and lead counsel in Zywicki v. Washington, et al.

“I am gratified that George Mason has given me a medical exemption to allow me to fulfill my duties this fall semester in light of unprecedented circumstances. Thanks to NCLA, we have increased public awareness that vaccinating the naturally immune is medically unnecessary and presents an elevated risk of harm to Covid-19 survivors. I speak for tens of millions of Americans in the same circumstances I am in, and I call on leaders across the country to develop humane and science-based approaches as opposed to one-size-fits-all policies.”
— Todd Zywicki, George Mason University Foundation Professor of Law, Antonin Scalia Law School