Tuesday, February 8, 2022

mRNA from vaccines found in lymph nodes 60 days post-vaccinepod

Elevated d-dimers, common in COVID & vaxxed, are a consequence of spike-induced coagulation and predict early mortality due to cardiovascular [disease] as well as new cancers

DR. PAUL MARIK: Was forced to watch patients die while the state medical board prohibited effective #covid treatments INCLUDING vitamin C!

LEANNA WEN, M.D.: Considered too extreme for Planned Parenthood

The world is being run by murderous sociopaths and their murderous crimes must be avenged.

Articles like this HuffPo piece try to mythologize the neophytes of Klaus Schwab's Young Leaders of the World group.  
She was the first physician in nearly 50 years ― and only the second ever ― to be named Planned Parenthood’s president

So we're supposed to be impressed with this claim without any specific detail or accomplishment that would garner her rise.  I don't say success because how successful can a Planned Parent president be to anyway?

Oh, this is rich.  The HuffPo writer calls Planned Parenthood a "health organization."

Wen posted a full statement to Twitter just minutes after her initial tweet on Tuesday, writing that she was leaving the health organization over “philosophical differences” between herself and the board chairs.

They call 345,672 annual murders a health organization?

Its 2019 annual report, released this week, shows it aborted 345,672 unborn babies — an increase of 3.88% over the abortions it did on unborn babies the year prior. Last year’s annual report showed Planned Parenthood killed 332,757 babies in abortions, which itself was an increase of 3.51% from the year prior

DR. ANDREW KAUFMAN TO DR. JUDY MIKOVITS: Where is the isolated virus?