Wednesday, November 24, 2021

LA & ALBERRA: Sacrificing Its Children to Moloch

In Alberta, Canada . . .

In Los Angeles . . .

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

DR. HILARY JONES: Has children's blood on his hands

Dr. Hilary Jones presses for childhood vaccines.  What the hell are these people thinking? 

Sanofi, Glaxo, Merck, & Pfizer: The 4 companies who make the child vaccine are all convicted criminals.

Since 2009, these 4 companies have paid out over $35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, damages, and civil penalties, for falsifying science, defrauding regulators, lying to the public, and for killing hundreds of thousands of people unnecessarily.  Merck, for example, with one drug, Vioxx, [and here], killed over a hundred thousand; some estimates are as high as 500,000 Americans with a drug they were selling as a headache pill that they knew, the company knew, was going to cause heart attacks but they did not tell the public.  For many of the people who took that drug during that period, if they had known that it could kill them, they might have said, "I'll take an aspirin instead."  But they weren't given that choice because they weren't given the knowledge.  And today we have the same thing, but we have a conspiracy of the government to actually comply . . . Merck ended up paying $7 billion dollars.  The entire board of directors should have gone to prison.  They paid $7 billion dollars in penalties and damages for that case.  Today, we have something much worse: we have government conspiring with those same companies to hide facts about these mandatory vaccines from the public.  And remember . . . 

POMEGRANATE JUICE: Helps brain, reduces cancer risk, & inflammation.

DENMARK: even mild pressure *decreased* trust among the unvaxxed with 11 % points. This may reduce compliance with other advice & fuel dissent.