Tuesday, November 2, 2021

NEW SCIENCE: from "Studies show" to expert opinion. Now, no studies whatsoever. If the experts say that it shouldn't matter, therefore it didn't matter.

World Doctors Warning: Stay Away From The Vaxxed!

By Dr. Ariyana Love, April 28, 2021

Sterilization and Transmission

We’ve been through a year and a half of enormous stress. Now it’s required of us to stand up and take action to save the future of the human race. Doctors from around the world need to continue speaking out about Covid-19 being an unprecedented biological experiment and an attack on humanity, as well as accelerated genocide.

Thousands of personal testimonies are being shared online regarding COVID-19 Biotech injections that coincide with reported Adverse Reactions, indicating that the Biotech weapons are targeting woman’s reproductive health and sterilizing the population. The unvaxxed are becoming sterilized by the vaxxed through a mechanism of transmission we have yet to understand.

There have been doctors, experts, and industry insiders such as Dr. Michael Yeadon and Geert Vanden Bossche who’ve been blowing the whistle and warning us of viral shedding from the vaxxed that could infect the healthy. Indeed, people who come in contact with someone who has been vaxxed with the experimental medical devices but who have not been vaxxed themselves, are developing Covid-19 symptoms, including blood clotting, bleeding, miscarriages, rashes, and more.

When analyzed further, Dr. Christiane Northrop explains that the “shedding from a vaccine is very different from what we are witnessing with the Covid-19 shot”. Shedding is a natural occurrence from vaccinations but since Covid-19 is not a vaccine, we need to think not in terms of shedding but in terms of transmission.

We finally have irrefutable evidence from Pfizer’s own documents which state that transmission of the deadly Covid-19 poison from both inhalation and skin contact will transmit whatever is in the vax, from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. Sterility by second-hand transmission has always been known by Pfizer and was in fact the goal. This is intentional sterilization of the population using Biotech weapons.

This video has a compilation of experts giving us vital medical information about the Covid-19 injections.

World Doctors And Nurses Putting Out Dire Warning: Stay Away From mRNA Vaccinated People

Inoculation means “you’ve been injected with cellular technology that carries the mechanism to make a protein from a synthetic mRNA via ribosomes,” Dr. Christiane Northrop explains.

This is a raping of your cells and a forced genetic experiment without Informed Consent of the trial participants and thus violates Nuremberg Codes. Humanity has a duty to shut down Big Pharma’s genocide experiment immediately.

In fact, in one question-and-answer session about childhood vaccines, Dr. Christiane Northup said this

QUESTION 1: Is it true an unvaccinated child is a health risk—especially to an immunocompromised child?
ANSWER: No. The vaccination status of other children does not pose a significant risk to your children, even those who are immunocompromised. No study has ever shown that an unvaccinated child puts another child at risk. On the contrary, a 2014 NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) report documents how a vaccinated child can shed a live virus for up to 7 weeks after injection, depending upon the vaccine given, and therefore poses more of a threat of spreading the disease. 

So at least there is a time constraint on the transmission of these vaccines.  Good news if you don't find out after the fact.  So this information is damning.  But there is no reason for the vaccine manufacturers to care since they've already made legal arrangements for legal immunity.  Even with this legal protection, perhaps something that Bill Gates learned from his anti-trust days with the federal government, the manufacturers have bought the media to censor any accurate details about the vaccines.  Manufacturers will even post a list of the ingredients, but that list will not be accurate or complete, nor will they reveal what the ingredient do in your body or why they're necessary as vaccine adjuvants.  

Dr. Love cites pediatrician, Larry Pavelesky's transcript:

Pavelesky explains that years are required to establish safety.  He says, "The bottom line is we don’t have enough data to understand the safety."  He also speaks to the deceit and conversational sleight-of-hand by health officials and vaccine manufacturers.  He says that 

we are made to believe in the public eye that this is a vaccine against a viral infection.  . . . the entire world is thinking that this is a vaccine to protect us against SARS-CoV-2 viral infection. And when you have a vaccine that’s supposed to be effective as a vaccine, you’re supposed to have antibody immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. And that’s never been evaluated with these injections, as to whether or not we have antibody immunity to a SARS-CoV-2 virus. 

What is unprecedented is the vaccine and could very well, for anybody getting sick from the clot shot or from the transmission of its components, be an unprecedented event in your life . . . if you survive it.  

Instead, what we have is the genetic information of what is believed to be a piece of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and that piece is called the spike protein. And the technology that’s being used is a technology to make this injection that’s never been used in vaccine science or methodology before with any kind of success. So we essentially are taking the genetic instructions that make a synthetic spike protein believed to be a part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and we’re giving those sets of instructions into the body and asking the human body to take the genetic instructions of that spike protein and make more of it in our own machinery. And so this messenger RNA technology is delivering the genetic instructions for us to make the spike protein and the problem is that no study has ever been done to test it’s safety but also no study has been done to test whether we turn on the production of that spike protein and ever turn it off. 

The confusion I suffered from was whether the spike protein was caused by the vaccine or whether it was a molecule inside the SARS-CoV-2.  Turns out, both.  This means that if you get the vaccine, you're getting the clotting mechanism caused by the spike protein.  And if you don't get the vaccine, that's okay, the shedding of the protein will find you, cause COVID, and generate clotting.  Now is the transmissible clotting worse than the injected clotting?  I don't know.  Pavelesky explains,

And so, spike protein in the naturally occurring SARS-CoV-2 viral infection has been shown to cause brain inflammation and neurological damage, heart attacks and lung disease, liver disease, kidney disease, and interacting with the male and female reproduction systems along with affecting blood binding to oxygen and blood clotting. And so we know that the naturally occurring disease of SARS-CoV-2 because of the effects of the spike protein, is making people sick with all of these kinds of systemic illnesses. And so now we’re taking those spike protein genetic instructions and we’re asking our bodies to make more of that spike protein. And so by making more of that spike protein, we are essentially creating the symptoms and the illness of Covid-19 by giving people the potential to have brain damage and neurological damage, lung disease, liver disease, kidney disease, heart attack, strokes, blood clotting issues and impairments to male and female reproductive systems. 

This is the most damaging account I've read.  I wonder what his sources are and where I can find them to corroborate them and share them here.  We're all at risk, people.  No one is exempt.  It's one thing to find a medicine or nutritional compound to treat and stop the spike protein, but Pavelesky does not know if it's possible to stop the production of spike proteins.  What we do know, according to Pavelesky, is that the spike proteins show up in the saliva and in the anus.  He asks, "is it found in the exhalation molecules that come out of our breathing?  Is it found in the skin when we sweat and we smell, do spike proteins come out?"  

And there’s no study to show whether when the body starts manufacturing this synthetic spike protein, whether or not we ever turn off the production of that spike protein. And so that spike protein is known to be pretty damaging to the human tissue. And so we know that spike protein has been found in saliva. We know that it’s been found in the anus and we have to ask the question, is it found in the exhalation molecules that come out of our breathing? Is it found in the skin when we sweat and we smell, do spike proteins come out? And if so, does that impact other people with whom we come in contact? And so what we’ve been seeing is a massive increase in those who’ve been given the injection, of blood clotting problems, miscarriages, stillborn, infertility, strokes, heart attacks, auto-immune diseases, and death just to name a few.  And that’s in those who’ve been injected.

The unvaccinated, who work around and live in close quarters with the vaccinated, are also getting COVID along with the other symptoms that the vaccinated get.   

So certainly there should be a suspicion when you see that people around the injected people who have not been injected, getting the symptoms of Covid, in addition to miscarriages, bleeding, irregular menstrual cycles, it should raise a very, very strong suspicion.  

". . . the spike protein is not specific just to the SARS-CoV-2 virus."  That's alarming. 

Now, the spike protein is, we are told, just specific to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. So that when your body makes the synthetic spike protein, you’re supposed to produce an antibody that’s supposed to attack the spike protein. Now, we don’t know if that spike protein production keeps going and going and going and that would make the antibody production keep going and going and going as well. And the thing that we are finding is that the genetic instructions of the spike protein are not specific just to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The genetic instructions of the spike protein are also similar to or the same as many proteins that exist in the body itself. And so therefore, if we’re going to produce an antibody against the genetic instructions of the spike protein, those antibodies are going to find every bit of protein tissue around the body that matches the genetic instructions of the spike protein. And that antibody to the spike protein genetic instructions is going to produce an attack on any of the proteins and tissues in the body that are similar or the same to the genetic instructions of the spike protein. 

If the spike protein-generated antibodies attack our own bodies, what we'll see is an explosion of auto-immune diseases.  And it doesn't seem that anybody is immune to this.  

So, that’s why you’ll see (an increase of) autoimmune diseases but many months ago there was an article that came out in the European literature where there were several proteins in the male and female reproduction systems that were found to have similar genetic instructions to the genetic instructions of the spike protein. 

Make no mistake, these clot shots are designed to kill millions of people.  Those who survive, it will render you sterile.  This is your depopulation plan.  This is not a conspiracy, not after you read and understand how and what these spike proteins will do to the tissue inside your body--brain, heart, liver, kidney, etc.  The spike proteins would "immobilize and take out the sperm from being able to fertilize an egg, and . . . would impair the egg itself and that it would also impair the placenta." 

And the scientists raised the concern that if we inject the genetic instructions of the spike protein into the body and cause the body to make an antibody against that genetic instruction of the spike protein, we will also cause the body to make an antibody against the male and female reproductive systems because those proteins in the male and female reproductive systems had similar instructions to the spike protein. And he raise a very strong concern about it because his concern was that it would basically immobilize and take out sperm from being able to fertilize an egg, and that it would also impair the egg itself and that it would also impair the placenta. 

Experts around the world discounted the effects of the spike proteins.  We got only opinions, and never any studies.  If the experts say that it shouldn't matter, therefore it didn't matter.

And so the experts around the world did the following. When they heard this scientific concern, the experts around the world said, “oh but the number of genetic instructions of the proteins in the male and female reproductive systems are so small in similarity to the genetic instructions of the spike protein that it really shouldn’t make a difference.”

And ladies and gentlemen, that’s how we got the science that said there should be no concerns about infertility in men and women, respectively. There were no studies, there was just an opinion that said the genetic instructions of the proteins on the male and female reproductive systems were such small similarities to the spike protein that it shouldn’t matter and therefore it didn’t matter.

So what we’re seeing in women who get the injection is a very large, hundred’s of percent increase (500% – 600%) in miscarriages and stillborns of their babies, all being reported to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

And now what we are seeing is women who are around others who’ve been injected are having the same experience which has to raise the suspicion that not only does that messenger RNA make the body produce spike protein on an ongoing basis but that spike protein is probably shedding out of the breath, the saliva, the skin and who knows where else in the body it’s being shed from. That’s only based on what we think we know is in these injections. 

So what is in these injections that's causing the transmission? 

Dr. Tenpenny and I have discussed this on numerous occasions that there is potential for other messenger RNA proteins being injected into the body that would cause the body to make all sorts of proteins that we may not be aware of.”

End transcript.

The first woman in the above video offered her website, Truth Unmasked.  At the 5:37 mark, a woman in the "fertility community" stated that men's sperm count is dropping following the COVID jab.  There are ways to restore this, but the question that needs to be answered is, how long do the spike proteins last?  Do they run on forever and ever?   

So there are other proteins besides the spike proteins that are causing auto-immune damage?  

The head of the FDA has stated that his 17,000 employees and himself will not approve or authorize any Covid-19 vaccinations. They have not gone through testing and they have not been proved effective. Severe Adverse Events are taking place by the minute from this experiment and deaths are piling up.

What I'd like to know is when do the horrors end?  The misinformation of this genocidal campaign has been truly astonishing and impressive.  Relying on authorities in the field of health and nutrition is now left feeling unmoored from the current circumstances.  With these clot shots, we are in a whole new territory. Well-established, remarkably-accomplished authorities on whom I used to rely are relying on established truths, facts, and presuppositions, which renders their assessments, diagnoses, and prescriptions shallow.  Despite the horrific numbers of deaths, the wailing of those sickened and crippled by this clot shot, there does seem to be the prevailing worry not just of shedding but of transmission.  Shedding refers to the virus itself emitting from the pores or breath or sweat or fecal matter (sharing a bathroom) of the vaccinated to the unvaccinated. 

from Geert Vanden Bossche

Molecular epidemiologists fully acknowledge that the pandemic is currently evolving Sars-CoV-2 variants that “could be a considerably bigger problem for us than any variants that we currently know in that they might have any combinations of increased transmissibility, altered virulence and/or increased capacity to escape population immunity” (1). This is to say that phylogenetics-based natural selection analysis on circulating Sars-CoV-2 lineages strongly suggests that viral variants resistant to spike (S)-based Covid-19 vaccines are currently expanding in prevalence and highly suspicious of causing future epidemic surges globally. 

Jacinda Ardern Runs for Cover After Uninvited Journalist Asks Question About Israel That's Not on the 3 x 5 Card of Acceptable Opinion

Concise summary from Martin Kulldorff & Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of the Fauci-led, ascientific madness

Monday, November 1, 2021

ICELAND: Cases Skyrocket: 91.2% of 18-and-Over Are Fully Vaccinated; 83% of the entire population

Why does modern medicine have a big problem with natural health?

It's hard to say, unless you've been in and out of the system for years, maybe decades, and have been serially disappointed by the results to the point that you stay away to save your own life.  At one job I had years ago, I found myself driving northbound on Interstate in Los Angeles toward the San Fernando Valley in California.  A critic of the healthcare system was pointing out how healthcare insurance for single folks was almost unnecessary, that all you really needed as a single man was catastrophic insurance.  Otherwise, folks with insurance have a tendency to go to their doctor for non-emergency issues, things that might resolve themselves from an improved diet, exercise, maybe some vitamins, a walk around a peaceful park, or up a trail whose trees form a welcomed canopy from the August sun.  Health insurance is mainly for young couples who want to start a family.  Even there I have my doubts.  Nutritional supplements can go a long way to fortifying mother and child that most mothers and fathers don't know about.  For example, Dr. Barry Sears recommends expecting mothers consume fish oils so that their child's brain gets adequately nourished during pregnancy.  John J. Cannel, M.D. of the Vitamin D Council persuades convincingly that children can take up to 1,000IU of vitamin D as a maintenance dose to fortify all of their organs--brain, heart, kidney, liver-- including their bones.  Talk about preparing your child for childhood hazards.  Health insurance is not the first benefit that younger employees think about until stress takes its toll and they need it.  Health insurance benefits will not confer health benefits.  Don't look to surgery to cure what ails you.  Even if it is cancer; that can be undone, stopped, and reversed with nutritional compounds, like beta-glucans, glutathione, vitamin D, C, and others.  But to return to the question, "Why does modern medicine have a big problem with natural health?  Market share, in other words, money.  

I will never forget the first time that I took 2 teaspoons of olive oil and what that did for the migraines I was suffering from.  Two teaspoons, and voila.  Headaches, gone!  That was a miracle, I thought.   But Jon Rappoport pins it down with example after example.  

Well, there is the money, of course.

When millions of people forego expensive and toxic medical drugs; when they rarely see conventional doctors; when they don’t receive vaccinations and don’t have their children vaccinated; when they opt for natural remedies; when, worst of all, THEY STAY HEALTHY, this is a hammer blow to drug-based medicine.

These “natural health” people are also going against The Plan, which is a cradle-to-grave system, whereby humans are diagnosed with 30 or 40 diseases and disorders during their lifetime—requiring large amounts of toxic and debilitating drugs—and then they die. Note: The effects of the drugs are labeled “diseases,” which in turn are treated with more harmful drugs, resulting in new diagnoses of “diseases,” and so on. It’s a self-feeding, self-replicating parade of destruction.

You can see the final stages in nursing homes, where the elderly are warehoused. On their night tables are a dozen or so drugs. The tragic end-game.

This pathetic, vicious, pseudoscientific medical assault is praised to the skies, as “the best” in human care. On television, hired hands parade through show after show, insisting that modern medicine is the most brilliant program ever devised for the human race.

At the same time, untold millions of people who opt for natural health expose, by their choices, this titanic lie.

Here is how medical propaganda works, in the big picture. When delivered by competent caring personnel, acute crisis emergency care can produce remarkable results. People who have been damaged in accidents, who develop sudden life-threatening situations (unconnected to medical drugs) can be put back together. However…

Propagandists then parlay this specific success by pretending it applies over the whole field of medical practice, in every aspect. This assertion is absurd, false, and highly dangerous.

The case of a person who is lying in the road after a car crash, and a person who is suffering from chronic immune-system weakness, are as far apart from each other as an ant in Idaho and a rocket on the moon.

The propagandists’ job is to make these two people “the same.” They both need medical care, and medical care is wonderful. The big lie.

More and more people are waking up to this deception, and they are pursuing non-medical means to arrive at a better state of health and maintain it.

The scale is tipping in the direction of natural health–herbs, nutritional supplements, proper food, exercise, clean water, “alternative” practitioners.

Medical propaganda is on a long decline of failure.

That problem is very worrying to the medical cartel.

When you’ve had populations under your control for a long time, with the simplest kind of public relations; when you’ve been very sure your tactics were working; when you’ve blasted the same messages with the same rewarding results; you suffer from overconfidence.

When your tactics don’t work anymore, you don’t know what to do.

Your only option is trying to MANDATE medical treatment. You put populations in a box. You demand they obey.

Now you’re heading toward a showdown. At what point will your prisoners decide they’ve had enough?

Here is a statement to shake up the princes of modern medicine:

“The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.” Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health, Bantam Books, 1977.

For decades, authors have been punching holes in medical myths. Their efforts have not gone in vain. Educated readers have been taking their findings to heart.

The truth has been trickling up, down, and sideways in the culture. Remember, we are talking about people’s view of, and concern for, their own bodies. There is nothing abstract about this. The desire for knowledge is intimate. The empty word from on high, spouted by experts, can easily take a back seat. When the issue is pain and suffering vs. well-being, people will shrug off what they’re supposed to think and they will dig for answers.

Here are several statements from a widely beloved American physician, Robert Mendelsohn. During his life, his views served to awaken readers all over the world:

“Modern Medicine would rather you die using its remedies than live by using what physicians call quackery.”

“Almost half of the 100,000 or so surgeons we actually do have right now are superfluous. Those 50,000 or so extra unsheathed scalpels do a lot of damage.”

“The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization…..There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease.”

“When I was Senior Pediatric Consultant to the Department of Mental Health in Illinois, I cut out a certain kind of operation that was being performed on mongoloid children with heart defects. The stated purpose of the operation was to improve oxygen supply to the brain. The real purpose, of course, was to improve the state’s residency programs in cardiovascular surgery [by training new surgeons], because nothing beneficial happened to the brains of mongoloid children—and the surgeons knew that. The whole idea was absurd. And deadly, since the operation had a fairly high mortality rate. Naturally, the university people were very upset when I cut out the operation. They couldn’t figure out a better use for the mongoloid children, and, besides, it was important to train people. In prepaid group practices where surgeons are paid a steady salary not tied to how many operations they perform, hysterectomies and tonsillectomies occur only about one-third as often as in fee-for-service situations.”

“I can remember when if a hospital’s incidence of Caesarean deliveries went above four or five percent, there was a full scale investigation. The present level is around twenty-five percent. There are no investigations at all. And in some hospitals the rate is pushing fifty percent.”

“Today your child has about as much chance of contracting diphtheria as he does of being bitten by a cobra.” [In the DPT vaccine, the “D” stands for diphtheria.]

Mendelsohn, Ivan Illich, and many other rebel authors have cut across the full range of medical propaganda. They’ve raised red flags on every front. You can’t overestimate the effect they’ve had.

In private meetings, medical cartel front men complain, “The people aren’t listening to us!” They’re right. That’s what happens when gross lies and deceptions are spread out across the planet.

You can diagnose and damage some of the people some of the time, but you can’t damage all the people all the time. 

Also because of money and influence, it's the reason why big pharma owned the airwaves.