Thursday, July 2, 2020


I am not on Facebook, but someone I know tried to post this on Facebook and Facebook flagged it because it had “partly false information.” It was checked by independent fact checkers: USA Today and the AP. Wow, since when are these two outlets independent fact checkers? 
If you need more proof, measured proof that masks reduce the amount of oxygen available to you, then give this a few minutes of your valuable time.  

To increase oxygen uptake in your blood, fat-soluble B1, Allithiamine and Lipothiamine are excellent sources for that function.  Remember that the virus by itself is equal to any other flu or cold.  Though it's labeled a novel virus, it is not so new at all.  Dr. Kelly Victory eloquently explains this aspect of any virus.  

One commenter in the video comments wrote

If you are questioning her credentials—she went to Chapel Hill and Duke. If you are afraid—have you talked to your own doctors? All of mine said the same as what she is saying in the vid. The media is politicizing this and mongering fear . . . pitting us against each other for their own monetary gain. I am not right wing . . . I am a left-leaning moderate with a background in chemistry and biology and what she is saying makes sense to me.
A couple of things.  One, if the Coronavirus worries you or if others' health worries you, good.  Then take the necessary precautions that enhance your survivability.  Do it.  Do it today.  But also consider the facts surrounding the virus.  Here is nutritional researcher, Bill Sardi's assessment on its gravity
According to university researchers [], your odds of acquiring COVID-19 coronavirus infection from contact with an infected person is 1 in 3868 (ranges from in 626 to 1 in 31,800) and the odds of dying from COVID-19 is 1 in 19.1 million (ranges from 1 in 3.1 million to 1 in 159 million). These estimates are without citizens taking precautions such as face-masks and social distancing. So says a study conducted by Stanford University and UCLA researchers [] who analyzed data from the top 100 populous counties in the U.S. (study awaits peer review and publication). 
And two, I think it's better to rely on scientific and proven therapies for your health that do not cause you harm.  The first principle in caring for yourself is to do no harm; not an easy feat for most.  And don't transfer that responsibility of avoiding harm to a doctor, to your doctor, for they're not always knowledgeable about your own well-being and health.  Given the governors' and mayors' plans for your health, you should be taking a daily supplement of D3, vitamin C, and zinc.  Fortify yourself with vitamins.  Foods just don't have the amounts we need to manage daily stressors.  To your health!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020


Thanks to Dale Steinreich's post "Scott Atlas on Latest COVID Trends and the Prospect of New Lockdowns," LRC, June 30, 2020. 
50% of teachers in K-12 are under 41 years old.  They're not high risk.  And 82% are under 55.  For the few high-risk teachers, I think by now they know how to isolate themselves.  If that's not enough, then frankly those high-risk teachers can stay home and teach from a distance.  You don't lockdown the children because you are personally afraid.  

Friday, June 19, 2020

The United States is one of the few countries in the world where plasma donors are paid and it is responsible for 70% of the global supply of plasma

This was written by Alex Tabbarok and posted at Marginal Revolution.  
The United States is one of the few countries in the world where plasma donors are paid and it is responsible for 70% of the global supply of plasma. If you add in the other countries that allow donors to be paid, including Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Czechia, the paid-donor countries account for nearly 90% of the total supply.
Countries that follow the WHOs guidance to rely exclusively on voluntary, unpaid donors all have shortages of plasma (hmmm…what’s the WHOs track record like?) So what do these countries do? Import plasma from the paid-donor countries. The United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and some Canadian provinces, for example, prohibit paid donors and they import a majority of their plasma from paid donor countries. (See chart at right).
As Nobel prize winner Al Roth puts it, in his gentle way:
I find confusing the position of some countries that compensating domestic plasma donors is immoral, but filling the resulting shortage by purchasing plasma from the US is ok.
The UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada can afford their moral hypocrisy but their decision to forbid paid-donors reduces the world supply of plasma driving up the price and harming people in poorer countries.
I have cribbed from an excellent new report by Peter Jaworski, Bloody Well Pay Them: The Case for Voluntary Remunerated Plasma Collections.
Thanks to Robert Wenzel's "The Case of Blood for Money" for bringing this important fact to my attention.