Showing posts sorted by date for query zinc. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query zinc. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

a zinc deficiency affects many different tissues and organs, a deficiency that results in lack of smell and taste.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

The combination pill of C, D, and zinc is, therefore powerful super nutrient

Firmicutes are a type of bacteria that live in the human gut. Many members of the Firmicutes phylum produce an important substance, butyrate, that keeps the colon healthy. The human gut microbiome consists of trillions of microorganisms, most of which are bacteria.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Penis Injury from the Shot?

She talks mainly of the penis but if the prostate is affected then Prostagenix could be beneficial.  Here is a review of Prostagenix.  Men need zinc, we need more zinc than women do.  So supplementation should be considered.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Treating Prostate Cancer into Extinction

First, I don't know how to cure cancer, prostate cancer or otherwise.  I'm not a doctor.  But over the years, I've read some things.  Like any battle, it requires multiple fronts of assault. 

Second, whatever treatment you do opt for make sure is does no harm, or if any, make sure it's minimal.  I am biased against chemotherapy.  I've known personally two young people with cancer who've died from taking chemo.  One, was a 20-year-old kid with testicular  cancer. How does a 20-year-old get testicular cancer?  Grandma cooking anything he wants?  Too many vaccines on the Childhood vaccine schedule?  

He had been overweight, but in the year prior to diagnosis he had developed a workout schedule and lost a lot of weight.  Family panicked, deferred to doctor, who recommended avant garde, Lance Armstrong treatment out at UCLA.  One year later, his skin turned yellow.  Chemo destroyed his immune system and infection took over.  6 months later, he was dead.  21 years old. 

The other person was a 45-year-old woman with Type II Diabetes who developed liver and colon cancer.  She'd already had one of her adrenal glands removed. Surgery may remove the cancerous tumor, but it doesn't remove the causes of the tumors or the cancer.  In fact, surgery can complicate, even exacerbate systems and cause a repopulation of tiny tumors which metastasizes.  Statistically, doing nothing gives you more life than many of the established treatment options.  She went on chemo.  It worked in the short term: it shrank tumors and eliminated some cancer cells until her body became resistant to the drug.  Her oncologist recommended that they try a new concoction of chemo.  But her body grew resistant to it.  Its effects made her weak, and she got nauseous regularly.  Like every chemo recipient, her cancer, too, became resistant to the drug.  Tumors stopped shrinking and tumor cells began to repopulate.  She was diagnosed with Stage IV liver cancer in December and died that following September.  


Vitamin supplements are taken to support, enhance, or supplement your blood levels of different nutrients.  To get the stores of some vitamins into your blood, you need to take them for 2 to 3 weeks before they can register on a blood test.  Some supplements, depending on your condition, like a depleted condition of vitamins, can produce an immediate [1 to 3 to 7 days] reaction.  


Vitamin D3 (taken with K2 and magnesium) reduces colon cancer by at least 40%.  If you live above the 37th parallel, it's even more important that you supplement with D3 regularly.  

Your colon is not your prostate, but it is nearby.  Bill Sardi has a section on cancer.  In one article, he offers this regimen:

There is a prostate product, called Prostagenix, which has excellent ingredients, that was pitched by Larry King and Bill Sardi because of its Beta-Sitoserol, which apparently has more anti-inflammatory power than saw palmetto, the gold standard for a long time.  I've tried it and I like the results. It's designed to reduce inflammation, so that can't hurt, and improve the function of the prostate at the same time.  I definitely feel more energy.

The other product that I had phenomenal success with and continue to do so is IP6.  IP6, with its broad range of benefits, is made from rice bran.  It is probably the best over-the-counter anticancer compound on the market.  It is a mineral chelator.  It removes mostly the heavier minerals, like iron, calcium, and zinc, but it really removes all minerals.  Why do this?  Excess iron is implicated in cancer.  By the time we're 40s years old, iron begins to accumulate from the foods we've eaten by that time.  During our teens and 20s, we need to eat red meat and the iron in it to build muscle and bone.  Past our 20s, it begins to accumulate.  Once it accumulates and we have too much, our tissues can't absorb anymore and so the continued consumption of iron can float unbound in our blood.  In that unbound state, iron becomes an inflammatory protein that can cause all kinds of inflammatory, age-related conditions, like arthritis, gout, cancer, and others.  Some people take this periodically as a kind of maintenance of excess iron.  Iron is probably the only heavy mineral that is of concern, since other minerals, like magnesium, zinc, and copper are important for health maintenance.  Excess iron is cited as one reason why women tend to outlive men.  Women have a built-in mechanism to periodically shed iron.  Donating blood helps too.  But, IP6, at least from my experience, is fantastic.  In 2016, I was working a bulk route with FedEx.  But I'd been besieged by chronic injuries from sports and accidents.  I wrote Bill Sardi who recommended IP6.  Up to that point, I'd lumber out of bed, bracing myself against nearby furniture just to rise.  It wasn't pleasant.  I knew the benefits of chiropractic care; which allowed me to compete with and, on occasion, best the 20-year-olds on the court.  And no, they didn't just let me score!  LOL.  But I was in another territory or state at the time.  So I tried the IP6.  Took it at bedtime away from a meal, and when I woke up the following morning I literally sprung out of bed and felt like dancing.  At least those were my first thoughts.  An added benefit of IP6 is that it is a source of fiber.  And it helps with sleep.  Who'd a thunk it?  The wound-healing process can actually exacerbate an injury.  I played too many years of basketball and so was left with chronic knee and ankle pain and stiffness.  The way that the healing process can exacerbate an injury is that when blood flows to the injured site, it can deliver too much iron, and the iron will remain, leaving people with chronic injuries after the injury has healed.  What I noticed upon waking is that other, past and chronic injured areas felt lighter and more energetic.  I couldn't believe it.  And when I shared that with Sardi, that's when he explained that IP6 resolves a certain percentage of old injuries, because of the excess iron left over in those areas affected by an imperfect healing process.  So the metaphor that people can rust is more literal than we can imagine.  Phenomenal.  So I take IP6 regularly, more to manage the excess iron which is implicated in any cancer growth.  I'll be 66 in a few months, and I always have Harry Callahan reminding me that a man's got to know his limitations.  

This made an impression on me.  As did this from a gal with liver cancer.  

I like Glutathione over Beta-Glucans.  I've tried both.  For me and my biology, I get a nice effect with glutathione.  

I used to eat a whole garlic clove at night, and it would relax my muscles and stomach.  It has to be slightly crushed and then consumed.  But it has lots of anti-cancer and anti-microbial, even antiparasitic properties.  More evidence is emerging that cancer is the result of parasites.  Most think of cancer as something caused by viruses.  Viruses certainly can and do cause cancer.  

I love melatonin.  Swanson's brand gives me really nice dreams, the kind where everything gets resolved without extended or intense conflict.  LOL.  One doctor, Dr. Houston, called it the best way to restore normal blood pressure.  And it certainly does that.  I used to wake at night with rising blood pressure.  I'd take melatonin and return to a wonderful sleep that kept me in a deep sleep until 6:30/7am.  It's also one of the BEST antioxidants for its broad range of areas in the body that respond to it. 
Bill Sardi writes, "Melatonin is the only agent that Dr. Houston has found to work to normalize blood pressure among patients whose blood pressure does not dip at night."  And if melatonin isn't the thing you like, Bill Sardi points out that zinc helps in this regard too. 
Resveratrol has powerful effects on cancer.  Resveratrol treats all 3 stages of cancer. Bill Sardi really was/is the Resveratrol guru. 

There are other approaches where you target the mitochondria of the cells.  One products that increases mitochondria strength and energy is PPQ.  I've tried it.  I like its effects.  

I am sure that there are other procedures.  One woman in California swears by ozone therapy.  

Lots of things.  Stress is probably the most punishing because although you can endure physical stresses, there's always the psychological residue from that can inform decisions.  

It's been known that viruses can cause cancer. I learned this in 2017 from Bill Sardi.  

Parasites and fungus can also cause cancer.  And from what I understand, the older we get the more likely it is that parasites are the culprit.  But trying new medicine unknown by you or any of your acquaintances is fraught with fear and anxiety.  So even though we may not like our doctors, we tend to trust their expertise on drugs.  It makes sense.  To that end, learning that some antiparasitics act as some chemotherapies was interesting.

. . . the mechanism behind the anticancer action of Mebendazole, and found out that Mebendazole acts in a similar way as a group of chemotherapies such as Taxol. Yet, in contrast to chemotherapies, due to the way Mebendazole works, its toxicity is incomparably lower. Because of its good safety profile, the drug is an over the counter drug in most of the countries. 

I've not heard of Mebendezole but I have heard if Fenbendozale.  As a stand alone, it's not listed on Amazon but instead as Fenbendozale.  

I specifically like the anti-worms, anti-parasites, antibiotics, antiviral drugs, as a pattern start to emerge suggesting that the origin of cancer may be related to such a trigger (e.g. viruses, parasites, etc.) in much more cases than we currently are aware of. Multiple findings and observations, that I will discuss in a different post, indicate that such triggers may initiate cancer when they land in a “fertile ground”, represented by specific genetic weaknesses combined with a compromised immune system (due to e.g. stress, lifestyle, medication, etc.). This is why, I would seriously consider using anti-worms, anti-parasites, antibiotics, antiviral drugs as a part of more comprehensive treatment approaches that could also include conventional therapies. As long as the toxicity is low, it could make sense to cycle various drugs of this type.

Friday, January 20, 2023


British doctors speaking out . . . after 3 years.  A little slow on the uptake, eh?

You can tell I am none too pleased by the tardy show of protest with regard to the vaccines.  And why do you think that these doctors are so slow on the uptake?  Because Big Pharma, through it's propaganda campaign of repeated disinformation, has been running their brains.  Each one of these doctors have believed that vaccines are a good, safe, and effective treatment, ignoring the results of those who've been shot up.  In fact, they continue to maintain that the vaccine is safe and effective for the elderly because, wait for it, it saves them from dying.  Dying from what?  Dying from COVID.  I am no doctor, but I've seen, read, and heard about the value of vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, glutathione, NAC, and others as immune boosters.  Why not go with these effective medicines?  Because the doctors didn't want to come off as being amateurish or stupid or illegitimate.  Oh, God, scary thing, right?  I mean if they ever didn't know anything, why they'd be tossed right out and wouldn't have any patients.  So instead, they go with what they're told.  Idiots.  The absolute opposite of science.   

Wednesday, December 21, 2022


It wood be good if the vaccinated could be considerate of the unvaxx'd by doubling up on immune building compounds like vitamin D, C, zinc, Glutathione, Sulforaphane, Melatonin, and Lysine.  But they won't.  They don't feel any down regulation in their immunity so they keep on keepin' on. 

McCullough says that people who didn't get the vaccine didn't get it because they didn't want it.  Wow!  Revelatory.  No, they didn't get the vaccine because they probably had a previous condition that they knew the vaccine would kill them.

Why does McCullough dismiss shedding by breathing, sweating, exosomes?  Shedding occurs if you share a bathroom with a roommate.  The bacteria from the fecal matter is on the seat unless it is cleaned regularly.  Maybe 3 years from now he'll make a correction.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

FINALLY, THE BAD NEWS: Biological Age Accelerates the More Times You Get COVID

So, from now until spring, you need to keep your immune system bolstered.  I would take extra vitamin D.  You're not just fighting seasonal flu, but you're fighting the weakened immune systems of everybody else, people whose high carbohydrate diets afford them little health whatsoever.  For the most part, to catch COVID from someone you have to be in close and sustained contact, like sitting across the table at a restaurant or alongside someone in an extended car ride.  People who've had surgery are vulnerable to infection and liable to shed spike proteins in exosomes if they've been vaxx'd.  Vaxx'd folks really need to step up and take some vitamin D and Glutathione and zinc and C just to suppress the spike proteins circulating in their bodies. Vaxx'd folks have a lot more of these spike proteins.  If ever there was a time that you could do your part to keep yourself and others healthy, now is the time.  Suppress those spike proteins by raking the compounds I just listed.  

For overall immunity, take vitamin D, Glutathione, Zinc, and vitamin C.  

For nerve protection, and you'll need to protect your nerves because the spike proteins use the lipid nanoparticles to penetrate your nerve cells. To protect your nerves, take a high quality curcuminLongvida looks like the stand-out form of curcumin.  There's also Novasol that boasts 185x the bioavailability than regular curcumin.  Capsules are better than nothing, and you can certainly access the powder by separating the capsule, but powder in a larger container may be easier to manage to add to full fat yogurt or milk.  Given the bioavailability of Longvida. and Novasol, you don't really need full fat dairy products.  The herb can stimulate and cleanse your nervous system and spine and revive functions of every organ connected by your spine from your brain to your toes. Longvida claims to be able to pass through the blood brain barrier to alleviate amyloid plaque build that can lead to Alzheimer's disease.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

While about half of the total body zinc is in the bones, the skin contains nearly 6% of total body zinc.

Zinc is a moisturizer.  By the way, men need more zinc than women do . . . for reasons that we're men, ahem.

Bill Sardi does an excellent job of mapping out the best strategy for supplementing with zinc.  

Mineral supplement users are often advised to maintain a zinc/copper balance (10 to 1?) so as not to raise circulating cholesterol levels.  Yet up to 45 milligrams of zinc has been used without accompanying copper without adverse effects.


There are many confounding factors (zinc depleting drugs, high fructose corn syrup, copper piping and alcohol, calcium and iron pills that block zinc absorption) that are often not accounted for in controlled studies and obscure the realization that zinc therapy is an obvious way to save lives. 

Zinc really is too important for you to go deficient in.  Look what it does for the heart following a heart attack.   


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

DR. ERIC BERG: “There is actually no real estrogen or progesterone in a birth control pill. What you do have is a synthetic version altered in a way to mimic estrogen and progesterone.”

Thank you to Mary Wicker from LifeSite News @

Dr. Eric Berg said the long-term effects of removing natural hormones from a woman’s body are quite dangerous, negatively affecting menopause, bone function, and even longevity.

(LifeSiteNews) – A popular dietary expert on YouTube released a new video that explains the dangers of artificial birth control and advocates instead for a natural form of family planning.

Dr. Eric Berg, a chiropractor and dietary expert with over 8 million subscribers on YouTube, posted a YouTube video with a discussion on the “dark side of the birth control pill” while exposing the negative effects the pill has on women and offering a natural alternative.

“There is actually no real estrogen or progesterone in a birth control pill,” Berg said. “What you do have is a synthetic version altered in a way to mimic estrogen and progesterone.”

Berg went on to say that what women do not realize is that replacing naturally produced estrogen and progesterone with an artificial version can lead to various complications.

Among numerous health risks, the birth control pill can “increase your risk of heart attacks, blood pressure, strokes, blood clots, breast cancer, dementia, depression, acne, mood swings, [and] it can even trigger auto-immune diseases.” He went on to describe how birth control also depletes women of many necessary minerals such as zinc, selenium, and magnesium, and vitamins such as B12.

“What a lot of women don’t realize is when you take this pill, you are shutting down the production of estrogen and progesterone,” he said.

Berg went on to explain that this is a dangerous thing to do because women, unlike men who produce testosterone every day, produce their necessary hormones in “two major spikes.” That is, instead of producing the necessary hormones daily, women produce the hormones at two points during their cycle, one where they see an increase in estrogen, and one where they see an increase in progesterone.

Berg says the long-term effects of removing natural hormones from a woman’s body are quite dangerous, negatively affecting menopause, bone function, and even longevity.

Widespread human misery from contraception-enabled promiscuity

Pro-life and pro-family activists have long warned of the dangers of artificial contraception – as has the Catholic Church, which is the only remaining religion to condemn contraception openly and completely. In addition to the many health dangers of the birth control pill, some of which were outlined by Berg, the broader culture of casual sex that contraception (including non-hormonal barrier methods), has enabled and encouraged has led to widespread misery from promiscuity, increased abortion rates (with abortion regarded as a back-up method of birth control), and skyrocketing rates of sexually transmitted diseases. It has also degraded male-female relationships by giving men access to easy sex with little to no commitment or consequences.

Birth control pills and IUDs can also cause very early abortions. If they fail to prevent fertilization – which is when a whole, distinct, living human being begins to exist – these methods of contraception typically weaken the lining of the uterus so that it is hostile to a newly created human, preventing implantation.

‘An offense against the law of God and of nature’

Even non-Catholic Christians largely opposed contraception until the Lambeth Conference of 1930 infamously approved it in some instances. In Casti Connubii, Pope Pius XII refuted the idea that contraception was ever acceptable, warning that those who “deliberately frustrate” the “natural power and purpose” of the marital act “sin against nature and commit a deed which is shameful and intrinsically vicious.”

READ: The Church’s total ban on contraception cannot be changed by Pope Francis or anyone else

“Any use whatsoever of matrimony exercised in such a way that the act is deliberately frustrated in its natural power to generate life is an offense against the law of God and of nature,” Pius XII wrote, “and those who indulge in such are branded with the guilt of a grave sin.”

Instead of artificial birth control, Berg recommended Natural Cycles, an app that allows women to track their cycles and accompanying symptoms in order to avoid or achieve pregnancy. Natural Cycles is “the first FDA cleared birth control app,” its website says, and it tells users trying to avoid pregnancy to use non-hormonal contraception (condoms) “or abstain from sex” on fertile days. (There are a number of methods of menstrual/hormonal cycle tracking that couples can use to achieve or avoid pregnancy without degrading the marital act; Pius XII outlined some of the legitimate reasons for intentionally abstaining from intercourse during the fertile window in his famous Address to Midwives on the Nature of Their Profession.)

READ: Bp. Strickland celebrates Church teaching on contraception amid rumors of papal review

Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas has previously reminded Catholics of their duty to respect the Church’s teachings on contraception. On July 26, the anniversary of the publication of Humanae Vitae, Strickland tweeted a reminder to all Catholics to heed the truth in regard to this issue.

“Humanae Vitae, issued in July 54 years ago, taught the Truth that contraception is immoral and does harm to marriage & the family,” he said. “We have lived for more than 1/2 a century with humanity rejecting this Truth & this has done great harm to the human family. Let us heed The Truth!”

Saturday, August 27, 2022


If you are deficient in zinc, you could potentially develop something called hypogonadism.  Your gonads actually shrink because you don't have enough zinc.  Testosterone is made by the gonads.  Some say that we shouldn't be consuming shellfish because of the microplastics.  One point on that is that if you eat Pacific Oysters, you'll have the lowest amount of microplastics.  But so is the lack of nutrition in our diet.  And the lack of nutrient-dense food, so we kind of have to balance things out.  Remember, there are no solutions, only trade-offs.  But oysters are literally at the top of the list of nutrient-dense foods.  And when you're trying to build up testosterone, it's not just about increasing that one hormone, it's about supporting the entire endocrine system, all the hormones in the right balance, so this could help you on many different levels.  Oysters are loaded with zinc and copper in the right ratios, tons of B12, iron, vitamin D, B6, omega 3 fatty acids, and choline.  [Sounds like oysters would be a better option than sardines maybe.]  There are other things, too, that can negate or nullify your results.  For example, if you're on a statin drug that blocks cholesterol, which is needed to make cholesterol, that can nullify any foods that you eat or supplements that you take to boost your testosterone.  


Soy decreases testosterone. 

Grains, or the phytic acid in them, decreases testosterone.  Phytic acid blocks zinc.  

Low Hydrochloric Acid.  HCL is necessary to absorb trace minerals, especially zinc.  How do you know if you have low HCL?  Well, . . . heartburn, Gerd, indigestion, acid reflux, all are indications of low HCL. 

Sugar: too much sugar, too many refined carbohydrates will kill testosterone. 


Lack of sleep is a really big one.  And the more fat you have in your body, the more estrogen that you'll make and the less testosterone that you'll make.  In fact, your body will start converting testosterone into estrogen.

Iron.  Too much iron can really damage the liver and leave you with very low testosterone levels.  Even though oysters are high in iron, 


HARDCORE EXERCISE with a lot of SLEEP.  The hormone pathways of testosterone follow the hormone pathways of growth hormones.  If one is higher, the other is higher.  Consuming enough fatty foods: this is why eggs are good, this is why red meats are good.  Butter, too, is good because it's made of cholesterol. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022


Monday, July 18, 2022

You take this for that . . .

Whatever form of zinc you take, I've seen the recommendations in several places to take 50mgs/day.  I like that amount, particularly when it is combined with vitamin C.

Sunday, May 29, 2022


Friday, May 27, 2022

Dr. Tau Braun on Venomation of COVID-19 Spike Protein

Interesting interview. Refreshing to hear Jany Ruby at 28:13 say about McCullough and Dr. Kory, whom I've liked, that "these are people running opposition."  That's a pretty damning indictment for a guy that has been anointed as the antidote to Fauci.  Turns iut that McCullough is just a foil to Fauci.  The interview gets quite interesting at the 26:30 mark. He says to avoid milk sugars and to consume nothing that ends in "ose," dextrose, lactose, etc.  Do not discount information that is odd or out of the ordinary.  Sift through the information but don't discount it.

Dr. Tau Braun is a Counter BioTerrorism expert.

Ivermectin works because it binds to the same receptors as the snake venom gene does.  He makes that point here.  By the way, his envenomation information corroborates what Dr. Brian Ardis pointed out back in April and got slammed for.  

The SARS-CoV-2 is resistant to copper.  The bats grew up in copper mines and are resistant to it, says Dr. Braun.  He adds that you cannot take zinc without copper.  I've never heard that before.  I've heard that zinc must be taken with magnesium and vitamin D, selenium, and vitamin E, but never heard that about copper.  

I take that back.  I actually did read this article on zinc by Bill Sardi back when it was published in 2017. 

This is just phenomenal.  

Sardi says that “overlooked is the importance of zinc in acting as a mimic of insulin and in maintaining mental acuity.”  Wished I’d known.  

But Dr. Braun continues at 21:41, saying, "This is a mutant of a pathogen.  This pathogen has got death written all over it, all sorts of death mechanisms, including prion disease that people know from deer wasting, from mad cow disease.  It's got these [kinases? inaudible] in it that cut up the body.  It's got an HIV insert that makes the body react to.  It's got an antigen that the body reacts to in terms of . . . it's perceived as a pathogen so the body fights it.  And then it's got venom mechanisms where the venom allows certain mechanisms to take place.  It can trip cells.  The big thing with mRNA, the technology, is that it is using venom to trick cells to accept it, and then it gets into the cell and the cell replicates it.  It's like a handcuff key that gains access, little ways that trips the body and then hijack the cell . . . a trick in the cells to open."  

24:06  I believe the government is trying to kill us.  When Dr. Brian Ardis said "the government is purposely putting this in the water to kill people," um, that would make no sense in terms of the economy of a country, in terms of the strength of a country, ah, nobody has the ability to be an intentional killer and goes out and does things without being specific.  So intentional violence is targeted.  So the target in the U.S. is no different than a culling that people would do in an animal population. 24:55 

Okay, so the venom peptides can be synthesized.  

So pick yourself up some nicotine lozenges.  

Wednesday, May 25, 2022


Compare Cahill's explanation with the lies from CEOs of vaccine companies. One reviews the progression of the vaccine proteins and the disease states that the vaccinated face, while  Bourla encourages his audience to get the vaccine, saying at the end that "we need to vaccinate to protect ourselves and the ones that we love the most, the ones that we live with together." He couldn't have constructed a bigger lie.  He's referring to family.  Unfortunately, the vaccines shed, and genetic matches are more susceptible to getting infected by the excess exosomes pouring out of the pores and the breath of the vaccinated whose bodies were overwhelmed by the tens of millions of packages of genetic material.  The spike proteins are poisons, and the bodies of the vaccinated are working overtime, 24/7, to package those proteins up and get rid of them.  Hence, shedding.  But it's not just siblings.  You can get sick from an environment where the numbers of vaccinated individuals saturate a public space.  You've got to protect yourself even more today in the era of post-vaccines.  You've got to go out in the world with extra vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, and beta glucans.  Stay healthy, my friends.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

The 6 Warning Signs of Dementia


1.  Poor Organization.
2.  Personality Changes.
3.  Constipation. 
4.  Sensory Dysfunction.
5.  Language Problems.
6.  Problems Navigating.


1.  TAKE MORE B1.  Hippocampus shrinks due to B1 deficiency.  Nutritional Yeast is the best source of B1.  Stop the alcohol and high glycemic carbohydrates.  Demand for thiamine goes way up when you consume carbohydrates.  You need B1 to metabolize carbohydrates.

2.  FIX THE GUT.  Lack of diversity of microbiome.  Always seems to be gut inflammation.  1) Consume different types of vegetables.  2) Fasting increases the diversity of your microbiome. When you starve off the microbes, they get stronger.  Part of the survival genes.  Gut and brain are a bi-directional, feedback loop.  From the Vagus Nerve you have information going from the gut to the brain and back again.  A good amount of neurotransmitters are produced by microbes.  B vitamins are made by your own microbiome.  Huge improvements in dementia once patients are off gluten.  Go on low-carb, no-grain diet.  Consume organic, non-GMO foods.  

3.  CONSUME MORE SPROUTS.  Sprouts have more sulforaphanes.

4.  KETONES.  Ketones bypass the damage in the brain and feed the neurons directly.  Intermittent fasting and periodic prolonged fasting because fasting upregulates all sorts of genetic factors that support your brain.

From PubMed,

EGb 761 (extract of Ginkgo biloba 761) comes from a single type of tree, a living fossil, the only remaining representative of its phylum; it contains chemical substances unknown in other living things. The flavonoid fraction accounts for 24% of the extract and terpenes (ginkgolides and bilobalide) for 6%. It acts in many different situations and organs, and exerts protective effect on neurodegenerative, sensory, and vascular diseases. In all of these different domains, it has been shown to act at all levels of the organization of life: molecules, cells, tissue, entire organisms, sometimes in particular situations (related to a particular pathology or to senescence) and in humans. Although many questions remain, what stands out in the literature is the overall consistency of the data. Particularly remarkable is that EGb 761 does not exert a specific unidirectional action (activating or inhibiting) in these various domains of physiology and pathology; rather it is regulatory, helping the organism to adapt to the circumstances in which it finds itself.

"Impacts cognitive function.  Not insignificant.  Creates a huge impact on your brain."

7.  OMEGA 3, FATTY ACIDS, VITAMIN D, ZINC, EXERCISE, & SLEEP.  Sleep deprivation raises cortisol and depletes the brain of oxygen. 

Monday, April 18, 2022

Giving extra vitamin C before vaccines was found to be protective

Monday, April 11, 2022

Men lose zinc at a far greater rate than women. Zinc is 100x more concentrated in semen than in blood. Got it?

I checked this post on July 6, 2023, and learned that YouTube took down the video.  It was only thanks to Wejolyn that I was able to recover it.  She sent it to me.  I still don't know the speaker's name, so I called their number, 206-577-0037.  It's voicemail only.  No one on staff answering phones.  So, I sent the company an email.  We'll see.
If you've lost your sense of taste and smell, it means you've lost your zinc reserves.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

From a Friend . . .

1. Whenever you take any supplement, always, always, always include Magnesium.  Magnesium always makes things more effective.  So always take magnesium whenever you’re taking anything.  Magnesium Glycinate comes highly recommended. 

2.  You need a foundation: start with a multi-vitamin, called Molecular Multi.  Take it with 1 of your meals. 

3.  Fast occasionally.

4.  Start TODAY with these: Multi-vitamin, 10,000IU D3, Zinc 50mgs/day, 800-1,000mgs magnesium glycinate, 500mgs vitamin C every 4 hours. 

5.  Create shoebox-sized plastic containers where you place all of the brain nutrients into one box, the heart nutrients in another, and label each one.  It has to be this organized, otherwise, she’ll be confused and not know what to do or where to go to get relief for this or that.  Something like this but in white,  And with labels writ large so that she can read it from across the room.   


Vitamin D


Fish oils, the Zone Diet fish oils came advertised as the cleanest.  Take with a vitamin E.

Benfotiamine, this is fat-soluble B1

Ubiquinol, the absorbable form of COQ10





Beta-Glucans.  Wellmune is a specific type of beta-glucans and the superior form.

Vitamin D, 10,000 to 20,000IU/day

Zinc, 50mgs/day.

Zinc [Acetate, or zinc lozenges] helps regrow the thymus gland back to its original size.  Start on this immediately. 

Magnesium Glycinate

Glutathione, 1 capsule per day.





Gut immunity

Garlic prevents H. Pylori.

Zinc carnosine prevents intestinal ulcers.

Anti-parasitic, Artemisinin.  

Dandelion Root kills 95% of colorectal cancer cells in 48 hours.






Resveratrol (Longevinex is the only resveratrol anyone should be consuming).  Resveratrol has lots of anti-aging compounds, like fisetin, found in strawberries.






Hyaluronic Acid






Hyaluronic Acid

Niacin is excellent for the skin.




Leaky Gut

Apple Pectin





Vascular system

500mgs every 4 hours Vitamin C.  Vitamin C is extremely important for the eyes.

Niacin [FYI, Niacin cures schizophrenia and more.





Melatonin, 20mgs.  Shortages of this compound is problematic.  Doesn’t hurt to go up to 20mgs.  Cancer patients are recommended to take up to 30mgs/night.