Showing posts with label Dowd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dowd. Show all posts

Friday, March 18, 2022


Millennials endured an excess death rate in the second half of 2021, that's two months, comparable to a Vietnam War, a period that lasted 10 years.  This is a healthy group, not compromised by chronic illness.  Their ages 25-44.  Death by government mandate, or democide.  Why commit such a giant crime?  A worldwide tragedy.  A war on their own people.

BKK underreporting injuries 10-1.  3.6% or 1 in 25.  Fraud occurred on the front end.  Moderna dumping most of its stock.  So we can figure out if there was a plan before this increasingly becoming more convinced that there was a big plan." 

Oh, brother.  Of course, there was/is a plan.  Just look at the concerted and coordinated effort worldwide.  That doesn't happen by accident, so that comment by Dowd tells me he's being guarded or cagey . . . but to what end?  Being careful on the Alex Jones Show?   

These guys are reporters.  Their material is information. News.  They're not lawyers.  Speaking of which, where's the progress on Reiner Fullmich?  Not a peep of late.  The fact that Whitney Webb agreed to be interviewed in his broadcast speaks well if him, but, boy, is the progress slow.  Yes, immense legal implications but not damning enough.  Plus, Fullmich is merely supervising a Coronavirus Investigative Committee.  It's just a committee.  Who gave him the mandate for this?  Where is it headed?  Why haven't there been lawsuits of fraud and attempted murder already?  How much more evidence does one need?  So as reporters and not lawyers, they're just going to discuss some salacious conclusions that the CDC, Moderna, Pfizer, et al carefully hide even in their published documents but apparently their legal indictments don't seem to be picked up by any lawyer with the exception of Thomas Renz and Leigh Dundas.  That's it as far as I can see.  Even the Rin Johnson hearing is only a hearing from a standing U S. senator but after two years of deaths, no charges have been leveled.  

Dowd continues,

And they provide charts that are aggregated into all age groups that don't tell the storytelling here today and there's a reason they haven't broken up the data because the numbers are a damning indictment of this weapons-grade mass injection.  Fauci has since gone into hiding. Why are they hiding?  I don't see him anymore. This is ridiculous.  The over-65 . . . . I talked about this and all the abilities Associated with both unfunded and funded Medicare, pensions what have you, I used to work but they no longer work that . . .  I'm not saying it's a bunch of people in the smoking room but maybe there are just decisions being made one by one across the globe that we got to pay this money and I guess that's not right, but it's good for all the major central banks that soon there to control the money and program exactly. . . .  In a 2020 interview on Face the Nation with Federal Reserve President James Bullard, said that he'd be scared we can't restart the economy, and he said on April 5th, 2020 that "Well it's great we have the technology and we can come up with social credit programs . . . ,"  exploded that out there.  If you noticed that disappear for the national conversation 2020 and if you said anything about vaccine passports you would be called a conspiracy theorist.  

Then low and behold we had a lot of that pride and two years ago they lost something this big they got to have something that's so horrible later you forget about the last attack I think that's the War I think it's the gas prices hear you cry so 

They're going to try to get out of what they do there is no such thing as coincidences you know if the Ukraine war which was set up as you said months ago was March 23rd of 2022 and the timing on that couldn't be more beneficial to them because the German insurance company came out and said what they said and then they you know a week later on the State of the Union Address said COVID is over and it and everybody's looking mandates and all this nonsense there's enough of us know how the games are rotten and how they try to distract events are people out there who are going to make sure we don't forget."

But what marks, what public and political movements are you planning, what action are you taking that tells the political class, the technocrats, and oligarchs that we're not going to take this anymore?  Then Dowd goes runs from the convictions not to forget.  There's got to be a more forceful way to make that message clear to your opponent than to just talk about shifts away from legacy media to more independent outlets.  So weak that it causes me to be suspicious of his motives.  

He states, "the public doesn't forget we have alternative news media.  I would say to you guys, you are already the mainstream media. These guys are dead in the tank.  You're the mainstream media.  The Boomer generation saw 306,000 excess deaths in the second half of 2021 into February 421,000 [Americans] died in World War II from the U.S. to England so the media wants to talk about Ukraine and we just literally had a war here on our own soil.  We're at war with someone and it's claimed more people died in 2021 than died in 2020.  

ALEX: Military people, police, school teachers, professors, lawyers are all telling me, "Yeah man, I got blood clots, I'm sick."  This what the hell happened.