Showing posts with label Brain injury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brain injury. Show all posts

Sunday, February 11, 2018


My dad was a big fan of professional and amateur boxing.  It was popular in his day.  I couldn't stand it.  Too violent.  Who would willfully step into the ring to get their brains splayed?  That sport was not for me.  Nor was football.  Basketball was as close as I would come to a contact sport, though I did love baseball, I just never played in any organized team or league.  I ran.  I ran cross country, ran track, and played basketball.  Later I played tennis, and that's what I stuck with for most of my life.  Economists might point out that these athletes know the risks, and so they trade off high salaries for the risk of a serious injury.  I would say that they understand the risks, that they've agreed to the risks, and then take every precaution to prepare for and avoid the risk.  Or as best they can.  Until that one day when they're in the middle of an important game, and WHAM!  They don't know the risks unless they know of other players whose football career was destroyed because of an injury, not to speak of a post-football career if one, in fact, exists for them.  
On the video, h/t Jason Kottke.

But what are these young men doing for their organs?  Do they have a pregame vitamin or nutritional regimen?  Do they think that exercise alone is enough for health?  To young, healthy, strong young men, it may seem that way.  But they need more.  They need vitamin C for blood vessel integrity.  All of the blood vessels--veins, arteries, capillaries.  Approximately 6 to 8 grams a day of oral vitamin C.  For bones and muscles, it is vitmain D.  For brain tissue, it is Benfotiamine.  I wishsed someone inside or outside the league would get this information to these guys. 

There are other compounds you'll want to keep on the back of your mind in case something awful happens to somone you love.  The reports on resveratrol's benefits on brain trauma are absolutely stunning.  
Four years ago (2013) a mega-dose of resveratrol was shown to remarkably reduce damage to the brain 5and 12 hours AFTER mild brain trauma.  The intentional brain injury was included in lab animals and overcome with a human equivalent single dose of 7000 milligrams of resveratrol, which would be impractical and problematic dose over the long term.  But it does provide evidence for the use of resveratrol in brain injuries. 
In anotheranimal study a similar protective effect was observed in laboratory animals that had heavy weights dropped on their skulls and mega-dose resveratrol had a healing effect upon brain neurons after the event. 
In yet another animal study daily mega-dose resveratrol was administered and reduced brain edema (swelling) and improved cognition (thinking).  Researchers concluded, “resveratrol may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for traumatic brain injury.” 
There are other corroborative studies.
Resveratrol is not just a preventive but also therapeutic (i.e., it works to restore brain tissues after trauma).
Find the Longevinex here. 

Thursday, September 28, 2017


This is a hopeful report.  Terrible about the young man, but also hopeful for him and his family as well.  

A 35-year-old man who had been in a persistent vegetative state (PVS) for 15 years has shown signs of consciousness after receiving a pioneering therapy involving nerve stimulation.
The treatment challenges a widely-accepted view that there is no prospect of a patient recovering consciousness if they have been in PVS for longer than 12 months.
Since sustaining severe brain injuries in a car accident, the man had been completely unaware of the world around him. But when fitted with an implant to stimulate the vagus nerve, which travels into the brain stem, the man appeared to flicker back into a state of consciousness.
He started to track objects with his eyes, began to stay awake while being read a story and his eyes opened wide in surprise when the examiner suddenly moved her face close to the patient’s. He could even respond to some simple requests, such as turning his head when asked–although this took about a minute.
Angela Sirigu, who led the work at the Institut des SciencesCognitives Marc Jeannerod in Lyon, France, said: “He is still paralysed, he cannot talk, but he can respond. Now he is more aware.”
Niels Birbaumer, of the University of Tübingen and a pioneer of brain-computer interfaces to help patients with neurological disorders communicate, said the findings, published in the journal Current Biology, raised pressing ethical issues. “Many of these patients may and will have been neglected, and passive euthanasia may happen often in a vegetative state,” he said.
“This paper is a warning to all those believing that this state is hopeless after a year.”
The vagus nerve, which the treatment targeted, connects the brain to almost all the vital organs in the body, running from the brain stem down both sides of the neck, across the chest and into the abdomen. In the brain, it is linked directly to two regions known to play roles in alertness and consciousness.
In surgery lasting about 20 minutes, a small implant was placed around the vagus nerve in the man’s neck. After one month of vagal nerve stimulation, the patient’s attention, movements and brain activity significantly improved and he had shifted into a state of minimal consciousness.
Recordings of brain activity also revealed major changes, with signs of increased electrical communication between brain regions and significantly more activity in areas linked to movement, sensation and awareness.
Similar stimulation has already been shown to help some patients with epilepsy and depression.
Sirigu and her team now hope to apply the same technique to patients with less serious brain injuries, where even more substantial improvements might be possible. There may even be patients, she said, whose cortex (the part of the brain used for cognitive tasks) is intact, but who have brain stem injuries that have led to limited awareness or consciousness.
The findings offer hope to the families of patients in PVS that it may one day be possible to re-establish some basic form of communication. However, some might also question whether such patients would wish to be made more acutely aware of being in a severely injured state.
“I cannot answer to this question,” said Sirigu. “Personally I think it’s better to be aware, even if it’s a bad state, to be conscious of what’s happening. Then you can have a decision if you want to go on or if you want [euthanasia].”
Damian Cruse, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Birmingham, described the findings as “pretty exciting”, adding that in future it might be possible to combine vagal nerve stimulation with other forms of rehabilitation.
“If you can just push the patient over the threshold so they can start responding to external stimulation you can maybe help them follow speech therapy and get them to a level where they can start to communicate,” he said.
During the past decade, scientists have made major advances in communicating with “locked in” patients using various forms of brain-computer interface.
These have allowed paralysed patients, some of whom had been assumed to be in PVS, to answer “yes” or “no” to questions to let their family and friends know their wishes and their state of wellbeing.
But there may be something even more powerful than Vagus Nerve stimulation and it comes in a pill.  It's a fat soluble B Vitamin that comes in a pill, called Benfotiamine.  Bill Sardi has the details.  See this graph:

But the only B vitamin that works on nerve regeneration is the fat soluble B Vitamin called Benfotiamine.  Don't forget that name.  Look for it online and in your health food store.  The nice thing about this product is that the brand name does not matter.  Several foods deplete our Vitamin B stores, coffee, tea, and alcohol are among them.  Still, even if you drink these beverages, if you take the Benfotiamine it means that you're still getting something.  Know, too, that we don't naturally make B1, that we need to get this from our diet.  But if you want to maintain your health, then take the Benfotiamine.