Why did CDC only admit this week that mass breakthrough Covid cases were occurring among the vaccinated? Hundreds of staffers at 2 SF hospitals tested positive, 75-80% had been vaccinated. https://t.co/4bov6xTzho
— James Bovard (@JimBovard) August 1, 2021
Saturday, July 31, 2021
More than 200 staff members at 2 San Francisco hospitals have tested positive, 75-80% had been vaccinated
Dr. Leana Wen [vaccine pusher] was the former president of Planned Parenthood.
CNN has avoided mentioning that their medical analyst Dr. Leana Wen was the former president of Planned Parenthood.
— MediaResearchCenter (@theMRC) July 31, 2021
Now even Wen herself is going out of her way to not mention it while trying to sell her own book. https://t.co/LelW7tpYB1
Friday, July 30, 2021
Have You Been Test-Fitted for a Mask? It's the Only Way to Ensure They Work
You want to see what a fitting for a real mask looks like? https://t.co/L3cl4M1ZBC Now go ahead and tell me that your homemade cloth mask is protecting you! Nope! @mamasaurusMeg
— Ben Smith (@bsmithtampabay) July 30, 2021
Nobel Prize Winner
They called this guy "crazy."
— Young Americans for Liberty (@YALiberty) July 30, 2021
This is from last year. pic.twitter.com/D6wo57Cq7R
Yep - beats the epidemiologists into a cocked hat, without even trying
— Ivor Cummins (@FatEmperor) August 4, 2021
- the idea that this was about health was a farcical nonsense... https://t.co/NZg7iRCqGY
CDC: 74% Of COVID-19 Cases From Massachusetts Outbreak Occurred In Fully Vaccinated People
74% Of COVID-19 Cases From Massachusetts Outbreak Occurred In Fully Vaccinated People: CDC https://t.co/1prr1YbxU9
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) July 30, 2021
Here's the support:
1/MA outbreak: 346/469 (74%) were fully vaccinated: 56% Pfizer, 38% Moderna, 7% Janssen. Only 1.2% were hospitalized, BUT 4 were vaxed/only 1 unvaxed; mercifully 0 died; viral load by rtPCR (Ct=22.8) in vaxed= those in unvaxed + partially vaxed + unknown vax status (Ct=21.5) pic.twitter.com/U1SZ4bBBly
— Andrew Bostom, MD, MS (@andrewbostom) July 30, 2021
Does it come as a
surprise, any surprise at all, that your government, the one you pay for, lies
to you, that they always lie to you regardless of where they're involved from
education to foreign policy to Federal Reserve financial policy to the environment
to healthcare or about the Coronavirus and its variants?
People forget eugenics was supported by “science.”
People forget eugenics was supported by “science.”
— Genève Campbell (@bergerbell) July 30, 2021
Value judgements underpin every public policy, even when we tell ourselves we’re enlightened empiricists. (Especially when.) https://t.co/6DMlw1Qm2S
Australia: The Military to the Rescue?
Tell me again how Australia is a "success story"... https://t.co/KHvCzRUb1e
— Phil Magness (@PhilWMagness) July 30, 2021
Check out Martin Armstrong's assessment on Australia.
Thursday, July 29, 2021
THANKS @FatEmperor
Full Video: https://t.co/7EtQSlFq5N
— ZNeveri (@ZNeveri) July 29, 2021
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Only the French really know how to protest.
Only the French really know how to protest.
Martin Armstrong writes,
The people of France shot the presidents house of with horse shit. 😂🤣 pic.twitter.com/vVFV1iTv15
— Ally (@Allysdream1) July 25, 2021
Farmers collected manure and pumped it into President Macron's residents years ago back in 2014. When they noticed an open window, they back up to give that another shot.
Then there's this:
A portrait of French President Emmanuel Macron was trampled before being torn and then thrown out the window on Saturday during protests over the country’s vaccine passport mandate. pic.twitter.com/RXkfbGVRBj
— Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) July 28, 2021
JUST IN: American Postal Workers Union representing over 220,000 postal workers opposes #COVID19 vaccine mandates in a statement just released.
Very good!
— Chris Rossini (@ChrisRossini) July 29, 2021
Federal workers better speak up. https://t.co/1mXReTZs45
Still Standing With Fauci?
Fauci is the biggest spreader of Covid misinformation pic.twitter.com/rLpTcvWoqL
— ZNeveri (@ZNeveri) July 28, 2021
DR. FAUCI: "Something has changed and what has changed is the virus. The CDC hasn't changed, the CDC hasn't really flip-flopped at all." pic.twitter.com/PgWAb5VIWX
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) July 28, 2021
Incredible: the vaunted #CDC now claims that the #PCR test can’t distinguish between Coronavirus and the Flu. So, that must mean that… nah! pic.twitter.com/7LKWMsAhV1
— Patrick Henningsen (@21WIRE) July 28, 2021
Wearing A Seat Belt Even When You’re Outside The Car?
CDC Now Recommends Wearing A Seat Belt Even When You’re Outside The Car https://t.co/Q8BjhQA3lA
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) July 28, 2021
Surgical masks work for their designed purpose: blocking large droplets.
I disagree with Lamb's initial point that there is "no reason to be anti-mask." Yeah, there is: when the government mandates that you wear one. Two, an ethical public life requires that you interface with people without a mask. In some communities, masks are against the law precisely because they lend themselves to concealment of identity and of intention.
No reason to be anti-mask. Surgical masks work for their designed purpose: blocking large droplets. They're not respiratory protection.
— Kyle Lamb (@kylamb8) July 28, 2021
Anyone that says the science changed on that is using anecdotal observational studies as somehow replacing years of RCTs. That's anti-science. pic.twitter.com/csvBr71dFp
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Fauci & Co. Ratchet Up Attacks on Unvaccinated
The horror next phase begins. #evil.
— Ivor Cummins (@FatEmperor) July 27, 2021
Our politicians and mainstream media are simply the puppets of Gates and the World Economic Forum
COMMENT: I am not sure if this is the correct forum however I wanted to say a big thank you for all the information you give us – most appreciated.
I would like to tell you that I have had two doses of astrazeneca (the first being covishield and the second astrazeneca) I have had horrible after-effects culminating in severe leg pain. My advice – don’t have the vaccine!
thank you
REPLY: I have a friend who is about 70. He was vaccinated with [Pfizer] about 2 months ago. He is now in the hospital and the doctors are mystified. First their thought he had a stroke, which was negative. Then they thought he had a heart issue. That too was negative. He had a fever of 103 and now his kidneys need dialysis. Honestly, they just do not know what is going on.
Another friend took the shot because of his work. He developed blood clots in his leg. Thankfully, they were able to deal with that so far. Two others I know died within 10 days of getting the vaccine.
Personally, I believe this is criminal that our politicians and mainstream media are simply the puppets of Gates and the World Economic Forum. We have nobody who is independent to defend us in our time of real need
The Appalling Record of Medical Practice in U.S.
Contracting Covid 🤦 Minnesota medical worker has both of her legs AMPUTATED after contracting COVID-19 just days after receiving her second vaccine dose
— Z La Luna (@LauraLaLuna1) July 26, 2021
https://t.co/Titj4Bm1I4 pic.twitter.com/ewHQiSsmd5
Jeremiah Cox had a bad case of scurvy, a condition remedied by vitamin C. Take a look at what the illiterate medical experts did to him to save him from scurvy, a condition that medical doctors thought was eradicated.
More horrors to come.
Monday, July 26, 2021
U.S. Government Formally Declares War on Americans
U.S. could see a wave of Covid-19 vaccine mandates as soon as the FDA grants full approval to one or more of the shots, public health experts predict. https://t.co/M17IvmOSOT
— NBC News (@NBCNews) July 25, 2021
Understand that mandating vaccines violates U.S. law and lawsuits will be unleashed.
No authorship claim or copyright asserted...this letter just came to me in a bottle, and I have no idea who might have penned it, nor can I possibly vouch for it, and what you fine folks do with it is entirely in your own hands, as the Gentlemen of the Bar remind me I can proffer no general legal advice in the matter, and must officially disclaim proffering any such advice here...edit and excise as you see fit, amend and append as you desire, and claim authorship or anonymity as may best befit you...as always, as you wish...
Dear Boss,
Compelling any employee to take any current Covid-19 vaccine violates federal and state law, and subjects the employer to substantial liability risk, including liability for any injury the employee may suffer from the vaccine. Many employers have reconsidered issuing such a mandate after more fruitful review with legal counsel, insurance providers, and public opinion advisors of the desires of employees and the consuming public. Even the Kaiser Foundation warned of the legal risk in this respect. (https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/key-questions-about-covid-19-vaccine-mandates/)
Three key concerns: first, while the vaccine remains unapproved by the CDC and authorized only for emergency use, federal law forbids mandating it, in accordance with the Nuremberg Code of 1947; second, the Americans with Disabilities Act proscribes, punishes and penalizes employers who invasively inquire into their employees' medical status and then treat those employees differently based on their medical status, as the many AIDS related cases of decades ago fully attest; and third, international law, Constitutional law, specific statutes and the common law of torts all forbid conditioning access to employment upon coerced, invasive medical examinations and treatment, unless the employer can fully provide objective, scientifically validated evidence of the threat from the employee and how no practicable alternative could possible suffice to mitigate such supposed public health threat and still perform the necessary essentials of employment.
Sunday, July 25, 2021
10 Stages of Genocide
From Jack Posobiec. Here are more elaborate versions of this list: here, here, and here.
First, I want to say that this meme
or digital placard is not intended to be one in a long line of fear porn or
undo panic. I’ve found nothing in the
world that suggests an imminent collapse or extermination of anybody. On the contrary, what I have observed is the
slow, drawn-out killing of people. It
started with the elderly living inside nursing or convalescent homes. Have you ever entered an elderly assisted
living facility or a nursing home? I
have. Too many in fact on delivery
assignments, plus one employed stint in Artesia, CA one summer in my 16th
year. Second, the killing seemed to
target the young. Too many countries had
suicides up by 50%, 100%, or more. Then it
was the unemployed or out-of-work entrepreneurs or contractors out of
work. Too many turned to drugs and
alcohol just to cope. Too many didn’t
cope, suffered from alcohol poisoning, and died.
These tragedies did not ease up the government’s tight grip on people’s
lives in the lockdown. In fact, all over
the world, there is a version of one in your country, however, diluted.
But check out the list above. Number one reminds me of when President George W. Bush stated at the launch of his anti-terror campaign, "You're either with us or you're against us." Doesn't that state a division of us versus them? It sure does. In the same period following the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, any question or opposition was treated as treasonous or as an enemy combatant. This achieves #2: force people to identify. And too many Americans, out of a great sense of fear and confusion, did just that. They identified with the warmongering neocons in the White House.
#3: People Begin to Face Discrimination.
Oh, yeah. Recall all of the anti-Arab, Anti-Muslim propaganda. Anyone who looked Arab or Muslim was suspect. Hell, Mexicans caught hell for just looking middle eastern.
#4: People equated with animals, vermin, or disease. Camel jockeys, desert rats, etc.
#5: The government creates specific groups to enforce the policies. Homeland Security was created on November 25, 2002, one year after 9/11. All in the name of security, of course. Sound familiar? Note, too, how security was the buzzword from the 90s on up until COVID struck in 2020. Security got changed out for "Safety," a word that makes individuals rely on the experts and the government for their survival rather than their instincts, experience, and intelligence. Can't stand it when some effete man or woman utters, "Stay safe" or "Be safe." What, did someone assign you to be my mother and to reduce adults to children? Come on, people. Think like an adult again. Don't say, "Stay safe." Say, "Stay free," for it is our freedoms that are genuinely at stake. For COVID, Trump gave us the COVID Task Force, headed by a self-serving liar, Anthony Fauci.
#6: The government broadcasts propaganda to turn the populace against the group. First, it masked versus unmasked until workplaces demanded it of its customers. Now, it's the pressure to vaccinate, with proponents offering every sort of madness on how to deal with the unvaccinated.
#7 Official action to remove or relocate people. Have we reached Step 7? You tell me. Does the quarantine qualify for relocating people? The U.S. certainly isn't deporting illegal immigrants. On the contrary, . . . Has the US or have states housed people in camps, relocation centers, quarantine warehouses? Not that I am aware, but for sure Health Secretary Hancock in Britain advocated for such a move. And Garcetti in Los Angeles wanted to put the homeless on a boat or in a warehouse. So there's that. So what do you call that--teasing with extermination? Nah, we're just kidding. Ha, ha, ha. Oh, real funny.
#8 Beginning of murders, theft of property, trial massacres. Well, I can certainly see how by withholding Ivermectin and other nutritional compounds from those in nursing homes and others that the murders in nursing homes certainly went unchecked. Theft of property? What do you think the riots of 2020 and the lockdown did to working people? Trial massacres? Hmm. I wonder. Do the vaccines fill this criterion?
#9 Extermination: Wholesale elimination of the group. It is "extermination" and not murder because the people are not considered human. This one resonates with me. The first casualty of war is culture and the truth. Words lose their meaning, purposefully. First, Corona is a novel virus, then we learn that there are several strains of it. Second, we learn that it was natural, then we learn that it was man-made. And for all of you fools out there who want to defend the government's egregious incompetence and comedy of errors and say, "Well, they were learning about the virus themselves because it's new," I'd wished that you'd go play with your marbles on the schoolyard.
#10 The government denies that it has committed any crime. The government is never accountable. Do you really think Fauci is going to get in front of national TV and apologize for his errors? Don't make me laugh. Like most politicians and government officials, he doubles down.
LUCY: Just Get the Shots, and We'll Get Back to Normal
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) July 25, 2021
And this was too perfect.
*Do* what they want and they threaten more tyranny.
— Chris Rossini (@ChrisRossini) July 25, 2021
*Don't do* what they want and they threaten more tyranny. https://t.co/TGNfkLN8QA
Why Is Fauci Not in Jail? Department of Justice
15 seconds
15 seconds
What is keeping Anthony Fauci free? DOJ has failed the American people and has had this information since April 2020 and they have sat on it and done nothing. This has gone to US attorneys. This has gone to the department of justice. I’ve sent this in April 2020 to the Office of Inspector General of the Dept. of Health & Human Services, and not a single law enforcement entity in the United States has taken this seriously.
So my question would be, “Who is telling law enforcement to stand down?” Not unlike the motorcade security in Dallas on the 22nd of November 1963.
They’ve been ordered not to. I’ve worked with the DOJ on Antitrust matters in the past. You probably know, Stew, that my organization, M-CAM, was involved in one of the largest white-collar tax frauds in U.S. history, which was US corporations and universities colluding to defraud the U.S. government back in the late 1990s and early 2000s. and we were at the time accused of being the second-largest tax collector in U.S. history which is kind of a dubious distinction. You don’t get a lot of Christmas cards if you’re a tax collector. But what we found was that there’s an enormous amount of appetite inside the Department of Justice for Antitrust investigations. And you know this to be the case. They are allegedly going after Google and Facebook, and we've been told that is their priority, but the fact of the matter is that the Department of Justice has abjectly failed. Every U.S. Attorney in this country. Every part of the DOJ's Trust Division has been focused singularly on this social media price fixing--search engine optimization, restraint of trade--as the fig leaf to hide behind what is in fact a much larger crime.
The crime is that we have collusion between what is called Interlocking Directorates inside of Anti-Trust Law. We have Anthony Fauci at NIAID. We have the Director of the Centers for Disease Control in China. And we have Dr. [Christopher] Elias from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
17:05 Nothing started in Wuhan.
He’s talking about investors in Moderna, Pfizer
CDC and NIAID are fronts for big pharma. The first vax was issued to Pfizer in 1990. This is the architect of this scam, a key driver is the media and economics will follow the hype. Under the patriot act, that is domestic terrorism.
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Vaccinated people in Singapore make up three-quarters of recent COVID cases.
INBOX: Reuters reports that vaccinated people in Singapore make up three-quarters of recent COVID cases.
— Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) July 23, 2021
LINK: https://t.co/kceIcUSDyl
Vaccinations: Where Are the Benefits and Who Are All These Nobodys Recommending to Everyone Else That You Get One?
Malta sees surge of over 4000% in COVID cases despite nearly 90% of its population having been vaccinated. https://t.co/zm5vHDf6dP
— Michael P Senger (@MichaelPSenger) July 23, 2021
Vax Pass Isn't Valid Forever
Do vaxx pass enthusiasts understand that the pass isn't valid forever after two shots, it's valid as long as you promptly follow every injection order you are given for the rest of your life.
— Sam White (@SamWhiteTky) July 24, 2021
Cause of 5 million increase in India's excess deaths last year is . . . the lockdowns implemented in spring 2020
"The cause of the near-5 million increase in India's excess deaths last year is…the economic, medical, and social consequences of the lockdowns implemented in spring 2020 and the panic that followed."
— Michael P Senger (@MichaelPSenger) July 24, 2021
Must-read from Jay Bhattacharya. https://t.co/vea7pvN5qY
Protests Against Vaccine Passports & Vaccine Mandates Around the World
In Italy . . .
WATCH: An enormous crowd in Italy marches against forced vaccinations and vaccine passports. pic.twitter.com/qe9BghGPqL
— Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) July 24, 2021-
In France . . .
Huge protests again in France today,
— ella (@elladeanadrei) July 20, 2021
Also in London huge protests pic.twitter.com/xtXscnRgRc
In Toronto . . .More footage from France where we are seeing HUGE protests in response to the governments tyranny which they are trying to pass as a "health policy" pic.twitter.com/m373rOn2Gh
— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) July 25, 2021
Incredible turnout at Toronto's freedom rally today. https://t.co/sBwC22Iauk#WorldwideFreedomRally @RebelNewsOnline pic.twitter.com/QlQIwiQ5nJ
— Alex Yelizarov 🇨🇦 (@alxyeee) July 24, 2021
There was a massive turnout in Toronto, Saturday, during the world wide rally against C19 restrictions. You can see how big it was here. It bears mentioning that no Toronto newspaper covered this story. Apparently, 1000s of people marching through the streets isn't newsworthy. pic.twitter.com/AS5SpCsNRR
— The Peoples Media (@_ThePeoplesNews) July 25, 2021
In Portugal . . .
In London . . .Anti Vaccine Passport Protest - Portugal July 24 pic.twitter.com/kkIGnT8vp7
— ZNeveri (@ZNeveri) July 24, 2021
Huge Anti Lockdown, Vaccine And Vaccine Passport Protest - London UK July 24 pic.twitter.com/d5gRUT5gFT
— ZNeveri (@ZNeveri) July 24, 2021
In Slovakia . . .
Protest outside Slovakian Parliament building against covit tyranny July 24 pic.twitter.com/vFuQG04aXt
— ZNeveri (@ZNeveri) July 24, 2021
In Australia . . .
Australians are angry at the unscientific lockdowns. The police are in full force to prevent them from demonstrating.
— ELIJAH SCHAFFER (@ElijahSchaffer) July 24, 2021
The free people of the world stand with the resistance pic.twitter.com/0GB9Ae25wQ
In Dublin . . .
You’ve gone too far. You’ve awoken the beast 💪💪💪 massive crowds in Dublin today. pic.twitter.com/UMjeTnAWSy
— Gary Dempsey (@Dempz8) July 24, 2021
Keep This In Your Anti-State Toolkit
By Peggy
Hall www.TheHealthyAmerican.org
1. There is
no legal authority that can require you to get a vaccine against your will.
2. If you don’t get a vaccine, you cannot be coerced into wearing a mask, getting tested, or being excluded from your school or place of employment.
3. The law is on your side. You have the right to be accommodated for your medical condition or religious beliefs.
4. You have
to educate your boss or school about the law. (We can help you do that.)
5. Your employer/school will try to confuse, coerce, intimidate, threaten and harass you. This is called retaliation and discrimination, and that is against the law.
6. You have
the right to determine what is done with your body.
7. It
doesn’t matter whether the vaccine only has an “emergency authorization” or
8. Even if
the vaccine becomes approved, you cannot be forced to take one.
9. You can seek an exemption for the vaccine, the mask and the testing. We recommend a religious exemption, which also includes your sincerely-held ethical and moral beliefs.
10. The masks and the testing are also “emergency use authorization” but even if they weren’t, you cannot be forced into complying.
11. Only a licensed medical doctor can prescribe a medical treatment such as a mask, covid testing, or a vaccine. Your boss or school administrator has no authority to do so.
12. No CDC
guidelines, OSHA regulations or health officer orders can suspend your rights.
13. You have the constitutionally-protected and GUARANTEED right to life and the right to determine what it done to your body.
14. You do not have to tell your boss or school administrator whether or not you got vaccinated. That is your private information. You cannot be discriminated against for not disclosing that information.
15. IMPORTANT!! Do NOT sign any paper that says you will disclose your medical information and do NOT agree to wearing a mask or testing.
Check out the remaining arsenal.
My one caveat with regard to Peggy, as much as I love her energy and tenacity, is that she is so excited about her topic that she kind of loses focus of her presentation stated in the heading. Get to the point, Dear.
27 fully vaccinated people have died in Tennessee, health department says
27 fully vaccinated people have died in Tennessee, health department says https://t.co/hsHqoQbG6p
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) July 23, 2021
Mock the COVID Scam, Mandates, & Vaccine Passports
Great insight from Martin Armstrong:
While everyone is focused on COVID and arguing that there is no virus or that it is easily treated without vaccination, they are missing the real objective – our descent into a state of tyrannical psychosis that creates the totalitarian rule. The totalitarian state has a standard playbook. First, they need to create fear. This is then followed by terrorizing the people. Lastly, they will then seek power by offering solutions that require the surrender of all your rights for security. This is what Ben Franklin was really referring to.
We are told to social distance and
to wear masks, but this not merely defies the scientific truth as the Washington Post reported on the studies from the 1918
Spanish Flu pandemic that masks were “useless” yet they have demanded we
comply. Why? This is to prevent civil uprisings (resistance) against their
goals. In France, they have set up roadblocks all to prevent protests – that is
ruthless totalitarian tactics unfit for an elected democratic state. They set
up roadblocks during World War II for the very same
reason. This is Pavlov’s Dog. Training is achieved through isolation and
I recommend reading, The Power of the Powerless by Vaclav Havel. He was a dissident who lived in Czechoslovakia under communist rule.
In his youth, Havel
had been denied various educational opportunities due to his family’s
intellectual and bourgeois upbringing. Stalin feared intellectuals and even had
Kondratieff executed because his cycle work warned that the communist state
would collapse. So, Havel instead found himself writing internationally
acclaimed plays. In spite of clear fears and frustrations, Havel was carving
out a life for himself. It was this trend that caught on and people began to
see the Communist state for what it truly was – tyranny not freedom.
You will not understand
totalitarianism until you see it live. As I have said before, I went behind the
Berlin Wall before it fell. I saw it with my own eyes. The power of rulers is
constructed on FEAR. This is precisely what they have begun with using
COVID. I am not the only one who understands how to create a totalitarian
state. This is no secret. Others have studied this as well and the steps are
very clear. They are using this model to redesign the world for climate change
and while they are at it, they seek to recreate a communist state thanks to
Schwab’s ideas but they assume it failed before because it did not engulf the
entire world. Hence, the entire world must be vaccinated. This is the reality
behind the curtain.
Havel offers a view of how still
the totalitarian state can be defeated. Unlike most dictatorships which are
locally created by military power, the Communist dictatorship behaved like a
“secularized religion” which was a key observation from within. Communism
covered a broad area of diverse cultures, yet it professed to be rooted in
historical socialist movements. Its godfathers were Marx and Engels who were
raised to god-like status. It is true that there was conventional and nuclear
weaponry that was the ultimate trump card in this game of power. Nonetheless,
the glue that holds it all together is not the military power, but the social
pressures and indoctrination that enable this totalitarian order to be
Often the people who are the totalitarian rulers NEVER see themselves as evil. They see that their idea will save society. Because the French demanded vengeance upon Germany in World War I and insisted on ruinous reparation payments that punished the people rather than the political leaders, they set the stage for Hitler to rise because of their oppression. You should NEVER punish the people for the behavior of their leader for the people are suppressed with fear and conditioned to the point where menticide takes place.
Stanley Milgram established the
fallacy that the Germans killed the Jews because somehow they were different.
He conducted that experiment and found that people in the United States would
also torture people if they were told to do so by an authority. That was his
book – Obedience to Authority. All the german guards when asked
simply responded they were following orders. That was their mindset and it is
critical to understand that this is the very key to creating a totalitarian
state. They have been using this COVID to achieve their goal of brainwashing
people and dividing society into groups so they will not ban together to rise
up against their master. So we have Black Lives Matter which helps to divide
society by race. They will also induce divisions on religion and try to turn
others against the religious right they are characterizing as the neo-Nazis of
today. They are against religion just as the Communists were for religion leads
to prayer and the belief in a savior from about rather than the rulers of the
totalitarian state.
The Salem Witch Hunts were a
classic model of totalitarian power. They created the fear that there were
witches controlled by the devil threatening their society. People turned
against one another as they are doing today. In Britain, they told people to report
if they saw their neighbor leave their house. These tactics are well known.
What they are doing right now is taken out of this totalitarian playbook.
One important weapon in fighting
totalitarianism is HUMOR. You must ridicule the leaders and expose them
for what they truly are for in their mind they are not evil, you are just
unruly. The COVID trick is starting to decline for there has been no massive
death wave. They will next move onto climate change and expect air travel to
rise in price dramatically. They are trying to reduce international travel and
will most likely impose restrictions on the number of flights and new taxes
destined to double the prices. We will even see air travel domestically rise in
price. They are also deliberately trying to reduce meat and are paying farmers not to grow food to create a panic that they will then link to climate change.
We MUST strive to spread
the word and to expose the fact that they have lied about COVID. But don’t get
involved with claims it is not a virus, has not been isolated, and all that
line of reasoning. It will lead nowhere and it misses the entire point. This is
a plot and the fact that they are insisting on this vaccine is part of the
powerplay to separate the mindless sheep from those who think first, and
question those in power who never tell the truth about anything anyway. Getting
involved with is it a virus or not is distracting and it will not win the day.
They will bring out a fake doctor who has been paid to refute anything you say.
Our politicians may even be oblivious to the goals here for they are NOT the people who have dreamed up this plot. That is coming from the World Economic Forum, Gates, and Soros who have used money and influence to trick most of the world into this direction, and like Hitler, they do not see themselves as evil, but the savior of the world. We are just too stupid to know what is best for us.
When I was invited to the private
debut of Schwab’s movie the Forum, it shocked me for this was supposed to be
about his 50 years of accomplishment. It turned out to be a promo for the Great
Reset where Schwab invited Greta and Jeniffer Morgan of Green Peace to
play a major role in selling the true agenda – climate change. That film
debuted in New York and was the kick-off for the Great Reset. I thanked
Schwab for the invite and we shook hands and he thanked me for coming. Like so
many events in my life, I have seemed to be at the key spot where things began
like being called in back in 1985 to start the G5 – now G20. I suppose I was at
the event that started the move for the Great Reset as well.
We must take a step back and look at this strategy for what it is. They have conditioned society and we still see a few people wearing masks because they have been brainwashed and it now makes them “feel” safe. Handshakes have been replaced by elbow-bumping that contributes to social distancing to prevent gatherings that could result in uprisings. Understand the game plan. Use HUMOR to ridicule them. Remember, resistance is not futile.
Friday, July 23, 2021
The COVID Collapse Continues
Federal Court Rules CDC's COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium Is Unlawful https://t.co/rsCOfqhfyL
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) July 23, 2021
Do You Need Further Proof That the Forced Vax Mandates Have Nothing to Do With Health?
.@ValerieJarrett: I’m ‘all for’ vaccine mandates @MSNBC https://t.co/1qewzpMimX
— Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) July 23, 2021
1930s Germany, I Mean, Israel
This is bone-simple psy-ops psychology on the cattle - but beyond sinister, beyond horrifying - 1930's Germany relived: https://t.co/zURSXxX1Jx
— Ivor Cummins (@FatEmperor) July 23, 2021
49 fully vaccinated people in New Jersey have died from COVID-19
49 fully vaccinated people in New Jersey have died from COVID-19 https://t.co/kKacgN7bho
— Robert Barnes (@barnes_law) July 23, 2021
NFL Stars Speak Out Against Vaccine Pressure
‘I Can’t Do It’: Growing Number Of NFL Stars Speak Out Against Vaccine Pressure https://t.co/zRXuMiQTem pic.twitter.com/DAirmBIOng
— The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) July 23, 2021
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Eric Clapton Shows Some Stones
Eric Clapton said he would cancel any shows if the venue requires attendees prove they are vaccinated against Covid-19. https://t.co/ByUi9lLG2V
— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) July 21, 2021
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
HEROIC: Rand Paul Indicts Dr. Fauci
Then watch Rand Paul tell that he'll be filing charges against Fauci.“IF ANYBODY IS LYING HERE SENATOR, IT IS YOU!” Fauci and Paul Have HEATED Exchange at Senate Hearing
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) July 20, 2021
FULL VIDEO >> https://t.co/p0bxXRPZaN pic.twitter.com/oa7czJeh88
BREAKING: Sen. Rand Paul: "I will be sending a letter to the Department of Justice asking for a criminal referral" into Dr. Fauci - https://t.co/p0bxXRPZaN pic.twitter.com/vWrwu8ET1E
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) July 21, 2021
FBI Seeks to Criminalize COVID Misinformation & Disagreement Here We Go . . .
The Feds seek to criminalize disagreement over #COVID19 https://t.co/f0y3sPJUJO
— Robert Barnes (@barnes_law) July 20, 2021
COVID STASI: 18-Year-Old Student Denied Admission to University
Student Olivia Sandor with Guillain-Barre syndrome, 18, is DENIED admission to BYU-Hawaii and loses $200k scholarship for refusing to get COVID vaccine after doctors said it could worsen her condition. https://t.co/paCeRXDV9b
— Molecularly Impossible Poso 🦠 (@JackPosobiec) July 20, 2021
Monday, July 19, 2021
"Vaccine failure is accelerating. 60% of hospitalized UK #Covid patients are vaccinated"
The vaccine failure is accelerating. 60% of hospitalized UK #Covid patients are vaccinated? Because vaccines are great at stopping severe disease!
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) July 19, 2021
Btw, I don’t give stock advice, but why exactly is @moderna_tx soaring? The shots work so badly everyone will need boosters forever? pic.twitter.com/VLXKj6Eu5w
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Now This Is Progress
Michigan Senate votes to repeal governor's emergency lockdown powers https://t.co/RAlv1FAgfr
— Jeffrey A Tucker (@jeffreyatucker) July 17, 2021
BE HONEST: Don't tell children you want them to wear a mask; tell them you want to obstruct their breathing.
"Instead of saying “wear a mask,” we need to say “have their breathing obstructed.” Notice the change of intent when you say “kids need to have their breathing obstructed” in order to attend school." - @PezeshkiCharles in @mpdailynewshttps://t.co/WLzybqwYEe
— Martin Kulldorff (@MartinKulldorff) July 18, 2021