Saturday, May 29, 2021

"Patients are getting vaccinated to something that doesn't even exist anymore"

Thank you, Lew Rockwell.

Friday, May 28, 2021

"No child who was not already profoundly ill has died of Covid-19 in Britain"

Calls for Fauci to Retire Grow Louder

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Financial Shock and Awe

by Jon Rappoport

May 12, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

For the past year, I’ve been demonstrating that every major scientific assertion about the so-called pandemic is a lie. This article is about something else.

The money.

Money that makes the bailout/stimulus sums look like chump change. Money that makes Bill Gates look like a guy on welfare scraping by.

To understand my line of approach here, you have to understand that people are conditioned, in many ways, to accept modern medical care.

One successful method of conditioning: a whole nation is invaded by medical propaganda and medical treatment, during a purported crisis. The bottom line: “only doctors can save the population.”

Think about that chunk of mind control. Think about the long-term implications.

And as you read on, picture very populous countries that, to a significant degree, still rely on non-modern traditional medicine—herbs, natural remedies, etc.

Do you really believe that when the authorities declare the medical/pandemic crisis is over, the populations of such invaded countries will just go back to their former beliefs and practices?

“Thank you for saving our lives with drugs and vaccines, but now we’ll return to our ancient Ayurveda and acupuncture…”

The invasion of the doctors and the public health authorities, during the crisis, is the point of the spear. The way in. The first planned stage of PERMANENTLY CONVERTING THE WHOLE COUNTRY TO MODERN PHARMACEUTICAL MEDICINE.

We’re talking about MARKETS.

New markets as targets of the invasion.

Where are these new markets?

China, India, Indonesia, for example.

Each of these countries still maintains, to a significant degree, traditional non-modern healing practices.

What will happen in the long term, beyond the current “pandemic,” if Big Pharma is able to gain a total monopolistic position in these nations?

What if the invasion of the COVID drugs and vaccines is successfully followed by new waves of modern medical/pharmaceutical ground troops and a complete takeover of these nations is achieved?

How much money would we be talking about?

Here, from — “Here’s How Much Your Healthcare Costs Will Rise as You Age” (12/25/20), is a startling assessment [1]:

“During one’s lifetime, over $400K will be spent on the average American’s healthcare in today’s dollars. And that is if medical costs rise [at] the same rate as inflation. If medical costs rise at 3% more than inflation, your healthcare will cost over $2MM, the vast majority of which will take place after the age of 45.”

Yes, healthcare costs in America are very high. So let’s cut that $400K in half. Let’s say the lifetime healthcare cost for the average person is $200K.

How many people, combined, live in China, India, and Indonesia?

Let’s peg that figure at 3 billion. [2]

Now, imagine that 30 years from now, each one of those people is being subjected to modern medicine, at the rate of $200K for a lifetime.

What is 3 billion people multiplied by $200K?


That’s a market.

Is that a permanent market pharmaceutical companies and hospitals and public-health doctors think is worth fighting for?

A market to control and own?

And if the opening salvo in that fight needed some tremendous IMPACT, some serious conditioning and mind control, would the declaration of a global pandemic do the trick?

Would the masks and distancing and lockdowns and business closures and bankruptcies and travel bans; the wall-to-wall media fear-porn day after day; the contact tracing and antiviral drugs and vaccines; the heavy police presence to enforce all the restrictions; the inflated false case and deaths numbers—would that declared pandemic be the way to go…if the ultimate goal is a 600 TRILLION DOLLAR MARKET?

You bet it would.

And that’s the way corporations view the planet.

As markets.

Territories to capture.

And now you can see the financial reason why the powers-that-be are forcing this false pandemic on the whole world in every possible way:

THE MONEY that’s at stake.

CODA: A person could say a 600-trillion-dollar market is impossible; there isn’t enough fake money you can invent to cover it. And maybe that’s true. But however you need to cut that awesome figure to accommodate what banks can achieve, the final number is still going to be an overwhelming percentage of the global economy.

Which is why I’ve been saying for some years that we live in a medical civilization.

“But…but wait…you’re never going to get all three billion people into lifetime care in the modern medical system…”

“True. The three billion people and the 600 trillion-dollar market is the striven-for ideal, the far shore of the pot of gold.”

“And those three countries you mentioned—China, India, and Indonesia—they already have a significant amount of modern medicine.”

“Yes they do. But they also have a significant amount of non-modern traditional healing. And notice that I only mentioned those three nations, in arriving at the 600 trillion-dollar figure. I said nothing about about South America or Africa, for example.”






Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALEDEXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

This entry was posted in Corporate FraudCovidMedical Fraud and tagged vaccine.


Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Fauci's Wife Is Head of Ethics for NIH

Thank you, Lew Rockwell.

Conflict of interest much?  

This is incredible.  The man appointed to the highest medical office in government also has his wife as one of his department's employees.  

Lew writes:

Writes Ken McCarthy:


Not only does Fauci’s daughter work for Twitter, his wife is Head of Ethics for NIH, something we reported in May of 2020.

Here’s the film we released in August 2020 about Fauci’s 40+ year career.

12:33  It was a political proclamation of scientific truth.  Robert Gallo successfully lobbied Margaret Heckler, who was the Secretary of Health and Human Services, to proclaim his view of what caused AIDS to be the absolute scientific truth.  And she went on, with him in tow, and announced that.  The conference was held before any of Robert Gallo's papers were published, therefore before any scientists had a chance to review them and look at the evidence to see if he got it right or wrong.  And it was also done right when Gallo had patented the HIV antibody test.  So they made sure that his patent rights were protected first.  Then they did the press conference.  And then, before Gallo's papers appeared in print, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services decided from now on we are only going to fund AIDS research that assumes that Robert Gallo's virus is the cause.  We are not going to fund research into any other possibilities.  Therefore, the scientists who might have wanted to critique Gallo's papers would not be able to do so at least not with anything supported by the federal government which is virtually all science in this country today.  

13:57. When Bib Gallo proved it was the aetiological agent in 1984, we had a diagnostic test approved by the FDA in 1985.  So the test was developed, it was gone through the appropriate validation, and was approved by the FDA.  That was really quick, literally less than a year from the time that it was shown to be the virus that causes this disease.  

Funny, he can't even mention AIDS, nor can he make a specific reference to the HIV virus.  

14:25. Kary Mullis, 1944-2019.  Just because Bob Gallo gets to take his fake sunglasses off and says, "Gentlemen, we've discovered the cause of AIDS . . . ."  That's all we have, the New York Times article, CDC report.  That's all he had.  That's not enough.  That's not enough to, you know, that is not sufficient to like publish even a meager little scientific paper somewhere. That isn't enough for scientists to believe in some inconsequential fact about some star 50 light years away.  That's certainly not enough to treat at the cost of millions, billions of dollars a year and at the cost of a lot of lives and anguish and just destroyed you know lives that have been totally ruined by this thing on the basis of sine flimsy little statement made by a guy who's known to be a crook in lots of other ways.  He lied about a whole lot of other stuff.  Why are we trusting him?  There was a witness in the courtroom, we wouldn't trust his testimony.  We've caught him in too many lies.  They don't trust him anymore.  

15:26.  Peter Duesberg Challenges the HIV Causes AIDS Theory.

There was The Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV Causes AIDS Hypothesis.

Impact of COVID Vaccinations on Mortality

Sons of Sputnik: Kary Mullis at TEDx Orange County

Sunday, May 23, 2021

SF: More Deaths from Drug Overdose Than COVID-19

Israel Scraps Vaccine Passport System

Though it sounds good, to me this is mixed news, because Israel is not outright outlawing mask-wearing.  Apparently, the authorities are attributing the low COVID death count to--you guessed it--a great vaccination program.  

Israel owes its success in curtailing the spread of the deadly respiratory virus to a world-beating vaccination campaign, that he seen the vast majority of its adult population fully inoculated. 
Israel makes the right decision, scraps vaccine passport system. All restrictions lifted June 1.

New York April Concert That Defied Lockdown Protocols

Writes a friend:


A month ago some New York City “hardcore” bands performed in Tompkins Square Park for an estimated 2,000 to 3,000 people.  A packed together crowd, little masks, some in the crowd bouncing up against each other, etc.  A “narrative” would be that only stereotypical “rednecks” and such would participate in such an event at the time, but this shows otherwise, and also apparently looks like a relatively safe event weeks later.   Alas, it hasn’t got much coverage, but perhaps your readers would find it interesting, irregardless of their musical tastes. 

Footage of headlining act Madball (and the crowd)


Masks: "they do more harm than good and the decision to mandate them for healthy people in the community was introduced as a psychological control method"

In addition to their recognition of the ethically dubious nature of covert ‘nudges’, a SAGE insider, Dr. Gavin Morgan, also offered support to HART’s view on masks: that is, that they do more harm than good and the decision to mandate them for healthy people in the community was introduced as a psychological control method rather than a means of reducing viral transmission. The UCL educational psychologist was energetically opposed to masks from the outset of the crisis, describing them as ‘dehumanizing,’ but ultimately his view didn’t count as some SPI-B members liked masks because they conveyed a message of ‘solidarity.' 

3 Reasons to Distrust Coerced COVID-19 Vaccines

OSHA Pulls a Fauci and Flips the Script

OSHA has authority only that its federal heads allow it, when it's convenient. They are Fauci's lapdog.

OSHA's position on employer-mandated vaccines is even worse than I thought.


Kary Mullis Found that HIV Didn't Cause AIDS

Jon Rappoport has been unrelentingly reporting on the fact that COVID-19 does not exist.  He also pointed out, along with other scientists, that HIV didn’t exist, exactly what Karry Mullis found out after researching the virus—that it doesn’t exist.  

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Does Bill Gates Want to Denude Food?

Vandana Shiva is excellent.  She really gives hope to the fight and the future for happiness and peace.  Find more of her interviews here, and find her documentaries here.  A Wikipedia entry on the International Rice Research Institute and its "golden rice," referenced by Shiva, is summarized here:  

IRRI is pursuing the development of "golden rice." Geneticists inserted a gene into the rice plant that allows it to produce beta carotene, which makes its grains yellow. Because the human body converts beta carotene to vitmain A, golden rice has the potential to dramatically improve the lives of millions of people around the world, particularly in Africa and Southeast Asia, where vitamin A deficiency is an especially common malady that can cause blindness and increases the risk of death from disease. Children are particularly vulnerable; according to the World Health Organization, "An estimated 250,000 to 500,000 vitamin A-deficient children become blind every year, half of them dying within 12 months of losing their sight". In August 2013, anti-genetically modified organism protestors broke into IRRI's research facilities and destroyed field trials of golden rice.  The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation supports IRRI in its development of golden rice.


Mark this date

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

COVID Vaccines Are Creating the Variants?

Monday, May 17, 2021

"ill-advised," "reckless," and "Neanderthals," but look at the results!!!

The bald lie of ‘asymptomatic transmission’ has ruined millions of people’s mental health, children’s childhoods, family relationships

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Involuntary Euthanasia in NHS Hospitals

The presentation is given by Michael Elston.  

Every time COVID-19 is written on a death certificate, that death does not get investigated.


During this year’s COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals in Italy were so overwhelmed that they had to turn people away.  Hospitals in this country had fewer intensive beds than in Italy, fewer ventilators, and fewer doctors and yet NHS hospitals didn’t turn people away.  Something of even greater concern has been taking place in NHS hospitals.  These are the guidelines to an NHS Care pathway that was devised in the late 1990s.  Here it’s entitled, “The Liverpool Care Pathway.” It’s also referred to as “The Pathway to Death.” It’s encouraged doctors to end the patients’ lives prematurely without their consent and without their knowledge.  Patients are usually sedated with morphine and mezathion by the use of a syringe driver and they are deprived of nutrition and fluids until they eventually die from starvation or dehydration.  Involuntary euthanasia en masse.  After it was reported that hospitals were being set targets of patients to put on end-of-life care and were receiving financial payouts for meeting those targets and after an outcry from families of victims, The Liverpool Care Pathway was supposed to have been phased out in 2014 but the practice continued, and this year involuntary euthanasia has been reintroduced as part of NHS England’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


This document is NHS England’s directive to doctors from this year.  It includes a dialogue which doctors are advised to give to patients and families of patients to manipulate them into consenting end-of-life care when it is against their wishes.  And it’s informed doctors of new laws allowing them to end patients’ lives even when it is against their wishes and stipulating that any COVID-19 related death will not have an inquest.  Every time COVID-19 is written on a death certificate, that death does not get investigated.  Once more, this year victims’ families were often not permitted to visit hospitals during the final days of life, and so most of them still don’t know that this is what happened.  Let us make no mistake about it, this is the most terrible tragedy in British history and it’s still going on every day in NHS hospitals.  All three major political parties know about this and all three are being complicit.

The following is the same presentation presented in full on YouTube, titled, "Involuntary Euthanasia in NHS Hospitals; Reintroduction of the 'Liverpool Care Pathway.'"  It was uploaded to Michael Elston's YouTube channel on September 20, 2020.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Fauci's Own Staff Ignores Him

Boycott Delta Airlines when and where you can

Thursday, May 13, 2021

What law prevents mandatory COVID vaccine?

Eric Clapton Numb After AstraZeneca Jab

Thank you, Lew Rockwell.

Writes Ginny Garner:


Guitarist/singer/songwriter Eric Clapton took both AstraZeneca shots and his hands and feet became numb, frozen or burning and he was afraid he would never play guitar again. He said he got the jabs because “the propaganda said it was safe for everyone.” He’s now allied with America’s Frontline Doctors, who were successfully treating patients with HCQ but found themselves censored online and smeared and even some like Dr. Simone Gold losing their jobs. 

“I’ve been a rebel all my life, against tyranny and arrogant authority, which is what we have now,” says Clapton, :but I also crave fellowship, compassion and love, and that I find here.”

Let's Hope This Becomes the New Normal

Saturday, May 8, 2021

35 Reasons Not to Get a COVID-19 Jab

By Gary G. Kohls, M.D.

The HHS (US Health and Human Services) partners with vaccine makers to develop, approve, recommend, and pass mandates for new products and then shares profits from vaccine sales.

HHS employees can personally collect up to $150,000 annually in royalties for products they work on.

For example, key HHS officials collect money on every sale of Merck’s controversial HPV vaccine Gardasil, which also yields tens of millions annually for the agency in patent royalties.”  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr

Statements in these sites (this and this) are substantiated with facts that will stand in a court of law. Informed Consent requires a flow of information. Click on the hyperlinked sections to direct you to primary sources such as CDC, WHO, FDA documents.  

Did you know?

1. The FDA did not approve Moderna or Pfizer mRNA gene therapeutics they dubbed “vaccines”. It simply authorized them. Fauci confirms. “In the US, the FDA in its ambiguous statement provided a so-called Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, namely “to permit the emergency use of the unapproved product, . . . for active immunization…” (see heresee below

19 doctors warned the world of the dangers. AstraZeneca is being dropped by 24 countries.

Johnson & Johnson, a Viral Vector (1) ” injection” that was given Emergency Use Authorization on Feb. 27, 2021, was halted by several states due to the formation of blood clots. The CDC had confirmed. But distribution resumed after a 10-day pause.  The CDC also confirms (2) the Pfizer & Moderna jabs are the deadliest of all “vaccines”, also in a bar chart, 5 prominent doctors discuss how the Covid jab is a bioweapon.

2. The clinical trials will be completed in 2023, there are 12 vaccine companies ramping up their marketing, and you are the guinea pig.

3. The FDA & CDC have not revealed to the public over 20 adverse effects, including Death, related to Covid19 injections, which were discussed in an October 2020 meeting. 3,544 deaths from Covid19 injections are reported by the National Vaccine Information Center as at 4/23/2021, and one-third of the deaths occurred within 48 hours.

For clarification purposes in this article, Covid19, given that the virus has not been isolated, is regarded as an influenza variant, given the symptoms exhibited by patients. And, yes, people can die of influenza or the common cold. In fact, lungs of influenza patients can be more damaged than those of Covid patients.

Some will argue that SARS-CoV-2 was developed in a Gain-of-Function lab. That is moot. The primary consideration is whether an experimental injection is warranted for a disease with a 99.9% survival rate.

I am for tried, true, and tested (safe) vaccines. I am NOT for experimental gene therapeutics backed by disastrous animal studies, used on humans for the first time in history.

 4. The mRNA jab delivers a synthetic, inorganic molecule (medical device) that programs your cells to synthesize pathogens in the form of the spike protein that your immune system will constantly have to fight off for the rest of your life, according to experts such as Molecular Biologist & Immunologist, Professor Dolores Cahill. She explains. Fauci confirms. Dr. Lee Merritt reconfirms.

Others call it Information Therapy that hacks the software of life, according to Moderna’s [Mode RNA] chief scientist. You essentially become a GMO. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny mapped eight mechanisms that can result in death by a Covid jab.

5. The mRNA jab does not prevent you from contracting Covid19 or from transmitting it. Dr. Steve Hotze elaboratesFauci confirms. The CDC graph underscores that reality, proving these injections are ineffective and injection passports are totally useless.

87 million Americans have been subjected to injections as of 4/20/21, of which 7,157 have contracted Covid after being vaccinated, resulting in 88 deaths. Also, an imperfect “vaccination” can enhance the transmission of highly virulent pathogens, according to this NCGI article. A study on mice concludes that the spike protein from a “vaccination” can cause lung damage.

Did you also know?

6. The CDC inflated the death rate for Covid19 – that was not isolated – by instructing medical practitioners in its March 24, 2020 directive to ascribe the cause of death as Covid19 for all deaths, irrespective if patients were tested positive for Covid19 or if they had other comorbidities, so as to ramp up the fear, and doctors have publicly stated they are being pressured to mark Covid19 on death certificates. Here is a list:

This missstep by the CDC contravenes Federal Regulations, according to IPAK. Each Federal agency is required to submit a formal change proposal to the Federal Register before enacting their proposed changes. A 60-day public comment and peer-review process ensues before the changes can be made.

The fact is that 60,000 Americans have been dying weekly, consistently, before and after the covid scare–more data–while deaths by influenza and other diseases have plummeted.

7. The CDC later admitted that 94% of deaths had underlying conditions. That means that of the 527,000 deaths attributed to the influenza variant masked as SARS-CoV-2 only 6% were actually caused directly by Covid19, or 31,620. That brings the true case fatality rate to 0.12% out of the 27 million cases.

 8. The survival rate for Covid19 is, therefore, roughly 99.9%. When using the state population as the denominator, the death rate is even lower, ranging from 36 to 247 deaths per 100,000. As at March 19, 2021, even with the doctored numbers and faulty tests, the CDC arrived at the following survival rates:

  • Ages 0-17 99.998%
  • Ages 18-49 99.95%
  • Ages 50-64 99.4%
  • Ages 65+ 91%

 9. The CDC lumped pneumonia, influenza, and Covid19 into a new epidemic it called PIC in order to inflate Covid19 deaths.

The CDC stats for week of July 3, 2020, confirm that pneumonia and influenza combine with Covid to inflate the death rate. The Feb. 5, 2021 report does the same. The obfuscation is underscored in the search results page, where only “(P&I)” is mentioned, but PIC graphs appear upon clicking the links. Deaths by influenza have dropped from 61,000 in 2018 to 22,000 in 2020, while medical malpractice is the third leading cause of deaths in the US.

10. Hospitals are paid $13,000 for every Covid19 admission, and $39,000 for every patient that is put on a ventilator, on average. More proof doctors and nurses have orders to place on ventilators patients who tested negative, effectively killing them.

Are you aware that…

11. The PCR tests do not detect SARS-CoV-2 particles, but particles from any number of viruses you might have contracted in the past, and that a lawsuit for crimes against humanity is being launched by a German attorney for this fraud. Even Fauci admits PCR tests don’t work. The WHO backs him up.

Important Statements on Impacts of Vaccination by Prominent Scientists, Scholars, and Authors

In this CDC document, testing guidelines state that false negatives and positives are possible–page 39. The PCR test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens–page 40.

But most importantly, on page 42, SARS-CoV-2 was never isolated in the first instance

Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full-length RNA.

Neither the CDC can provide samples of SARS-CoV-2, nor can Stanford and Cornell labs, and in a CNN interview, Fauci said he was not getting tested and there is no need to test asymptomatic people. He reiterates that asymptomatic people have never been the driving force of a pandemic. Again, the WHO backs him up.

12. There are class-action lawsuits in the works, naming Anthony Fauci as defendant, amongst others. Here’s a partial list:

And we’re just getting warmed up. If Israeli citizens have brought their governmenttgo the International Criminal Court for Crimes Against Humanity, alleging they are being coerced into taking an inadequately tested, experimental COVID injection by Pfizer, in contravention of the Nuremberg Code, then the citizens of any state (West Virginia comes to mind where young people are bribed with $100 to take the jab) have that same right and obligation.

13. Therapeutics and prophylactics for coronaviruses, like Hydroxychloroquine, have been approved in the WHOCDC and NIH websites.

Continue reading . . . .

It's this easy to treat the Coronavirus.  Don't get swept up by the deluge of propaganda.