Saturday, July 4, 2020

"Federal and state health regulatory agencies are notoriously anti-Trump."

Thanks to Robert Wenzel for this video and report.  I could be wrong, but of all the people who've tracked the tricks surrounding COVID-19, Robert Wenzel has targeted the malfeasance the best.  Him along with Jon Rappoport.  

The below video (one minute long) shows you the new instructions out of the Texas health department on how to count COVID-19 infections.  Federal and state health regulatory agencies are notoriously anti-Trump.
It appears the hysteria being generated by these agencies is designed to make Trump look bad before the upcoming election.
Never forget that it was Rod Rosenstein's sister that launched the hysteria back in February. 
This is pretty important to understand the relentlessness of the attacks against Trump.  When it comes to any politician, for me I base my bias on merit.  What has he done to improve freedom in people's lives?  For this reason, I am going to have mixed opinions on every politician, since their main audience serves those who financed their campaign; not someone who liked a slogan or speech in their campaign.  

What this means is that the cities, counties, states, companies that have mandated masks, both outdoors and indoors, including the 6-foot rule (how arbitrary, why not 4 feet or 9 feet?), have done so as activist determined to remove a duly elected president.  The next time you put on your mask or are asked to wash your hands or to keep your distance, remember that it is done by folks who have it out for Trump.  What the heck did Trump do these folks?  What have they lost with his presidency?  

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