Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Certificate of Need Law Kills People

Thanks to Gary North at Tea Party Economist.

Today, 36 states have certificate of need laws. Inventors cannot get new procedures accepted in local hospitals until they prove to state bureaucrats that the new procedures are wanted by the community. 

Existing providers that will not be able to compete economically are allowed to testify as to why the community — which knows nothing about this — really does not need the new procedure. This is another technique that allows the good old boys in medicine to maintain their high-income positions.

This is how the medical-industrial complex keeps its hold on the medical marketplaces. They use the state. Because the state funds hospitals, this system is inevitable. If you take the state’s nickel, you take the state’s noose. 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

How Capitalism Can Fix Health Care

"Canada's healthcare system won't permit cancer diagnoses after age 75."

From the TomWoods Show:

Dr. Josh Umbehr operates a concierge family practice in Wichita, Kansas, and counsels doctors about making the transition to direct care, bypassing insurance and government, through Atlas.MD. He ran for lieutenant governor of Kansas in 2014 on a ticket with his father, Keen, at the top. (See

Remarkable discounts by reducing the medical bureaucracy and administrative costs. Even if you're not in the market for healthcare services, you'll find his business model and acumen fascinating.  52% of medical care is paid for by the government. 

Canada's socialized healthcare system won't permit cancer diagnoses after age 75.  Incredible.  This is the same thing that the death panels with Obamacare will evaluate--whether your age, condition, etcetera will be worthy of care.  It should be indisputably clear that government care or government healthcare absolutely does not care for you or for anyone else. Take good care of yourself and you find the best options for you and your family.