Friday, October 24, 2014


Dr. Mercola has posted at his website this video and article.  It is about the cover-up on the benefits of Laetrile for a cancer treatment.  The author of the article is Mercola himself as is indicated by the by-line.  But after transcribing just a few paragraphs, I began to realize that Mercola transfers his own biases with Laetrile.  Toward the end, he explains that "Some Laetrile proponents claim that it's more toxic to cancer cells than to normal cells.  Getting cyanide poisoning from apple seeds or almonds is extremely unlikely."  Not only is it extremely unlikely, it's extremely rare.  I mean extremely.  If you want the real scoop on Laetrile and on Sloan Kettering as a fraudulent institutions, see G. Edward Griffin's book World Without Cancer.  By far the best book on cancer as well as the best book on the medical industrial complex and how it poisons people.  Yep, poisons people.  
From the beginning, Mercola distorts the story on Laetrile, saying that "Kettering's Board of Directors swept positive findings . . . under the rug."  Which they did.  But what were the positive findings.  Mercola doesn't say. The positive findings were that Laetrile killed cancer cells.  How's that for positive findings?  
More from Mercola . . . .
If you are old enough, you might recall a controversy in the early 1970s regarding the compound Laetrile, purported to prevent the spread of cancer. New York's Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center was ground zero in that firestorm.  In the early 1970s, America's war on cancer was in full force, and Sloan Kettering was regarded as one of the world's leading cancer research centers.  
But Sloan Kettering's Board of Directors swept positive findings about Laetrile under the rug when it became unprofitable and publicly unpopular for them to support it.  
Their Laetrile research was done under their own roof by one of the world's most respected cancer researchers of the day--Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura. One person--and only one--has come forward with the truth about what turned out to be one of the most reprehensible cover-ups in the history of cancer research.  
In 1974, young science writer Ralph Moss had just netted his first big-time job in Sloan Kettering's public relations department, but he soon found himself smack dab in the middle of the Laetrile fiasco.  
In July 1977, Moss was no longer willing to lie on behalf of his employer, so he exposed the truth about Sloan Kettering's conduct at a highly publicized press conference.  The next business day he was fired and swiftly escorted to the door by armed guards.
Laetrile is the patented drug made from the natural compound Amygdalin, found in the seeds of many fruits, such as apricot, plum and peach pits, apple seeds, and quince, as well as in almonds.  Laetrile is also known as Amigdalina, B-17 or Vitamin B17, although there is very little evidence that it warrants classification as a vitamin. 
Amygdalin contains glucose, benzaldehyde, and cyanide.  Cyanide is believed to be the active cancer-toxic ingredient in Laetrile.  However, cyanide is toxic to all cells, so Laetrile's overall toxicity is a concern.
Some Laetrile proponents claim that it's more toxic to cancer cells than to normal cells.  Getting cyanide poisoning from apple seeds or almonds is extremely unlikely.
In 1924, Laetrile was synthesized from amygdalin and promoted as a cancer treatment.  By 1978, it was estimated that more than 70,000 Americans had tried it--despite its being banned in the US since 1963.  Most people obtained Laetrile from Tijuana clinics, as the agent is still legal in Mexico."
If you  are considering buying and taking bitter almonds, you might want to read this article by Sarah C. Corriher where she explains that "Most almonds are pasteurized with Propylene oxide.  Propylene oxide is a known carcinogen, and it is on California'sProposition 65 list of chemicals that are known to cause both cancer and reproductive harm.  This means that the majority of almonds sold in the U.S. are not only nutritionally neutralized, but contain dangerous chemical toxins as well.  Remember that before the F.D.A. decided almonds must be tainted, almonds were so healthful that they could quickly cure cancer without side effects in most test subjects.  Alternative medicine's magic bullet just had to go!"

How the health for your body hasn't become a war against powerful interests is not hard to see.

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