Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A friend asked me the other day what she should take if she had cancer.  And I told her that I would start eating raw fresh fruits and vegetables.  Raw broccoli.  Raw collard greens.  Raw kale.  I would combine these foods with others to make them taste good, like wrapping a collard green leaf around a carrot and eat the two.  The carrot gives the snack or the food some sweetness to make the collard bearable if she does not like the taste of raw vegetables.

Fasting is another good approach.  Intermittent fasting works to build energy and reduces your profile to oxidation from eating 3 or 2 meals a day.

Garlic is a must.  A daily must.  Particularly if you're suffering from hypertension brought on by stress.  Garlic will reduce your blood pressure, and your hypertension will be relieved.  Wished I'd known about its ability to do this decades ago.  Just read an article by Dr. Mercola that states garlic ". . . boosts your body’s natural abilities to protect you from hypertension and osteoporosis, and research is mounting that it decreases your risk for various forms of cancer. It is a potent antimicrobial as well, working as a natural antibiotic, anti-fungal, antiviral, and anti-parasitic agent. Garlic must be fresh to give you optimal health benefits, though. The fresh clove must be crushed or chopped in order to stimulate the release of an enzyme called alliinase, which in turn catalyzes the formation of allicin."  He adds that "The active ingredient, allicin, is destroyed within one hour of smashing the garlic, so garlic pills are virtually worthless."  Plus, raw, fresh garlic is cheaper than garlic pills.  If you're worried about the smell, then just add the garlic to other foods, maybe drop a few crushed cloves into a green juice with apples.
For heart energy, I follow the recommendations laid out by Dr. Donald W. Miller to take coconut oil each day for heart energy.  I take 2 tablespoons each morning, and my heart does get pumped.  It's a good fat.  It's good energy, and it has a host of other benefits besides heart benefits.

1.  Helps reduce seizures.
2.  Reduces hunger.
3.  Lauric acid and monolaurin can kill harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi.
4.  Help you burn fat.
5.  Great for brain function.
6.  Great for the heart.  Lowers your risk for heart disease.  And other benefits

For bowel health, perhaps the most important health in your system because of its size and extensive functions, I eat plain, whole milk yogurt.  I do not know how anyone can eat non-fat dairy or drink non-fat milk.  The milk is tasteless.  Kefir that is often made from non-fat milk and then sweetened tastes good because of the sweeteners, which is often done with juice.  Otherwise, I would avoid non-fat milk.  It tastes bad.  Plus, I'd read once that non-fat milk products are the refuse of milk processing.  My favorite yogurt is Nancy's Organic Whole Milk Yogurt.  I eat it with a diced Granny Smith Apple sprinkled generously with tumeric powder.
There are other foods that would help with cancer.

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