Friday, September 20, 2013

Protect Yourself Against Radiation

Anthony Gucciardi interviews Dr. Edward Group on radiation exposure. Be sure to check out Dr. Edward Group's YouTube video at his channel. His website is here.

Here area some of the products that Dr. Edward Group recommends:

1. Nascent Iodine.
2. Bentonite Clay.
3. Detoxadine.
4. Zeolite AV 90.
5. Iodine.
6. Activated Charcoal
7. Oregano Oil
8. Cilantro
9. Chlorella
10. Fulvic Acid
11. Humic Acid
12. Apple Cider Vinegar bath

Toxins enter through the intestinal system.

BPA was used as estrogen replacement in the 1930s.  Dr. Group's dad was a chief chemist for Exxon.

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