Sunday, September 22, 2013

Solid & Liquid Brain Boosters

Water & Blueberries Make You More Alert

According to Dr. Edward Group, blueberries are an excellent brain food.  He says that "Berries are rich in antioxidants which protect your brain cells from oxidation and free radical damage [1]. This means antioxidants may slow down brain aging and prevent disease, while promoting the growth of healthy brain cells."  So when you're looking for food to increase brain energy, reach for blueberries.  Think blueberry brain.

Spinach does the same things.  Create a spinach salad with blueberries and some goat cheese.

If you're abstaining from food for the time being for whatever reason, Dr. Group recommends water as brain stimulant.  He says water increases your alertness, "Did you know that water can actually increase your alertness? When you’re feeling sluggish in the afternoon, instead of grabbing a caffeinated, carbonated drink, pour yourself a tall glass of purified water."

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