Showing posts with label Sasha Latypova. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sasha Latypova. Show all posts

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Big industrial farms want to maximize profits by raising as many animal species as they can per square foot of space, and there's a limit to how much biological stress an organism can sustain.

1:45. What about mRNA shots either four animals as pets or in our livestock equally as frightening.  Tell me what this is all about.
1:55. I was invited to speak recently at the Western price foundation annual meeting and this was in Kansas City Missouri very nice and I enjoyed myself and I and because this is the food crowd they invited me to speak about vaccines.  Well this is a food and agriculture people so I have to kind of look and I wanted to look into this issue I did split my talk 50/50 between the COVID shot and the any agriculture mRNA vaccines. So I started researching and I and I was actually terrified that the situation is worse than I thought because what I found was first of all the genetic vaccines have been used in food supply in animals for quite some time now primarily since 2005 in fish farmed fish so right away I tell everybody don't consume farmed salmon or trout especially not from the northern hemisphere I would say maybe the South is better but since 2005 they've been using DNA vaccines in fish farm fish and these are the DNA plasmid vaccines.

3:31. For what purpose, do you know?

3:32. The problem is that vaccination in general, but especially the vaccinations on a farm, to animals, is an attempt to control the uncontrollable.  They want to cram the animals into tight spaces, whether it's in water or some kind of controlled water space or in the housing for the farmed animals.  Big industrial farms want to maximize profits by raising as many animal species as they can per square foot of space, and there's a limit to how much biological stress an organism can sustain.  And this is a huge biological stress if they cram them together.  They're in an unnaturally sized environment.  They are swimming in each other's excrement essentially, and, of course, they get sick, and then what do we do?  Well, the USDA the CDC, and everyone else call it viruses.  Oh, we have this fish virus and that fish virus, and we need vaccines for those viruses.  And so they come up with these DNA plasmid vaccines platforms that have been in use since 2005 in different applications . . . . 

5:00. If they're putting DNA plasmids into these fish, why aren't they getting cancer and dying?  Like they're smaller, they should die faster and get sick and even sicker.

5:10. I think they do get sicker and they die faster except that they get harvested before the signs materialize. 

Note how the following paragraph from this article cites the condition as "rare."  Word for word, that's exactly how side effects from mRNA vaccines were sold by the PR firms pimping the vaccines.  Sound familiar?  Are you getting a sense of what these American institutions are like?  I hope so.  
[The salmonid fish, rainbow trout,  Oncorhynchus mykiss, and Atlantic  salmon, Salmo salar, are among the numerous commercially important fish species that could be affected by mycobacteriosis. In this respect, the occurrence of M. salmoniphilum among salmonid fish is considered rare, with few examples in the literature.]
So I could not find much information on the safety.  I'm still looking, but I did find that there are a lot of papers written hand-waiving away the fact that this is potentially dangerous, that it can cause cancer, and that it can transfer because they are in water, right?  So it can transfer to other species, other aquatic species it can transfer through the water, and what happens when it gets in the food supply?  They're saying, "Oh, there's a very, very low chance, that plasmas degrade very quickly; plus, the GMO laws don't really apply to this."  

But then I found another study from Italy where they looked at the DNA plasmid and how long they persist in salmon, and they found that these plasmids are in their muscles 300 days out from injection.  Obviously, the DNA gets incorporated, otherwise, it wouldn't be present for such a long time.  It gets Incorporated and then it now gets [re]produced and that enables us to detect these plasmids even though these academic papers written for regulatory purposes state that this is very transient and that they quickly degrade.  It turns out it doesn't.  It stays in the fish for a year and then there's no conclusion as to what potential damage it can cause.  But plasma DNA is a way to infect the body cells and the microbiome cells and we know that specifically for humans we have E coli living in our gut, and E coli are used in biotechnology to produce these plasmids in the first place. So they create a DNA synthetic piece of code and introduce it to E coli cells in the vaccine.  E coli cells multiply and grow the DNA, so basically you can, in fact, grow E coli in the environment in the gut of animals and humans.  In addition, the plasmids always, always contain antibiotic-resistant genes because that's necessary for biological manufacturing because the E coli, when it's all done, to get rid of E coli you kill them with antibiotics, so that the genetic material survives this process they need to have antibiotic-resistant genes Incorporated into them.

7:58. That explains why the SV40 promoters that was identified in sequence by McKernan but also found the genetic code for antibiotic resistance.  

8:16. Yes those were found and they were disclosed by Pfizer, for example, but they're problematic in our opinion because once you see all these papers that are trying to waive away all the problems as a risk to humans and livestock, it's stated or predicated on the fact that there's is so little, tiny amounts, "insignificant, it's very, very small."  But if all of our vaccines get converted into this DNA plasma, all animal vaccines get converted into this, and a whole bunch of other biological products are made from these plasmids with antibiotic-resistant genes.  Now just for COVID shots, in 18 months of the manufacturing, there was a kilogram of DNA produced with antibiotic resistance.  So we're not talking about small amounts.  So now we have an environment being overwhelmed with these problems so when you have a small issue of an escape being plasmid or escape of genetic code or recombination of a virus into a replicating virus. you can say, "Well it's a small chance, blah . . . blah . . . blah," but with all these small chances are now being implemented in trillions and trillions of instances.  It's not a small chance anymore: it's a guaranteed event.

Genetic vaccines have been used in food supply, in animals

Monday, October 23, 2023

Sasha Latypova's efforts and results are stunning.

When did the evidence become available, who brought up the evidence and what does the body of evidence contain to date? Did anything change? Were we NOT able to sue Pfizer before?

Here is a quick summary:
You CAN sue Pfizer for fraud. 
You ALWAYS could.   
The evidence of fraud has ALWAYS been available and proven.   
Some people HAVE sued - her name is Brook Jackson.
Nothing changed with regard to evidence of product adulteration. Simply more evidence has accumulated over time including the information about DNA in vials and the SV40 promoter sequence. 
Nothing changed with regard to the status of covid shots as “EUA Countermeasure under Public Health Emergency, covered by PREP Act”. If you sue, you still have to find a way to overcome the defenses of this legal fortress.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The new PIfzer/Moderna shots coming out are under the PREP Act, which requires only voluntary participation

Monday, September 11, 2023

Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox is fighting NY Governor Hochul's appeal to install quarantine camps [convenient medical term for concentration camps] and she's fighting the governor pro bono. If you can help her out, please . . . do.

Sasha Latypova writes

For my readers in New York state and surrounding areas please consider making a trip to Rochester New York it is a nice town and beautiful this time of the year this is an opportunity for you to fight the concentration extermination camps that Kathy Hochul wants to install in New York this is much more important than the political theater playing on TV or social media.

Here is the link to Latypova's updates on Bobbie Anne Cox, who has defeated Hochul's tyrannical quarantine camps once already.  And what aren't quarantine camps just a medical pseudonym for concentration camps?  

Find more on Bobbie Anne Cox here.

Monday, July 31, 2023

“Why all of a sudden do they [cattle] need to be injected with mRNA?” objected @sasha_latypova.

The full interview, dated June 17, 2023, is here.  Thankfully, this one is not behind a paywall.   

It's time to start writing to the cattlemen's associations.   

Friday, July 28, 2023

Why is [HHS secretary Becerra] doing that? Because he wants them dead! It's his job! He is acting on behalf of the central bankers that appointed him to this position.

Xavier Becerra, current HHS Secretary, personally went to Chico, CA to promote these injections in children

How do you explain that?  Why is this guy doing that?  

Because he wants them dead!  It's his job!  He is acting on behalf of the central bankers that appointed him to this position.  I cannot get into this head and I cannot tell you what drives his behavior, and that's a good question to ask him on the stand, you know, when he's tried for mass murder, genocide, and war crimes.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The Military Authorized the Jabs | Sasha Latypova

The vaccines are not, actually what people don't realize, they're not at all subject to GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES or FDA OVERSIGHT.  --Sasha Latypova

She mentions French doctor, Dr. Didier Raoult, in her opening remarks.  

The FDA doesn't regulate medicine in the United States, neither does the CDC.  So they're not the authorities who can dictate to doctors how to practice medicine.  It's actually up to the doctor's discretion.  If something is approved on the market, of which Hydroxychloroquine has been for 60 years or so, then they're perfectly in their right to prescribe it.  So nobody can say no to them.  If the doctor himself feels that this is something that can help you, obviously they discuss it with the patient, but it's the relationship between the patient and the doctor, and the doctor is using approved medicine, yet all of a sudden, all of these authorities decided that relationship doesn't exist and that it was up to the government to decide how you should be treated as a patient and how the doctor should practice their skill and their art that they're trained to do.  

4:45  The FDA primarily exists to make sure that products sold in interstate commerce are in compliance both with the ingredients as they are labeled on the product along with how it's produced.  You can't say what's in it.  You have to trust the label that what it says matches what is inside.  Can't always talk directly to the manufacturer.  And that the dose or amount is accurate, that it's not 50mgs of aspirin and not 5,000 or zero.  So all of it depends on a tightly, tightly controlled regulated process of making these things.  GMP is the law in the United States that governs, and it's an extensive set of laws, that govern the production, the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and food, and other items that the FDA regulates.  The vaccines are not, actually what people don't realize, they're not at all subject to GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES or FDA OVERSIGHT.  

6:00. These particular C19 vaccines are not regulated by FDA, not regulated by Good Manufacturing Practices.  There are no rules or regulations that are followed for them.  And everything that has been presented to the public--the research and development, the clinical trials, and approvals are basically acted out fake performance to convince the public to go get injected.  But initially I was very concerned about the what I observed from the data that these products were produced in an extremely sloppy way, and the way I found that was because I was looking at the VAERS adverse event reporting system of the CDC, and I was doing research by the lot number.  So in this database,  you can look at the Adverse Events associated with a particular Lot number of a product.  In this case, I was looking at the COVID-19 injections.  And that was showing an extremely sloppy lot to lot production of these things some had thousands of adverse events, severe events, with hundreds of deaths reported for that lot number.  And some Lots had practically none, just a handful.  And that tells you that the product is extremely badly produced, because of you because I was comparing these to the flu vaccines and the flu vaccines don't have that they're all about the same

Sunday, July 23, 2023

The People are the Enemy

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Monday, July 17, 2023

Weaponization of Healthcare by the Global Supranational Crime Cartel

Population control is an explicit view of government policy that has been in place since the 1970s.  It has been presented as an international policy, so the U.S. was running around the world and telling foreign governments to control their population size, but, in fact, the same policy was implemented domestically.  And vaccinations, in general, and all vaccines, including traditional vaccines are systematic poisoning to ensure that the population remains under certain numbers.  So this is not a conspiracy theory; it's a conspiracy, but it's not a theory.  And we should all understand that this is what's going on.  Governments all over the world are driving population control agenda because they must, and the people telling them that they must are the private owners.

So what has happened in the U.S. and globally as far as COVID goes, is they had all these population control strategies in place, but someone was not satisfied.  So COVID was implemented as a much higher gear of this agenda, and it became visible because of that.  It became very visible because of that.  So this is a global military, and Katherine Watt, my friend, calls this "Kill Box."  "Kill Box" is a military term, and it means a three-dimensional area that enables attacks.  

U.S. DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms:

A "Kill Box" is a three-dimensional area reference that enables timely, effective coordination and control, and facilitates rapid attacks. 

Find that definition on Page 131 here.  Find the Construction of the "Kill Box" here.  Slide show of Kill Box with diagrams.

So the military will set it up using the GPS coordinates, using whatever satellites, whatever technology they have, and designate an area as a "Kill Box" and then the military operation happens here.  Ah, well, the entire world is the "Kill Box."  

COVID-19 is a global military operation via a Kill Box.  Manufactured fear of viral pandemics > Intentionally bad policies in lockstep > Weaponization of Healthcare > Weapons: Poisonous Shots that give recipient cancer in the short-term > Gaslighting of Deaths and Injuries

And what is happening, the strategy of this is, first they manufacture fear.  They pre-manufacture it. a long time before this happens through media, entertainment especially, games, movies, Hollywood shows, everything.  They predictively program people to recognize certain keywords as fear, such as "viruses."  And if you notice, if you think back several years before this happened, how many shows and movies and entertainment games were about pandemics [this site lists 91. So if you've been watching, you've been mind played].  Specifically, because they were predictively programming you to the point that when these news topics come on TV and the media, everyone reacts with fear because they have been programmed to do so.  And, of course, they've implemented all of these bad policies under the guise of public health in lockstep all governments of the world.  That should have clued everyone in right away.  So, how do you do that?  Who controls that?  Definitely, those were not sovereign nations acting in the interests of their populations and public health.  Then, of course, with the weaponization of healthcare, they made the weapons these so-called "vaccines."  They're really bioweapons.  And the word, "bioweapon," also the people misunderstand.  It's just a chemical poison of a certain kind that's been injected.  And then, of course, gaslighting of the injured and continued cycles of this fear-mongering and propaganda.  And it just continues, and this is what the "Kill Box" is.  And you have to learn what this is in order to get out of it. 

I started my investigation from the batch analysis.  I talked about it extensively.  I published on it.  I early on corroborated with Craig Paardekooper and his site, How Bad Is My Batch?  [Find his summary here.]  I  contributed a lot of my materials to that website.  Craig is a wonderful person.  He's a great analyst.  He's very diligent.  He's built an amazing website.  If you don't know about it, you should visit it.  But over time, it became one of the best red-pilling tools for everyone.  The first analysis that I looked at was the end of 2021.  The first year of adverse events and deaths.  While I don't recommend any vaccines to anyone, it looks like at the time that flu vaccines were manufactured according to GMPs.  And so the variability was very low and close to zero and consistently the same despite being numerous manufacturers.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

The Defense Department Controls COVID-19

The vials themselves are the property of the DoD.  On the CDC website, they've disclosed the terms of the contracts with the vaccination centers.  And that's one of the terms.  It explains that these vials are the property of the U.S. government but they're actually property of the Department of Defense.  That's because DoD orders them from the pharma, and buys them, and distributes them.  So they own it from the point when it comes out of the factory to the point when it is injected into the person.  And that's another huge flag and essentially a violation of our consumer protection rights because we have a licensed pharmacy distribution network for a reason.  They're also highly regulated.  So pharmaceutical manufacturers are regulated.  Pharmaceutical distributors are also highly regulated.  So they take ownership or possession of the product.  They're supposed to maintain it and trace it, and if there are any reports or any issues, then you can retrace them through the distribution network.  For example, remove vials from the shelf, and remove a batch from the shelf.  Yeah, so the Department of Defense owns these things, so they do not allow any 3rd-party testing, which is not an odd thing.  I worked in the pharma and medical device industry and would constantly buy competitor's products that are approved.  Once the product is approved and then a licensed distribution chain, well, you can order it from a distributor.  And you can buy competitor's products and you can do testing and compare their studies with your own products, and everybody does it, obviously, because you want to know how you perform against others.

Now, in this case, the vials are the property of the U.S. government, and if you read the contract of vaccinators, you will see that they say that "If you do anything like this, don't you dare, because we'll accuse of stealing federal property."  Even the vaccine cards, the stupid cards from the CDC, the paper cards, they're also the property of the U.S. government.  You're not allowed to divert them either.  That's in the U.S.  Outside the U.S., it's handled a little differently.  Nonetheless, despite all of this, many, many people, I know some of them who have done 3rd-party testing.  And it's very difficult because you have to have access to very sophisticated equipment.  Most of the people I know just do simply microscopy, you know, just looking at these things under a microscope

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Pfizer tested three versions of their product in the rat study and selected the one that increased the miscarriages the most.

To summarize, are you telling me that these jobs these Covid vaccines when given to pregnant women you're giving them an experimental drug to the unborn child?


This goes against medical ethics this goes against the Nuremberg code.  We never experiment on children.  We never experiment on pregnant women.  We don't experiment on unborn children.

Yep.  But the pregnant women and babies are the specific Target of these programs both of them Pfizer and Moderna. Advisor in Moderna I reviewed their contracts I reviewed their clinical packages, I know it for a fact.  I can prove it in court.  If we ever get into court.  Nobody will ever get into court.  And they both targeted the . . . and the contracts came from the Department.  The Department of Defense specifically targeted pregnant women in these programs and specifically requested GLP compliance studies for the reproductive toxicity. So they wanted to make sure that data is reliable.  Pfizer tested three versions of their product in the rat study and selected the one that increased the miscarriages the most. 

Here is the full interview.

14:35. It's like taking the most toxic chemotherapy that you can imagine and start pushing it on pregnant women and children the rest of the population.

The larger the molecule, the more unstable it is.  mRNA is made up of 4,300

Wednesday, June 21, 2023


Jeffrey Prather interviews Sasha Latypova from January 13, 2023.

So, the government extends liability coverage to all the sovereign liability immunity coverage that the government has, that the private contractor doesn't, well this is how they get it, as long as they follow the order, and don't ask any questions, and don't raise any concerns, just take the money, and do what's told.  Then the government gives them full liability coverage and it's not just Pfizer and Moderna, it's every one of them participating in the Covid response atrocity . . . . 

36:15. Vaccines were manufactured by 6 main companies: Johnson & Johnson Sanofi Pasteur, AstraZeneca Moderna, Novavax, and Pfizer.

Vaccine-supporting efforts were done by Cytiva, Emergent, Marathon Medical, Smiths Medical, BD needles and syringes, Corning, Grand River, Ology, Retractable Homogenics, Patheon, Texas A&M, Si02, and Snapdragon.

There are hundreds of them through various consortiums managed by DOD.  Those are the companies that have long-standing contracts and already established production systems.  

For the list of vaccine companies on the left, it also says vaccine demo what the Department of Defense and Operation Warp Speed ordered from these so-called vaccine companies are demonstrations.  Demonstrations are by definition fake.  Who is producing the real product themselves are these vaccine-supporting companies, like Corning, Ology, and Patheon.  This whole thing is contracted through Other Transaction Authority, which is unregulated, secret, and allows DoD to order otherwise regulated products without following any regulation.  So this is how they set it up.  They pretend these are vaccines. They're not vaccines, they are countermeasures.  And they're ordered as demonstrations, and they are ordered through Other Transaction Authority, which allows them to be unregulated.  And the most important part is that by US law under Public Health Emergency use of Emergency Use Authorized countermeasures does not constitute clinical investigation therefore it's not possible to do clinical trials for these things.  It's not possible to do good manufacturing practices because the law does not apply. Here you can see the scope of this project is large-scale vaccine manufacturing demonstration. 

40:20. On page 5 of the Pfizer document at the bottom it reads, "Contractor is a covered person to the extent it is a person defined in Section 5 of the PREP Act Declaration."  It's a standard clause in all of the companies that are providing products to Moderna and Pfizer.  So, the government extends liability coverage to all the sovereign liability immunity coverage that the government has, that the private contractor doesn't, well this is how they get it, as long as they follow the order, and don't ask any questions, and don't raise any concerns, just take the money, and do what's told.  Then the government gives them full liability coverage and it's not just Pfizer and Moderna, it's every one of them participating in the Covid response atrocity, I would call it.  So as long as you follow the orders and shoot the people and the pregnant women and the women and children as Janet Woodcock and Peter Marks go on TV and lie to people about it and pretend like these are safe and effective then everything is okay.  The government protects you.  

Here is the video on Brighteon.

Jeffrey Prather is a retired Special Operations Soldier, former DIA intelligence collector, and ex-DEA Special Agent. We talk more about bio-chemical-radiological weapons and implications for the victims of the covid-19 injections, which I do not believe is as grim as the theoretical models predict. The important thing is to recognize the danger and stop taking these poisons.

The JASON group identified the gene products as a bioweapon.

the NIH textbook on bioweapons covers RNA as a bioweapon here (scroll down the page).

[The spread of COVID] did not occur like an illness. It's very consistent with deployment of a toxin

This makes sense, but I am so thankful that someone with authority puts facts to words.  And so when Trump and others were calling COVID the "Wuhan flu" or the "Wu flu," he was lying.  Why.  To keep the focus of its origin away from American labs.  Latypova explains that antibodies to Covid were circulating in the Bay area, so it was circulating way before.  She says they were deployed, a military expression.  And he continues to run cover for the DoD who has been and who is running the vaccine scam.  that was an attempt by Trump and others to distract the origin and the origin of Covid so it didn't emanate from a single source or single city.  It emanated from several this is what Sasha is saying.  Trump continues to lie.  He's a liar. 

I am pretty sure the release or deployment of the toxin they were using to generate initial symptoms . . . we have good evidence that it was released or deployed months before Wuhan, and just to generate the scale of this you would need to do it in multiple locations anyway.  So, they just pointed to Wuhan "Oh, you know it started there, but, in fact, it was deployed clearly everywhere in many places, including at some point even . . . .  Stanford conducted [tests] and they found antibodies in the Bay Area and they found out that it was circulating way before [Wuhan]. So, clearly, there were deployments everywhere, and you would need to do it that way.   These agents don't spread by themselves.  People are being told this mythology that "Oh, you can just break this jar and with viruses in this one location  it will go all over the world."  No no, no, none of this happened in reality.  It doesn't work that way, so that's why I'm saying you know the deployments were probably targeted, geographically targeted.  There's very good evidence from epidemiological data, like the illness and death from Covid that we can say . . . that was legitimately from COVID.  It did not occur like an illness. It's very consistent with the deployment of some sort of toxin targeted for deployment . . . 

Here is the video on Brighteon.

Jeffrey Prather is a retired Special Operations Soldier, former DIA intelligence collector, and ex-DEA Special Agent. We talk more about bio-chemical-radiological weapons and implications for the victims of the covid-19 injections, which I do not believe is as grim as the theoretical models predict. The important thing is to recognize the danger and stop taking these poisons.

The JASON group identified the gene products as a bioweapon.

the NIH textbook on bioweapons covers RNA as a bioweapon here (scroll down the page).

More analysis and sources covered in this article:

Friday, June 16, 2023

The PREP Act allows the government and the DoD to bypass the normal regulatory frameworks and consumer safeguards,


PREP Act was a law launched in 2002, and amended in 2005 that allows the HHS Secretary to issue a declaration to expand this liability shield for using unapproved medical interventions, devices, pharmaceuticals, all sorts of things, diagnostics, therapeutics, anything, using the Emergency Use Authorization essential to bypassing the normal regulatory frameworks and consumer safeguards, which are quite extensive today for very good reasons because we want to make sure that the medications are being used as safe.  So this is a shield essentially that the government uses and now, specifically, the DoD is using extensively to shield themselves and anyone that they hire for the task from any liability from using these poorly tested, untested, experimental, and completely black box, devices, and technologies.

8:50  Dr. Meryl Nass.  The Defense Department has been accustomed to doing whatever it wants and has a history of using untested products on soldiers.  In the Gulf War, they got a memorandum of understanding with the FDA that allowed them to use products that were unapproved and unevaluated by the FDA and at other times in the past also.  The DoD is kind of a law unto itself.  So for them, this was nothing new.  It was just happening on a larger scale.  It wasn't just 2 million soldiers, but it was also 134 million Americans.  But then this method was shipped out to the rest of the world, so 8 billion people.  

9:42  Polly Tommey.  Why have we called this program, "Willful Misconduct"?  What is the purpose behind that?  

9:48  Latypova.  I think it's because of the George Watts case v. Lloyd J. Austin, III, in other words, the DoD.  His estate is suing the Dept. of Defense for his death.  The only basis that we have to break this liability shield, a very extensive one, is based on willful misconduct.  So the case complaint was that the willful misconduct was essentially a bait-and-switch scheme that the Department of Defense and Health and Human Services, HHS, ran on the American public.  

11.  PREP provides blanket immunity for covered persons such as the DOD with a sole exception for willful misconduct the enumerated sovereign immunity for the United States and an agency such as the DOD (42 U.S.C. 247d-6d(f)) is unconstitutional since for closing all redress violates due process enshrined in the 5th Amendment and it's central promise and assurance that all levels of American government must abide by the law and provide fair procedures particularly in instances such as this where Mr Wash was "deprived of life."  The enumerated sovereign immunity for the United States and an agency such as the DOD has is also an unconstitutional taking in violation of the Fifth Amendment.  A "legal cause of action is property within the meaning of the Fifth Amendment." 

So, now we have a death of a civilian from disregard for safety and using this PREP Act liability shield, and his attorneys are stating that "Well because this was willful misconduct because knowingly the Department of Defense administered, distributed the experimental product while telling everyone it was FDA approved.  And that was the lie that they perpetrated on this young man who died as a result of it.  

11:00  Dr. Meryl Nass.  The way that the PREP Act is written, there are almost no requirements for safety or efficacy.  What it requires is that the FDA, and the FDA issues it, simply believe, with or without evidence, that the benefits are going to be greater than the risks.  But it does say that the FDA needs to disclose the known significant risks.  And the FDA did not do that.  So the FDA was hiding many of the known risks.  But the other thing that happened was a bait-and-switch.  So in August of 2021, the Federal government announced all these mandates but only at the time that FDA approved a license for the Pfizer vaccine.  So on August 23, the FDA issued a license for the Pfizer vaccine for adults, but none of that product was made available in the United States.  So every body continued to get the Emergency Use product with a huge liability shield and the only potential way to litigate against them was to prove willful misconduct which was they knew they were doing something wrong but they hid it.  So what we're saying is, yes, they knew that the product being administered to George Watt and to everybody else in the country was not licensed, but the FDA, the DoD, and the rest of the Federal government pretended that it was.  

12:32  Tommey.  And this is Children's Healt Care case, correct?  Yep.

And the reason you're on here is because your lawyer can't talk about it. 

12:50  Latypova.  I think it's a great case because, finally, in my opinion, a correct defendent is named, in other words, which is the DoD and Lloyd J. Austin, III, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, who were the head of the operation, while the pharmaceutical companies are complicit and knowingly administered poisons because they are experts and they understand exactly what they are doing and know what consumer safeguards have been subverted. But they are operating under the Department of Defense who was heading Operation Warp Speed, OWS, now it's been renamed to Acceleration of Countermeasures, another name but essentially the same thing.  

[Huh.  The federal government is notorious for renaming projects and programs.  Remember when the Iraq invasion was initially named Operation Iraqi Liberation with the acronym of O.I.L.?  They're always trying to show how clever they are when in reality they're stupid monsters.]

This was at the time that these shots were rolled out and relevant to George Watts' case this was headed by the Department of Defense, Chief Operation Officer was General Gustave F. Perna, reporting directly to President Trump.  Structurally, the same reporting system reporting to Biden.  The Dept. of Defense leadership represents about 2/3 of Operation Warp Speed, most of them without any health care experience.  So this was all orchestrated from there, using several legal framework of several laws, so the PREP Act is one of them.   But there are others, such as Public Health Emergency Declaration to begin with, and the Emergency Use Authorization

All the Consumer Protection Safeguards Were Removed for these shots, and the public doesn't understand that there's no liability whatsoever . . .

“We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.”   Dietrich Bonhoeffer

LISTEN TO THIS VIDEO FIRST: a 6-minute video of Sasha Latypova.  Listen to this first.

Here is the full testimony.  

Laura Demaray leads the initiative and Drs. Lindsay, McCullough, Cole, Thorp, and I offered expert testimony on May 22, 2023.

This is a short video clip of my testimony made by 

After 2.5 years of working more than full time on trying to stop the government atrocity, I came to the realization that this is not going to be prosecuted at the federal level. The criminals do not investigate or prosecute themselves. There is a faint hope that at least some state-level AGs can step up, but it is quite faint at the moment. I believe we have to fight for every town and county. The good news it is not difficult to get a hearing at a county level. We have brought a team of experts to this meeting at a small county in Idaho. We plan to continue going to any commissioner meeting that will let us in the door, and there are many! Reach out if you can organize a hearing.

Draft county resolution:

Proposed Idaho Counties Halt and Recall of Genetic Biologic “Vaccine” Platform Technology Resolution:

WHEREAS  Idaho residents have been injured by Genetic Biologic “Vaccine” Platform technology making it more injurious than any other vaccine mechanism in US history with 31 deaths and 94 permanent disabilities, 33 cases of myocarditis in the State of Idaho. The total deaths are underreported at over 35,000 deaths, 65,670 permanently disabled and 26,897 myocarditis/pericarditis, since their release in 2021, according to VAERS CDC database

WHEREAS the mRNA platform technology shots must be recalled and investigated due to the egregious number of adverse events, disabilities, and deaths to adults and children.  Adversely affecting children in the womb, it increases rates of miscarriages and adversely affects women’s menstruation and fertility.

WHEREAS multiple labs demonstrate that both Pfizer and Moderna’s misbranding and adulteration of consumer products, substandard products, and substandard and underpowered clinical trials violate Consumer Product Protection statutes and informed consent as well as multiple other laws that regulate pharmaceutical safety in the State of Idaho.

WHEREAS the mNRA technology shots are adulterated with over a thousand times the allowable level of DNA from the DNA plasmids used to make the shots in E. Coli bacteria. They represent up to 35% of the shot genetic material.

WHEREAS some of these shots have a non-disclosed SV40 sequence that allows them to infect human cells and go to the cell nucleus. SV40 is known to grow tumors and cause cancer.  

WHEREAS due to adulteration there is the possibility of contamination with E. Coli bacterial proteins and “endotoxins” and can cause autoimmune reactions and sepsis in the recipients. The material in the shot was designed to infect E.Coli, such as present in the human gut. This can make the gut become a permanent spike protein factory through the E.Coli that are naturally present there.

WHEREAS the mRNA in the shots is also broken and degraded. Contamination and degradation of the mRNA genetic sequence can lead to changing our God-given DNA, it can turn off genes that we need, like those that fight cancer, and these genetic changes can be passed on to our children. The material in genetic injections can shed through bodily secretions and transfect through fluids and contact, as well as through milk of a mother including cow's milk.

WHEREAS the mRNA technology presents possible irreversible damage, disability, and death to livestock and critical food supply in the State of Idaho. Reducing herd loss beyond acceptable limits. Sequivity swine mRNA jabs USDA 2020-2021 summaries highlighted that this technology created adverse effects on 29.8% of the herd and 11.5% herd loss to death and wasting disease. This can adversely affect Idaho’s economy, food supply, and health.

THEREFORE the Counties of Idaho support legislation that halts, recalls, investigates, or creates corporate liability for products that use mRNA, DNA, or any genetic technology for human pharmacological use or consumption, use regarding any livestock, or use regarding any agricultural products that may adversely affect human health, animal health, or the food supply thereof.

THEREFORE the Counties of Idaho support The Idaho State Statute 18-3323 Bioweapons Law with specific emphasis to section 18-3323 (4) (a,b,c, and d).

THEREFORE the Counties of Idaho support future legislation that requires informed consent and transparency of any proposed product, including imported food supply or pharmacological products, that use mRNA or any genetic technology for human pharmacological use or consumption, or use regarding any livestock or agricultural products.

THEREFORE we the Counties of Idaho support future legislation that prohibits any and all mandates, local, state, national, or global, regarding forced medical procedures or vaccinations in any modality.

THEREFORE we the Counties of Idaho support a third-party independent forensics audit on all future vaccine products, mRNA, DNA, or genetic vaccine products and modalities.

THEREFORE we the Counties of Idaho support life-affirming legislation and declare that Idaho adults and children, including the unborn, have the right to normal cell growth.