Showing posts with label Dr. Ahmad Malik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Ahmad Malik. Show all posts

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Pfizer tested three versions of their product in the rat study and selected the one that increased the miscarriages the most.

To summarize, are you telling me that these jobs these Covid vaccines when given to pregnant women you're giving them an experimental drug to the unborn child?


This goes against medical ethics this goes against the Nuremberg code.  We never experiment on children.  We never experiment on pregnant women.  We don't experiment on unborn children.

Yep.  But the pregnant women and babies are the specific Target of these programs both of them Pfizer and Moderna. Advisor in Moderna I reviewed their contracts I reviewed their clinical packages, I know it for a fact.  I can prove it in court.  If we ever get into court.  Nobody will ever get into court.  And they both targeted the . . . and the contracts came from the Department.  The Department of Defense specifically targeted pregnant women in these programs and specifically requested GLP compliance studies for the reproductive toxicity. So they wanted to make sure that data is reliable.  Pfizer tested three versions of their product in the rat study and selected the one that increased the miscarriages the most. 

Here is the full interview.

14:35. It's like taking the most toxic chemotherapy that you can imagine and start pushing it on pregnant women and children the rest of the population.

The larger the molecule, the more unstable it is.  mRNA is made up of 4,300