Showing posts with label — St. Michael. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — St. Michael. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Welcome to your state-funded socialism, where you will bail out the folks trying to kill you.  Another day in paradise.  Here is the video.

Zen Honeycutt

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Trade Income Taxes for Tariffs? by Gary North

Friday, January 10, 2025



"Salk Vaccine: Safe, Effective!"

Along Comes the first widespread vaccination campaign with the Salk vaccine.

"They were not going to let this vaccine fail all the fanfare that was going into it."  Dr. Suzanne Humphries

"They weren't careful about their manufacturing standards.  They weren't careful about the testing."  Dr. Meryl Nass

"The Cutter Incident was pretty much a disaster."  Dr. Suzanne Humphries

"The fact that they were making vaccines with monkey kidney cells they discover the presents of sv40, which is a mutation that can cause cancers in animals and humans."  Dr. Pierre Kory

"When scientists located the SV40 and we're trying to talk about it, they were threatened and harassed." Dr. Suzanne Humphries

"In the early 50s, the Salk vaccine, and the late 50s, the Sabine vaccine, and everybody got it because you know why wouldn't you?  Nobody ever heard of vaccine injuries in those things."  Dr. Meryl Nass

"Polio is caused by both the injected and the oral polio vaccine.  you could have an injection of a polio vaccine and still be a carrier and spread polio."  Dr. Suzanne Humphries

"So when it comes to the definition of polio, anything that limped or had a cough or anything before the vaccines came out in the 1950s was pretty much polio.  Afterwards, the criteria changed."

"Before the vaccine, there was something called non-paralytic polio.  After the vaccine, they termed that aseptic meningitis.  No laboratory testing was required before the vaccine.  After the vaccine was released in order to make a diagnosis of polio, a lab test was required.  

For anyone who says 'My aunt had polio,' some of us have got to be willing to face the ugly truth.  Polio is one of the ugliest."

"There has been scandal.  There has been propaganda.  There has been failure, and there has been injury.  And it's been covered up."  Dr. Suzanne Humphries

03:50.  I was seeing vaccine injury in my own patients when I was 100% consultative nephrologist in the state of Maine, Maine Hospital.  What happened was I started to do a little bit of research because I was very naive at that point.  I knew there was a polio vaccine in the past, and it was wonderful and all these little crippled children their parents no longer had to fear the crippling effects of polio because of the vaccine and what a miracle it was.  Because as a doctor, I'd never seen a case of polio that I knew about.  Turns out, I'd seen plenty of polio, and more importantly I later realized that I'd seen plenty of kidney disease related to the sv40 virus.  But getting back to the question that you asked me is that every time I would make a claim to somebody who challenged me, because I was discontinuing the vaccines on patients that I was consulting on who already had acute kidney injury, and I would say, "Please don't give this vaccine," or I would research the fact that one of my patients or then two of my patients and then 10 of my patients ended up coming in and saying "You know, I was fine until I had that shot," and I thought "Well, can vaccines affect kidneys or not?"  And so I looked into it, and sure enough vaccines can profoundly affect kidneys.  Kidneys are incredibly sensitive to inflammation, probably one of the most sensitive organs to inflammation next to the brain.  And a lot of what we see is drug-induced nephropathies, and so why not a vaccine-induced nephropathy and sure enough I found plenty of medical literature after I was encountered my first patient with who claimed to have a vaccine injury.  So, instead of telling him to shut up and denying it, and acting like Paul Offit, I decided to be like a doctor and look in a few books and see if it's possible and found that it was.  So I didn't have kids.  I didn't have any history of vaccine injury that I knew of, so I was just kind of trying to find where the truth lied.  And if the truth lied in the fact that vaccines are the greatest thing ever created and that they were preventing disease, that's what I would be telling the world.  But that is absolutely not what happened with any vaccine that I researched.  

06:03.  So after I finished my research into influenza vaccines in that particular year, the H5N1 vaccine, the swine flu vaccine I'm getting all the animals confused these days so anyway they were giving two vaccines out of those days for the flu and it seemed to have more of an impact than just a previous one and so I would be talking to the chief of Medicine or I'd be talking to other doctors or even to a parent somewhere and everyone would say the same thing to me what about polio and still to this day when I have a conversation about a vaccine the first question is probably the same to you Dell well what about polio and back then I would just say what about polio and I would have a look at polio so after I finished influenza the kidney issue I delved into polio and I'll tell you I never imagined doing this in a million years I spent two years of my life after I quit my job just looking into polio and what I found it was morbidly fast was it was morbidly fascinating and at the time I couldn't get enough of it I got all the polio surveillance units documents all the scandalous medical information that was available back then I found what other doctors were saying about the testing procedure back then about the Francis trials and the propaganda about the wonderful vaccine and it was anything but what we hear over and over and over again and it very much mirrors what happened with covid and I have been screaming from the mountain tops all around the world that this is nothing new what we're seeing with covid this is an old story that pretty much mirrors what we saw back in the smallpox era as well anyway that's the long answer to your question.

07:52.  And what's amazing about your book I mean I still remember I read it several times now probably need to read it 10 more times to fully integrate all of the information in there but we act as though sort of this anti-vaccine movement if you will or even with covid we saw I think it was like I remember at one point some CDC and FDA had heads were asked during the covid epidemic how much of your staff has gotten the covid vaccine and I think one of the answers was less than half we were shocked to find a doctors weren't taking the vaccine


Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sunday, November 3, 2024

OWEN BENJAMIN: George Floyd put the “I can’t breathe” mind work right before the masks went on.

My first impression following the announcement of 2020 lockdowns coming out of Marin County, California was that whoever is running the operation wanted/needed to get people to forget about history, their own personal history of hygienic maintenance, the history of medical science, history of public health measures, so as to make the new ones being introduced as ultimate life-saving.  It was the largest mass brainwashing event I'd ever witnessed or audited in my 67 years.  The brainwashing made illegitimate measures, or countermeasures, more legitimate, like masking people, distancing people, and staggering the number of people who could enter a store, while hordes waited in lines outside to be let in.  Mask on your face wasn't good enough.  It had to cover your nose.  Where's the science for that?  Didn't need any.  Corporate mandates were now the law of the land and tried to occupy common sense, but they never did, thank God. 

CDC states that the mask mandate went out on April 3, 2020. Wikipedia corroborates this date as well. Stay-at-home orders [and its background] in California went into effect before March 22, 2020, without Wikipedia giving any specific date.

Duck Assist writes,

George Floyd died on May 25, 2020, after former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for over nine minutes during an arrest. The medical examiner ruled his death a homicide caused by "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression."

So maybe the media did use George Floyd's fight for survival as an indirect way to get greater compliance on the masks, make people ill, stir controversy, and put folks in the chute to get vaccinated.   

Wednesday, July 31, 2024


from the Daily Mail

Now it has emerged that just two days before the killing, one of the suspects stated he wanted to 'gut' Maher, according to police. 

Diversity is our strength.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

"Violence, Threats, and Life," Chase Hughes, May 31, 2024.

5:00  This will help you understand how people process decisions, this is called OODA Loop, developed by a former Army colonel, John Boyd, who developed this to illustrate the thought process that fighter pilots, namely fighter pilots, but any personnel in combat, have to go through to respond to violent actions.  OODA stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, and then Act.  Chase doesn't think the OODA Loop is complete.  

He noticed that in training police officers for many years that . . . 

6:00  The OODA loop is not what an attacker or an aggressor goes through that's going to stab a police officer or pull a gun out and shoot a police officer.  

6:23  So I've invented something for police and military officers, called the TFCA Cycle: Threat, Fear, Calculation, and then Action.  So this indicates that suspects or attackers go through a mental process that even though it may be irrational, it is still their mental process and they do this before they take action.. and that officers soldiers military people can capitalize on this by identifying some of these mental processes before the violent behavior starts taking place.  Previously, people were faced with only orienting to a threat AFTER . . . .  Think about this.  I'm only orienting to a threat AFTER the aggressor has decided to take action, and that puts me on the back foot.  So the stuff that I teach the police gives the ability for people to respond to that stuff.

7:27.  So let's talk about TFCA really quick.  This is the stuff that's inside of the suspect or the attacker's mind.  TFCA is the Threat, the Fear, Calculation, and Action.  I am perceiving some kind of threat.  For some people, that might be blue lights in my rear view mirror; that becomes a threat.  For others,  that might be "give me your registration and your ID."  For others, that might be "step out of the car."  Who knows?  They are perceiving a threat.  They start feeling fear.  Can we see fear in behavior?  We've studied behavior profiling, the 6XMinute X-ray.  Can we see fear?  Yes, we are seeing that, yes.  So we can start seeing those indicators of fear.  We have the calculation.  We can start seeing eye movement.  We can see a lot of stuff that indicates calculation and instead of waiting until they take action to start doing something to de-escalate.  We can do a lot of things beforehand, before we start getting shot at, before that knife is in that person's hand.  

COPE concealment, oxygenation, preparation, expenditure.

Averting gaze.  Eyes move downward with the head, not separate.  Gaze will avert in the direction of the dominant hand.  

Sideways gaze aversion is a preflight indicator.  

Humorous Freeze.  Funny bone.  When we see the upper arms stick into the torso, they kind of freeze up against the torso, this is almost always seen in over 95% of the cases right before an attack occurs.  

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Nanobots is short for nanorobotics. The terms nanobotnanoidnanitenanomachine, and nanomite have also been used to describe such devices currently under research and development.  

Can Boron inhibit the growth of the nanobots in the body?  

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

DR. ROBERT MALONE was busy in 2020 writing COVID guidebooks and faking science with famotidine for $21M for DARPA. The OTA contracts for COVID countermeasures were issued by the DOD for about $50B back then.

Here is the direct link to Sasha Latypova's open letter to Dr. Robert Malone.  It is so worth the read.

I never knew you were also an OTA expert! That’s good to know. It would have been even better to know this right around 2020 when you were busy writing COVID guidebooks and faking science with famotidine for $21M for DARPA. The OTA contracts for COVID countermeasures were issued by the DOD for about $50B back then. It would have been great to have you utter some mention of it on Joe Rogan’s or Dark Horse podcast or some other high-profile social media venue to mislead Americans who all thought they were getting safe regulated pharmaceutical products and not unregulated, dangerous, liability-free EUA military countermeasures. Why didn’t you say anything back then? Why didn’t you say anything in the January 16 Doc Malik interview to disprove what I said about the OTA/COVID contracts? What evidence of OTA expertise can you offer other than an angry assertion that you have it? Why did you wait to claim you have expertise in this topic until non-OTA-experts, 
Katherine Watt and I found and reviewed the relevant law and the contracts, and until Debbie Lerman, a journalist and not previously an OTA expert, figured out why and how HHS “partnered” with the DOD to circumvent their respective OTA restrictions? Turns out that was necessary to order a massive volume of “prototypes and demonstrations” (unregulated chemical poison) and pretend these were regulated medicines for military and civilians. Did you know this in 2020?

Here is the chart that shows that the DoD was in charge of Operation Warp Speed, or OWS.  At the right, it reads, "In charge: NSC, DOD, BARDA."

And here is a pic of General Gustave Perna, the Chief Operating Officer of OWS.  We may want to ask ourselves, how do we allow ourselves to be ruled by idiots?  

Monday, April 29, 2024

The CIA’s very first mission was to rig the Italian election using suitcases full of cash funneled through Mafia contacts to Italian politicians.

Friday, April 19, 2024

WALTER M. CHESTNUT: Friday Hope: Curcumin II: Inhibiting SARS-CoV-2, its Spike Protein… and PRIONS

Friday Hope: Curcumin II: Inhibiting SARS-CoV-2, its Spike Protein… and PRIONS by Walter M Chesnut

A new review highlights how Curcumin is almost certainly one of the most important supplements of our times.

Read on Substack

There is no way of getting curcumin without getting some kind of seed oil, either sunflower oil or the capsules themselves are made of a pharmacological vegetable made in a lab by one of the big pharma companies.  It's use at your own risk.  The preferred option is to get the turmeric root from the health food produce section at your Sprouts, Whole Foods, or Natural Grocers

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

FLORIDA REP. BILL BOSEY, 2012: I mean you know [Poul Thorsen] is a humongous scumbag, one of the most wanted men on earth and you relied upon him for data to determine whether thimerosal had a negative effect?

In a hearing of the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, Congressman Posey questions officials from the CDC over Autism research and vaccinations. November 29, 2012.

The title of this post is a reference to Poul Thorsen, a Danish researcher who "allegedly diverted over $1 million of the CDC grant money to his own personal bank account."  So, kind of like a Robin Hood.

Is history the antidote to politics?  When we listen to politicians campaigning, they love to tout their virtues, what they believe in, and what they have done on behalf of the people.  But once you discover a few details of their previous life you wouldn't even want to have coffee with them.  

Who is/was Poul Thorsen?  "Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Cover-Up Absconds With $2M," Pearl Jam, March 10, 2010.  

Bill Posey.

Colleen Boyle retired from the CDC at the end of January 2020.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Stage 4 rare, aggressive breast cancer that metastasized into major bones and lungs. IP6 7 capsules 4x a day. 9 months later I was cancer free

Friday, March 29, 2024

DR. JOHN MASON GOOD: “The science of medicine is barbarous jargon, and the effects of our medicines on the human system are in the highest degree uncertain, except that they have already destroyed more lives than war, pestilence, and famine combined.”

But be sure to check with your doctor. 

One of the primary factors contributing to mortality historically and persistently remains the practice of medicine.

“The science of medicine is barbarous jargon, and the effects of our medicines on the human system are in the highest degree uncertain, except that they have already destroyed more lives than war, pestilence, and famine combined.” — Dr. John Mason Good, author of The Study of Medicine in Five Volumes, The Book of Nature, A Physiological System of Nosology Thomas R. Hazard, Civil and Religious Persecution in the State of New York, 1876, Boston, p. 102.

JEB KINNISON: Performance Evaluations. Who is doing the evaluation? And what’s the purpose? The purpose is to defend the company against lawsuits primarily . . . for hundreds of thousands of dollars against the company.

Performance Evaluations.  

Who is doing the evaluation?  And what’s the purpose?  The purpose is to defend the company against lawsuits primarily.  Because of that external legal environment with labor laws and so forth, if a company fires someone there are any number of characteristics about that person that [the employee] can claim that they’re being discriminated against, that their firing was immoral or incorrect; then they could file a lawsuit for hundreds of thousands of dollars against the company.  And so performance evaluations are partly an effort by the company to determine who deserves to be promoted and who should go up by looking at everyone else’s evaluation of them but is mostly about establishing a record so that you can eliminate people that you think are the worst performers without running into a lawsuit issue.  So after several negative evaluations which are done by this long and complicated process, you have a record showing, “Oh, well, we’ve decided that this is not a good employee, so we fired them because of that, not because of their skin color, age, or whatever.”  The objection primarily is that it takes so much time.  You’re taking the decisions out of the hands of the managers who understand what their team members have done and can easily figure out how to reward them properly without the help of Performance Evaluations.  But because of the legal environment, all of the employees, the managers, and everyone else spend a great deal of time going through the motions of evaluating each individual employee. Then they get down to the meeting where they’re deciding what to do about them, the manager games the system essentially to get what they wanted in the first place.  So the entire exercise is a waste of everyone’s time.  No one enjoys it.  And just like deciding on salaries or budgets every year, it’s a huge part of a manager’s job performing Performance Evaluations.  Companies that experimented with eliminating them entirely and just letting the manager do what they think is right for the employees and for the company discover that the result is just as good, and no one has to spend the time on it.  And so the problem is the lawsuits.

WOODS: Well, now look, there's got to be a way, if these HR departments are doing such a terrible job, there's got to be a way to do an end-run around them. I mean, it's your own company. If I'm running a company and I've got some department that keeps bringing me terrible candidates, isn't there some way I can disrupt this or intervene? 

KINNISON: Exactly, of course, there is. And the reason why it doesn't happen very often is that it's a long-term thing. The HR department is there; it exists; it does what it's doing. If you want to change it, it's going to be a lot of work. It's going to be a lot of political trouble with people within the company. And why would you do that when everything seems to be working and it's fine? Well, the answer is if you don't do it, in the long run, your company will be hobbled. It's best if you start out with an HR head when you're growing as a company who has the attitude of getting the business going and reflects that in all of the people that he hires, so your HR department is not your internal enemy. That's the best thing. But if you're coming in to a large organization and you discover that HR is about socialjustice-warrior happy talk, and they're trying to make a social culture camp out of it, you need to do something, and you do that by changing your head of HR, giving that person the mission of setting a new culture for your HR, and working hard to keep people who've been programmed by labor activists and diversity activists from being important. That of course is difficult. You'll get a bad reputation. What was his name? T.J. Rodgers at Cypress Semiconductor is a fine example of someone in the '80s and '90s who resisted these efforts to make social justice the thing. And, of course, he got a reputation for it. He went really public with it. And it's one of the things you can do is to be a hard-nosed hard ass about certain things and just stick your ground and don't try to deflect and don't try to defend yourself from these accusations. Just say, 'This is what it is. We're a company that's trying to make money doing great products for people. We do more good in the world by doing that than by grooming our employees and making it a great place to work that people are happy with but they don't actually work very hard." If you get that kind of reputation, you will be attracting the kind of employees that you want. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

SASHA LATYPOVA: Pharma pays for his campaign, and the DOD is likely running it

[Trump's supporters] are forced to resolve the cognitive dissonance in favor of “well, he was lied to by Fauci, so…"

from Sasha Latypova,

Trump is shilling for covid vaccines again. Pharma pays for his campaign, and the DOD is likely running it - this is obvious from his consistency and dedication to this line of messaging. It is propaganda, pure and simple - lies repeated often enough to his base, normalize the most monstrous lies. So they are forced to resolve the cognitive dissonance in favor of “well, he was lied to by Fauci, so…”  

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Why does the escorting officer put Doucet between himself and Plauche? And the cops weren't tried for conspiracy to commit murder? And the cameraman is unfazed.

It is horrible what Doucet did to Plaunche's son, Jody, who later wrote a book on the whole crime revenge drama.  And though I might even defend Plaunche's actions after having read a little of what took place, the fact that you've got the police operating in a conspiracy against your life is as bad as it gets.  Gary Plaunche murdered Doucet on March 16, 1984, for Doucet's sick molestation of Gary's son, Jody.  Wikipedia summarizes it,

Plauché, a native of Baton RougeLouisiana, was separated from his wife, June, at the time of the shooting. During 1983 and 1984, his 11-year-old son Jody was taking karate lessons with an instructor, 25-year-old Jeffrey Doucet. Unbeknownst to Jody's parents, Doucet had been sexually abusing the boy for at least a year. On February 14, 1984, Doucet kidnapped Jody and took him to a motel in AnaheimCalifornia, where he sexually assaulted and molested him. Jody, the focus of a nationwide search, was eventually found after Doucet allowed the boy to place a collect call to his mother from the motel. California police raided the motel and arrested Doucet without incident.

On March 1, 1984, Jody was returned to his family in Louisiana. In an interview with a news television crew, Gary, having heard reports that Doucet had sexually assaulted his son, stated that he felt a sense of helplessness.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

George Gammon on Illegals in the Military

Hey, why send our military advisors into Latin America when we can just keep them here and bring the Latin Americans to the United States.  We train them here and unleash them on the citizenry the way we did in Nicaragua, with El Salvador's death squads, and Guatemala?  One has to wonder, are the military-aged migrant men coming into the U.S. illegally, escorted with the help of the U.S. federal government, Catholic Charities, and the United Nations, are they coming here as elite paramilitary squads trained in Central America?  Asking for a friend.