Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The Military Authorized the Jabs | Sasha Latypova

The vaccines are not, actually what people don't realize, they're not at all subject to GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES or FDA OVERSIGHT.  --Sasha Latypova

She mentions French doctor, Dr. Didier Raoult, in her opening remarks.  

The FDA doesn't regulate medicine in the United States, neither does the CDC.  So they're not the authorities who can dictate to doctors how to practice medicine.  It's actually up to the doctor's discretion.  If something is approved on the market, of which Hydroxychloroquine has been for 60 years or so, then they're perfectly in their right to prescribe it.  So nobody can say no to them.  If the doctor himself feels that this is something that can help you, obviously they discuss it with the patient, but it's the relationship between the patient and the doctor, and the doctor is using approved medicine, yet all of a sudden, all of these authorities decided that relationship doesn't exist and that it was up to the government to decide how you should be treated as a patient and how the doctor should practice their skill and their art that they're trained to do.  

4:45  The FDA primarily exists to make sure that products sold in interstate commerce are in compliance both with the ingredients as they are labeled on the product along with how it's produced.  You can't say what's in it.  You have to trust the label that what it says matches what is inside.  Can't always talk directly to the manufacturer.  And that the dose or amount is accurate, that it's not 50mgs of aspirin and not 5,000 or zero.  So all of it depends on a tightly, tightly controlled regulated process of making these things.  GMP is the law in the United States that governs, and it's an extensive set of laws, that govern the production, the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and food, and other items that the FDA regulates.  The vaccines are not, actually what people don't realize, they're not at all subject to GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES or FDA OVERSIGHT.  

6:00. These particular C19 vaccines are not regulated by FDA, not regulated by Good Manufacturing Practices.  There are no rules or regulations that are followed for them.  And everything that has been presented to the public--the research and development, the clinical trials, and approvals are basically acted out fake performance to convince the public to go get injected.  But initially I was very concerned about the what I observed from the data that these products were produced in an extremely sloppy way, and the way I found that was because I was looking at the VAERS adverse event reporting system of the CDC, and I was doing research by the lot number.  So in this database,  you can look at the Adverse Events associated with a particular Lot number of a product.  In this case, I was looking at the COVID-19 injections.  And that was showing an extremely sloppy lot to lot production of these things some had thousands of adverse events, severe events, with hundreds of deaths reported for that lot number.  And some Lots had practically none, just a handful.  And that tells you that the product is extremely badly produced, because of you because I was comparing these to the flu vaccines and the flu vaccines don't have that they're all about the same

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