Showing posts with label the Archangel (@aveng_angel). Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Archangel (@aveng_angel). Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2023

Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox is fighting NY Governor Hochul's appeal to install quarantine camps [convenient medical term for concentration camps] and she's fighting the governor pro bono. If you can help her out, please . . . do.

Sasha Latypova writes

For my readers in New York state and surrounding areas please consider making a trip to Rochester New York it is a nice town and beautiful this time of the year this is an opportunity for you to fight the concentration extermination camps that Kathy Hochul wants to install in New York this is much more important than the political theater playing on TV or social media.

Here is the link to Latypova's updates on Bobbie Anne Cox, who has defeated Hochul's tyrannical quarantine camps once already.  And what aren't quarantine camps just a medical pseudonym for concentration camps?  

Find more on Bobbie Anne Cox here.

Monday, August 14, 2023

" broccoli seedlings closest to the Wi-Fi router grew away from the router. Plants began to several small plants begin to die and mold developed in those Petri plates"

Check out Abstract #2.  Not only is Melatonin neuroprotective, but so is iodine and so is liquid chlorophyll


Both in vitro and in vivo, melatonin was effective to prevent oxidative stress/nitrosative stress-induced mitochondrial dysfunction seen in experimental models of AD, PD and HD. These effects are seen at doses 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than those required to affect sleep and circadian rhythms, both conspicuous targets of melatonin action. Melatonin is selectively taken up by mitochondria, a function not shared by other antioxidants. A limited number of clinical studies indicate that melatonin can improve sleep and circadian rhythm disruption in PD and AD patients. More recently, attention has been focused on the development of potent melatonin analogs with prolonged effects which were employed in clinical trials in sleep-disturbed or depressed patients in doses considerably higher than those employed for melatonin. In view that the relative potencies of the analogs are higher than that of the natural compound, clinical trials employing melatonin in the range of 50-100mg/day are needed to assess its therapeutic validity in neurodegenerative disorders.

If you want to help families affected by Lahaina, Maui fire directly...

Find the direct link to the charities here


This video is on Rumble which does not censor content. YouTube/Google has taken down EVERY video posted on their site by citizens of Maui. YouTube/Google is a government whore.

The video link about is 22 minutes long and not only shows Lahaina but the surrounding area. The government official says “58 water drops by helicopter” on the fires. That’s like throwing 58 water balloons at a bonfire. There was no fixed-wing aircraft dropping fire retardant as we have in California. Why not? Can’t Maui/Hawaii afford fire bombers?

And NO sirens, which are all over the Hawaiian Islands sounded, ever! Those sirens are there to warn of tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, and North Korean missiles, but no… they didn’t work for this fire.

The Big Boys wanted to burn out the natives, kill the natives, and steal their land.

It’s the same old story.

Thanks, TJM.