Monday, October 23, 2023

Sasha Latypova's efforts and results are stunning.

When did the evidence become available, who brought up the evidence and what does the body of evidence contain to date? Did anything change? Were we NOT able to sue Pfizer before?

Here is a quick summary:
You CAN sue Pfizer for fraud. 
You ALWAYS could.   
The evidence of fraud has ALWAYS been available and proven.   
Some people HAVE sued - her name is Brook Jackson.
Nothing changed with regard to evidence of product adulteration. Simply more evidence has accumulated over time including the information about DNA in vials and the SV40 promoter sequence. 
Nothing changed with regard to the status of covid shots as “EUA Countermeasure under Public Health Emergency, covered by PREP Act”. If you sue, you still have to find a way to overcome the defenses of this legal fortress.

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