Showing posts with label Dr. Suzanne Humphries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Suzanne Humphries. Show all posts

Saturday, September 7, 2024

DR. SUZANNE HUMPHRIES: other oral polio vaccines do which is once you put them in somebody's gut, they can mutate, and the longer they're in there replicating, the more likely it is that they can mutate and become something more virulent and spread

It is a novel oral polio vaccine.  It's a genetically modified, oral polio vaccine that was developed and first listed by the World Health Organization, W.H.O., in the year 2020.  It is unlike any other polio vaccine that's been given before because they have basically genetically modified it, so that it hopefully, and not definitely, but hopefully will not do what the other oral polio vaccines do which is once you put them in somebody's gut, they can mutate, and the longer they're in there replicating, the more likely it is that they can mutate and become something more virulent and spread to somebody else, which is exactly what happened here because this boy, 10-month old boy has a partially paralyzed limb and has been deemed to have poliomyelitis has been diagnosed with a circulating oral polio vaccine-derived virus infection.  That's what they're saying, and the biggest news is that the boy who started this media campaign, I should say, was infected by a virus from a vaccine and not from a wild poliovirus, so it's unique in a lot of ways not to mention the fact that there are hundreds of cases of this Type 2 viral sourced polio infecting people worldwide, including London, the USA, Type 2, just like this boy has, London, USA, Egypt, Congo, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Malawi, Mozambique.  Go to the World Health Organization website and you can see it for yourself.  Yet interestingly, we're going to stop a war that had absolutely no regard for children whatsoever.  Israel is all of a sudden humanitarian and it's going to stop a war, what, because the UN and the WHO asked them to, so they can go in and save all these children that have been potentially infected by a vaccine-derived poliovirus by giving them a new genetically modified oral polio vaccine that has never been fully tested, that is released on Emergency Use . . .

Find the complete interview here.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

DR. SUZANNE HUMPHRIES: describes for Dr. Joseph Mercola how the "polio disease" as people know it is not due to the poliovirus, which she says is commensal (i.e. harmless), but rather environmental toxins

"The oral polio vaccines [in India]...were causing paralysis in children...when pulse polio [vaccination went] down, paralysis in India went down...polio is [actually] a commensal virus that's existed for time immemorial." Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a physician and author of the book Dissolving Illusions, describes for Dr. Joseph Mercola () how the "polio" disease as people know it is not due to the poliovirus—which she says is commensal (i.e. harmless)—but rather environmental toxins. Humphries, whose Dissolving Illusions book dismantles 225 years' worth of "vaccine" lies, notes that poliovirus was actually found in Brazilian tribes, which were living—and thriving—with a near-100% infection rate. "When researchers went down to the Brazilian rainforest and they found these tribes called the Xavante Indians and convinced them to give them some blood samples and fecal sample samples, they found that just about a hundred percent of these native people were colonized with polio, and there was no history of paralysis anywhere in the tribes," Humphries says. She adds that it was only when Westerners came in with "lifestyle habits of sugar, tobacco, [and] medicines that contained mercury, lead, [and] arsenic" that polio as a disease began to spring up. Furthermore, Humphries also notes in this clip that the oral polio "vaccine" causes paralysis. The physician notes that "oral polio vaccines [in India]...were causing paralysis in children" and "when pulse polio [vaccination went] down, paralysis in India went down." Partial transcription of clip: "There's this doctor, doctor Jacob Puliyel who lives in India, and he wrote the papers on the pulse polio rounds in India, the oral polio vaccines, how they were causing paralysis in children, and how with increased pulse polio rounds, you'd see increase in paralysis. Well, guess what? After those papers were written, pulse polio in India decreased. So what did they do? Doctor Jacob Puliyel went and did the same study again, reanalyzed everything, and found that, guess what, when pulse polio goes down, paralysis in India goes down. "You know, Enders (American physician and virologist John Enders) and the early researchers were trying to infect monkeys that, with poliovirus, and they couldn't infect them with it. They stuck it up their noses. They would inject it into their bodies. They couldn't they couldn't cause paralysis in these monkeys until they injected, matter from other paralyzed humans or animals into their brains. That's that's what it took to actually paralyze them. "So...Polio is a commensal virus that's existed for time immemorial. When researchers went down to the Brazilian rainforest they found these tribes called the Xavante Indians and convinced them to give them some blood samples and fecal samples, they found that just about 100% of these native people were colonized with polio, and there was no history of paralysis anywhere in the tribes. Nobody talked about people who couldn't breathe. They were fetchingly healthy. Same happened in the Philippines.  

"When you look at the people that were living close to the earth living healthy lives. And then in comes...the lifestyle habits of sugar, tobacco, medicines that contained mercury, lead, arsenic, you know, arm-to-arm vaccination spreading syphilis. So latent syphilis gives you poliomyelitis. Lead can give you poliomyelitis. Arsenic is probably the most interesting because not only does it clinically give you the exact scenario, poliomyelitis, but even in the spinal cord, exactly the same, and that's been proven." 

Here is the complete video: