Thursday, November 30, 2023

“[W]hen all these influencers on... [the] health freedom side... say, ‘Oh, we found contaminants, the DNA plasmids, [etc.]… well, in the US law its clearly spelled out that this EUA countermeasure shall not be deemed an adulterated or misbranded product no matter what.”

Here is the law to which Latypova refers.  

“A lot of cases were filed litigating and complaining about things like, ‘Oh, we were forced to take experimental products… and then they get thrown out and the judge writes, ‘These are not experimental products.’ Well, guess what? The judge is correct,” Latypova says. “And that’s how they do it. They create this pseudo-legal structure so you don’t have to bribe the judge.”

The retired pharma executive adds, “So when people are saying, well judges are… bought by pharma, or politicians are bought by pharma, [that’s wrong]. They make the structure such that you don’t have to bribe the judge for them to issue this decision that is actually solidifying the whole structure and making the case law that [the C19 injections] are not experimental, you shouldn’t complain, everything is fine.”

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