Monday, November 20, 2023

Here is the direct link to the fascinating interview.  

59:55  They definitely want to preserve the mRNA platform.  Because your friend in Uganda, what he was building was the mRNA factory.  

100:15  Never talked to him about that except that it was going to be the largest medicine factory in the country.  He bragged about having given keynote speeches about personalized medicine.  So they're moving toward personalized medicine; that's the thing that they want to save.  

100:35  They've always been about personalized medicine, this whole BS about personalized medicine has been around for at least 20 years.  Now that they have this personalized platform, this personalized medicine is going to morph into personalized vaccines for everything, including malnutrition and others.  That's the revolution.  And the WHO plan is to build these mega mRNA factories in all countries of the world, especially in Africa, and then require all the countries to sign up to this WHO agreement, or RHR amendments, to do genetic surveillance and PCR everything animals, humans, you name it, and then share the most lethal pathogens with each other and the WHO and create these custom vaccines in under 100 days. That's the plan; that's their kill plan basically, the mega kill plan.  And they were preparing for it already in 2020, because your friend in Uganda was already building it.  This whole plan hinges on this mRNA platform, first of all getting into the market, getting legitimized this bullshit FDA approval, and then say okay we screwed up initially because we rushed and now we're going to make the good one that's their plan also for this plan to work they need to legally assign the blame to Pfizer and if necessary they will also take Moderna down but it doesn't matter these are government companies they'll shift IP to somebody else

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