Monday, November 20, 2023

Imagine living in a country where the FDA and USDA will bust down your door and arrest you for selling unpasteurized raw milk and grass-fed meat . . . yet approve mRNA vaccines in 6 month old infants

It's so painfully obvious our regulatory institutions are actively trying to destroy our health and prevent access to the healthiest foods that ensure your immune system is strong, your gut is healthy, and you're properly nourished enough to think like a rational and intelligent human being, dissenting against their authoritarian draconian nonsense.
Imagine living in a country where the FDA and USDA will bust down your door and arrest you for selling unpasteurized raw milk and grass-fed meat that is statistically safer than lettuce you buy at Walmart or any other big box store, while that same FDA approved the use of mRNA vaccines in 6 month old infants without any questions or science to substantiate long term safety. It's so painfully obvious our regulatory institutions are actively trying to destroy our health and prevent access to the healthiest foods that ensure your immune system is strong, your gut is healthy, and you're properly nourished enough to think like a rational and intelligent human being, dissenting against their authoritarian draconian nonsense. The USDA, CDC, FDA, and every other 3 letter regulatory institution is a diabolical enemy of the people and should be completely gutted and replaced to ensure there are no more conflicts of interest, no more revolving doors where they can go back and forth between industry and government, and properly held accountable for their egregious "mistakes", corruption, and negligence that harm the people they're supposed to protect.

Raw milk should be legal nationwide. Its illegality in any state is absurd and a testament to how captured government is by corrupt industries who want to get their cut for boiling milk and making it less healthy for you. 

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