Friday, November 24, 2023

"homelessness, crime, and filth are . . . being actively promoted by government so that international drug cartels may flourish" Peter A. Kirby

from Episode 23 of The Abstract, "Report to the Governor, Information War Goes Nuclear."

When addressing the ongoing issues of homelessness, crime and filth in their cities, local politicians and bureaucrats will simply throw up their hands saying that these are extremely difficult problems bordering on the unsolvable… and so they persist. A recent book written by a team of career investigators and litigators provides evidence for the notion that homelessness, crime and filth are actually being actively promoted by government so that international drug cartels may flourish. “Report to the Governor” by John Thaler became available late last month and it provides evidence for the notion that things are the way they are in many American cities because international drug cartels are exerting a tremendous corrupting influence over American government and that these Third World-like conditions are a direct result of this influence. This entire article quotes heavily from Thaler’s book

The history of drug problems actually started in the Midwest and has many other associated activities with the smuggling of these massive amounts of drugs such as gambling, prostitution, humans, and weapons trafficking.  These are all things that grow out of the drug trade.  When you have an infrastructure that is handling a massive amount of drugs and money, other things tend to come along with that such as humans and weapons, and then gambling and prostitution rings tend to grow out of that as well.  But the mainstay of it is the drugs.  All these operations generate a lot of cash, and that becomes a problem for the cartels because there are lots of regulations and checks for moving large amounts of cash.  The government and the IRS get suspicious when they see large amounts of cash moving around.  Often they're breaking it up into smaller amounts of money and processing this cash through transactions that typically involve a lot of money, like real estate.  So the cartels have a tremendous need for this money laundering.  And the amount of money that they're laundering necessitates government corruption.  You have to have certain people cooperating with the laundering schemes in order to get it done because, like I say, the amounts are so huge.  

7:07  So the primary way of laundering money is through real estate.  Real estate scams are often intertwined with many other types of scams.  But the real estate fraud involving the laundering of money most commonly involves single-family homes.  Hiding the profits from cartel operations also involves tax evasion, payroll theft, bankruptcy fraud, falsified charitable donations, tuition fraud, insurance fraud, bribery, extortion, judicial misconduct, and more.  There's a whole intertwined ball of corruption here all traced back to the drug trade.  These other activities that I just mentioned also serve to diversify cartel operations and maximize profits so it all works synergistically for the cartels, and these types of scams commonly require forged documents as well as "phantoms individuals." Phantom individuals are individuals that do not exist and yet these identities serve purposes in the laundering of the money and other schemes.  These forged documents and Phantom individuals have been accepted into Arizona's central government and database as though these things are true and we will see the magnitude of the this momentarily as I have the numbers coming up here.  What's going on here is the corruption of systems as well as the corruption of individuals has led to a situation where the drug cartels are able to conduct officially sanctioned racketeering. 

9:20. From the history here where all of this started as we quote heavily from The Report to the Governor.

Beginning in Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa in the early 1980s, cash earned or otherwise collected in the sale of illegal narcotics and from human trafficking activities conducted by the Sinaloan cartel and other Mexican drug cartels has been laundered through the purchase of single family homes.  Laundering of cartel monies in Arizona through purchases and sales of single-family homes began in, or about, 1994.  It focused on new construction and to this day home builders are integral participants.  Currently cartel money laundering activities exist in most states but are most prevalent in Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, and Florida.  That's 20 states.  Since 2010, said money laundering in these 20 States has exceeded more than $100 billion dollars.  And as we mentioned, we have the phantoms individuals.  We also have the phantom individuals who do absolutely everything for you.  They will buy a house for you if you want.  They will be on the payroll of a certain business if you want.  They will be collecting life insurance for you if you want.  There are legions of phantom individuals as well as illegal aliens are coerced by the cartel to sign documents that they are the purchasers of homes, of million-dollar houses worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in transactions.  Cartels apparently get illegal aliens to sign, so it's an actual individual but they have no real standing to be buying real estate in America much less the means to do so.  The illegal aliens for their signing of the documents they are given safe passage into the United States by the cartels, so that's the quid pro quo there we also have legitimate and falsified mortgages as well as mortgage companies fictitiously created in order to launder the funds so the laundering of the money among mortgage companies is done by legitimate companies as well as completely fraudulent companies.  And then another way to launder the money through real estate is to have Realtors people associated with the transactions, such as Realtors, appraisers, title companies, and others charging excessive fees.  Thaler et al also named Wells Fargo Bank and HSBC Bank as being implicated in all of this.  They actually named other banks as well, but primarily they're naming Wells Fargo and HSBC; that's where the majority of the evidence is. We also have these phantom individuals who are created and then inserted electronically into the payroll systems of large scale Arizona employers.  That they're drawing paychecks apparently, there must be some kind of quid pro quote there for someone who doesn't work at a company to be drawing a paycheck.  Somebody must be paid off somewhere.  And then the life insurance thing scam is a pretty common deal where they pay into these life insurance policies from the fraudulent income and then they are killed off supposedly.  Evidence is produced of them dying somehow and then the people running the scam get money from the life insurance policy most all of this is enabled by the fact that these government databases in Arizona most notably the Maricopa County Recorder's Office and database, they have no integrity.  

14:27. Let me just read here what Thaler writes multiple State agency databases have been infiltrated or hacked thus allowing falsified documents to be uploaded into them or allowing legitimate documents to be removed to date more than 10,000 falsified documents have been recorded with Arizona's Maricopa County Recorder it is also estimated that more than 35,000 warranty deeds and Trust Deeds evidencing fraudulent transactions exist in this database it's also estimated that we have over 15,000 falsified notarizations in the Maricopa County Recorders Office so this is accomplished by bribed legislators who have rigged the rules specifically to prevent the detection of government based fraud the people in the government they hide it real good I mean we know that Nancy Pelosi is corrupt how does she and her husband make so much money while she is in office she's obviously corrupt but I challenge you to find any real dirt on her didn't take me long to figure that out I just read like a book or two saying telling myself man nobody has anything on her political oh yeah she comes from a political machine back east in Baltimore and yeah we know that political machines are corrupt and now she's part of a political machine in San Francisco and we know there that's corrupt.  Here's Thaler.  This is why I call this book "The Next Generation in the information War."  Here's Taylor proving it.  Here is Taylor coming with the goods on all these scumbags that we know are so incredibly corrupt and just lie to our face every single day.  

17:02. We have hundreds of falsified court documents and they can do all kinds of nasty things with the with those falsified court documents such as causing swatting activities against people who are posing a threat to these racketeering activities in fact all of this was set up the Maricopa County databases for the Recorder's Office Superior Court in 2014 they were designed for outside infiltration the very creation of these databases were made so that people can come in and do this this is how deep the corruption is.

17:48. Let me read from my article. I may also be reading from the report to the governor I'm not sure the databases for again this is for showing further corruption in the state of Arizona the databases for the University of Arizona Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University have been infiltrated or hacked to permit individuals to be given degrees who never attended or graduated from the schools and to allow phantom individuals to be awarded degrees, thus lending legitimacy to their existence.  Further still State Licensing databases have been infiltrated or hacked to permit individuals with fake degrees or phantom individuals to have state issued licenses.  Ever wonder how these people obviously have an IQ lower than room temperature become a PhD and pass the State Bar and they are medical doctors and all this stuff?  They may very well have fake credentials given to them by corrupt governments which is Arizona.  You know who comes to mind is the county health officer in San Francisco.  I mean the guy looks just stupid as the day is long, and yet there he is at the head, er, he might be the #2 person in San Francisco, but he's right up there supposedly and . . . they get him to be in charge of all this during COVID.  He's too dumb to know anything else except to just follow orders so that's the guy you want to have in there. Anyway . . . .  These types of situations where the state is giving out fake licenses and credentials based on fraudulent information in there databases Thaler, et al suggest here that they have evidence to the fact that this type of situation also exists in California, New Mexico, and Colorado.  So that would explain the county health officer in San Francisco.  

20:20. Oh yeah, there's details about the bribery, the necessary bribery, so let me read from my article here, Thaler et al found public officials who have received bribes include multiple State office holders in the State house and the State Senate, local office holders, County Supervisors, judges of the Maricopa County Superior Court, judges of several city courts, including two presiding judges, judge's assistants in Maricopa County, prosecutors for Maricopa County as well as peripheral legal specialists, including attorneys, court-appointed advisors, and related specialists

Report to the Governor: How the Discovery of Mass Corruption in the State of Arizona Led to the Abduction of McKinley Harris Thaler, John Thaler, 2023.  

from Amazon's description of the book, it reads

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