Sunday, November 26, 2023

Anybody that's got a couple of acres of land and his own water supply and can grow his own food, that kind of thing, or have some sheep and some chickens, these people are a threat to the collectivist society

it's implemented on the ground . . . through . . . joining together between corporations, non-governmental organizations, and governments in order to cut out your individual voter and instead to take that to a level where we literally cannot penetrate. Rosa Moire


Agenda 21 is a code name for a master plan originated at the United Nations in 1992 to change the political and economic system of the world to one of total collectivism. In order to do that, people must not be allowed to have Independence, they must be dependent on the state for everything; otherwise, they won't be easily controlled by the state. That means they can't have private property mostly; they cannot have land of their own; they have to live in preferably high-rise apartments that are provided to them by the state as a benefit so to speak, "Oh, good, we got a free apartment," but these people at the top want all humans to be dependent on the largess of the state. That means that they don't want anybody living out in the boonies. Anybody that's got a couple of acres of land and his own water supply and can grow his own food, that kind of thing, or have some sheep and some chickens, these people are a threat to the collectivist society because they aren't going to go to the politicians and say, "Please feed me. Please clothe me. Please give me shelter." They tend to be independent. That's the secret behind Agenda 21 they want people out of the country. They want corporations out there growing all the food and that kind of thing, but they don't want anybody living out there because that way they cannot be controlled. In order to control mankind, we have to get them all into the big cities; we have to roll them up and stack them up, get them dependent on the state for their food, their shelter, their electrical power, their water, everything. That's the dirty secret behind Agenda 21.


United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development. It is the inventory and control plan, inventory and control of all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, all information, and all human beings in the world. And this was a plan that was agreed to by 179 nations back in 1992. It's a United Nations plan. It's called the Agenda for the 21st Century.

And so many of us around the world think that sustainable development just sounds so great. Isn't it about recycling and creative reuse and creating energy and food resources for everyone? And the answer is no. It really is not it's about moving populations into city centers, concentrated city centers and clearing them out of the rural areas. It's constructed of non-governmental organizations, corporations and government in order to dictate and regulate what it is that happens around the world. Regionalization is the stepping stones to globalization, and globalization is the standardization of all systems. All systems have to be brought into harmony in order to control them all, and the goal of Agenda 21 is one-world government and total control from a central unit the principles are public-private partnerships which is fascism. And this is how it's implemented on the ground is through this joining together between corporations, non-governmental organizations, and governments in order to cut out your individual voter and instead to take that to a level where we literally cannot penetrate. This is a corporatocracy. It's a totalitarian state being developed right now all over the world, while we are moving towards the end game. We are not there, and this is the opportunity that all of us have to stand up, to speak out. We are free and we need to continue to be free, and I do believe that we will win but we have to become aware that there is a fight.


The role of the who appears to be adverse in both of these the role of the who appears to be operating within a biopharmaceutical compound Plex a syndicate a complicated Syndicate that has formed over time it includes the w h o United Nations the United Nations the world economic forum The Gates Foundation Rockefeller Foundation the welcome Trust GAVI, CEPI, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation, the GATES Foundation and the WEF formed largely. The Department of State in the United States the National Institutes of Health, the CDC, the FDA the MHRA in the UK, the TGA in Australia, SAHPRA in South Africa, the EMA gere in Europe. This grouping of non-governmental organizations with governmental Public Health agencies is operating as a unit. They are carefully coordinated, and the impact has been adverse.


The WEF is threatening the heads of government of the 20 most industrialized nations in the world to carry out the Great Reset. It is a global coup d'etat, against which it is essential tht people rise up. Those who govern nations have all become either enslaved or blackmailed by this international mafia.

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