Tuesday, November 21, 2023


They are training a generation of censorship professionals tied to the teat of government-backed censorship operations. 

00:58   What is Media Literacy?

When you hear the words media literacy, you fixate on the word literacy, and you think they're talking about underserved, underprivileged, inner-city schools with kids who can't read because we have an epidemic of illiteracy and low literacy rates among a lot of our youth.  So you hear that word literacy and you think that's what they're talking about.  That is not what it is at all.  Media Literacy says if you don't read the right media sources, official media sources, official state-backed media, government sources, or regime-compliant media, then you are illiterate.  You are media illiterate, and you need to get your mind right to read the right media sources.  So media literacy is just regime media installation.  And it is about the institutional embedding of censorship organs within K-12 schools, within higher ed.  And then at the capacity building side by tons and tons of government money propping this up.  

2:04. Now, a couple of levels of this.  Media literacy is literally about training you to be stupid, to be dumb.  The underlying presupposition of the field, the illegitimate field of media literacy, is that if you do critical thinking you will become a heretic, you will become a wrong thinker, a dissident, a heterodox person.  If you think critically, if you go down the rabbit hole, if you do your own independent research, you will not trust the regime, you will not trust the system, you will not trust government narratives; you will not trust legacy, mainstream media.  And so they teach methods . . . the curriculum for media literacy programs are about how not to do your own research.  I'm not joking.  You can look all this up for example the SIFT Method [it's an evaluation strategy] is one of the core things that have been developed. It just says that when you have a research topic and you want to look something up for school and you want to look something up on your own private time, don't go down the rabbit hole, don't think independently, sift through the top 10 results of a Google search, Wikipedia, and Wikipedia-approved sources.  Mind you, Wikipedia currently lists Elon Musk as a far-right conspiracy theorist and bans the ability to even have the most conservative or Centrist outlooks allowed to even be cited.  So it pre-bans the ability to even access news institutions that might challenge government narratives.  This is Clockwork Orange on steroids, and it's being mandated by governments.  This is the part that I was not expecting to happen so fast.  The state of California just last week passed a mandatory media literacy law requiring every public K-12 school in the entire state to have mandatory media literacy classes.  Now every single actor in the censorship industry is doing touchdown dances, spinning the basketball a la Wilt Chamberlain or Harlem Globetrotters style, just stuffing on the rest of the world that's had its eyes closed because this is millions and millions of dollars that automatically flow into the censorship's pockets because it is mandatory government required capacity building to do this.  There are going to be 10,000 people at least just in the schools in the California system we're going to need to be these teachers in all these classes K through 12 you're going to need to train an army of educators on how not to trust alternative news or Elon musk's vision at X or social media influencers who disagree about health or electoral politics or on environmental issues or on abortion immigration or energy or any of that.  Again it's not just the curriculum that's only a tiny part of it it's the Civil Society capacity building they're funding this is mandatory government money to a censorship mercenary Army in charge of your kids that just passed in California it already passed in Illinois it's already in Rhode Island it's now in New York this industry could not support itself and while there is Success right now at the federal level with things that have been done around these major class action lawsuits, Missouri V Biden, America First lawsuit, Congressional investigations and subpoenas.  They are going down into the state governments one by one capacity-building the industry to destroy the alternative news industry.  And this has got to be challenged before it gets its roots down because they are going to make the argument that if we don't stop it now they are going to make the argument that "you're going to have hundreds of thousands of public employees who are going to be put out of a job if you kill immediate literacy later," which is to say that they're going to make the same argument that coal miners in West Virginia would make, "Well, if you shut down the mine, you're going to put all these people out of a job."  They are training a generation of censorship professionals tied to the teat of government-backed censorship operations.  Their careers are going to be attached to this.  "They won't be able to provide for their families if you take away their censorship jobs." That's literally going to be the world that we're going to be in, if this thing isn't killed now.  

Every time you hear the word media literacy, drop this link to them

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