Friday, November 24, 2023

NEW: Chaos erupts in Dublin, Ireland after five people, including three children were stabbed by an alleged migrant outside of a school.

By the way, all of these calls for safety during COVID, the COVIDiots telling you "stay safe," "be safe," etc. were all designed to wear you down as conditions deteriorated.  Now that the conditions are reaching a critical mass, the safety concerns are now being flipped into making people enraged at injustices that have been allowed to flourish as citizen has been told to be safe, or be concerned about safety, when in fact, all that we've been is tolerant.  Diversity is not a strength of any nation.  
Thank you to NotTheBee.
After a migrant reportedly stabbed Irish kids, Dublin rioted against open borders last night. Here's what you need to know about the riots and the Brazilian hero who stopped the attacker. 

34 Irish citizens were arrested.

I think Ireland is tired of the "diversity is our strength" mantra. 

America is different, right?

"A statement from the government is not good enough." 

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