Saturday, November 18, 2023


Your phone keyboard is nit a physical keyboard; it's an on-screen app that captures all you type on it.  We use it to type our search engine key words, our credit card passwords, our security passwords.  How private  is your keyboard?  Not all keyboards are equal, and not all keyboard apps are equal.  Some keyboards might just talk locally to your device; other keyboards send keystrokes to a centralized server, which have wildly different privacy implications.  How do you tell the difference

When we use a computer we have a physical device with keys that allows us to input text or numbers into the computer when we have a device with just a screen, like an iPad or phone.  We use a virtual keyboard, which is a software-based system, that renders an image of a keyboard on the display and operates as a touch screen for the inputting  keystrokes.

Three types of virtual keyboards:

1.  Systems Keyboard.  Your phone's operating system comes with a built-in virtual keyboard when you tap on a text input field so I can search bar SMS or Instagram comment by default you're operating systems keyboard will appear this is usually the case for all apps on your phone by default they generally use the operating systems built-in keyboard but occasionally there are apps specific keyboards some apps might have unique requirements for example a musical app might need a piano instead of letters others like some banking apps might have their own keyboard app for added security then there are third-party keyboards keyboard apps that you install on your phone

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