Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Virginia State Rep. Kathy Tran, 2019 pushing a bill to allow killing an unborn baby until birth

No.  It's not infanticide.  Really it's not.  We promise.  Hell, we swear on a stack of Bibles if we have to.  Really.  We're just looking out for the mother.  See.  If we don't look out for women and their bodily autonomy, who would? We democrats are doing God's work. 

Kathy Tran's bill, HB2491, called the Repeal Act (wow, almost sounds American Revolutionary-like), sought to repeal restrictions on abortion laws in Virginia

The bill would have reduced the number of physicians required to approve a third-term abortion (from three to one), and lowered the threshold for that approval to the requirement that there be a medical reason for the abortion, from the previous requirement that the pregnant woman be "substantially and irremediably" harmed by continuing her pregnancy.  [1] Similar bills had been introduced in previous years, and one was also introduced by state Senator Jennifer Boysko in the Senate in 2019.[2] The bill was tabled on January 28, 2019 by House Republicans. Testimony about the bill's provisions by Tran and comments about it by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam elicited controversy, with conservatives accusing Virginia Democrats of supporting infanticide.

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