Friday, November 10, 2023

Percentage of EV owners who own ONLY an EV? 4%. Other 96% own an additional gasoline engine car

Here is Peters' article

Do you know what percentage of EV owners own only an EV?

About 4 percent.

The rest – about 96 percent – own another vehicle that isn’t a battery powered device. What does this say about battery powered devices?

It arguably says it all.

It could be said that battery powered devices work for only 4 percent of the people who bought them – the remaining 96 percent having bought an EV for essentially the same reason that people buy antique cars or boats; i.e., because they wanted a toy. Any vehicle that requires you to own another one is that, by definition. I own an old Pontiac Trans-Am muscle car from the ’70s. It does not get driven much because it is impractical to drive it much. I don’t keep it for transportation; I keep it because I like it and because I consider it fun to drive – when I don’t need to drive.

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