Sunday, November 12, 2023

California's Carbon Capture Deception

Sierra Pacific Industries and then there's the Chinese Camp Mill at Chinese Camp in Sonora, CA.   

Kodama Systems.  Kathryn Saari, a super-sleuth, who will see things around her community and ask, "What the heck is that?"

Locally, we're being stripped of our resources.  Local leaders are oblivious to what's going on around them.  So Saari will phone her local officials, tell them what she saw, and then ask them to tell her, "Hey, can you tell me what's going on?"  This is excellent because, one, we're all operating on limited information, and two, partly causing number one, is that facts don't speak for themselves.  

She's good.  She notes that we get bombarded with content, videos, it's the corporations, or it's the Bill Gates, it's over there . . . and I've found that that can't be further from the truth because I've found out that I can take action in my own small county and make a difference and make an impact.  

8:22  Just be an observer of the world around you, ask questions, stay curious, and even get involved with your local Board of Supervisors' agendas, you'll start to see, that it all starts to fit together for you and you'll realize and see what's coming down from the top and make a difference right here in your own backyard.

8:40  There was a time when we were trying to fight all of these antennas and cell towers and 5G coming into our community, cities, and counties, and so on, so we would have people regularly look at the agendas of the counties and the cities or the Planning Commissions.  And we'd point out, "Hey, hey, you guys, they're trying to do this again."  And then we'd show up, educate ourselves, and then we would speak.  Regarding the Palestinian conflict, some people in Seattle went down to the ship docks where one of our military vessels was prepared to leave with military weapons bound for Israel, but the shipping yards were in their own backyard.  They had hundreds and hundreds of people showing up and preventing that ship from departing.

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