Showing posts with label CoVid-19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CoVid-19. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

FIVE TIMES AUGUST TO CHRIS CUOMO: you attempt to rebrand yourself as some new independent and unbiased Cuomo while you half-heartedly feature vax injury stories for ratings

Um, Dave Smith spent three hours with you the other night literally showing and telling you with *your own words* replayed right back to you in front of your face how astronomically wrong you’ve been throughout Covid and clearly absolutely none of it connected. So, I recognize there’s nothing I or anyone else can do or say at this point. Just understand how badly you’ve blown it. Know that you’re out, Chris. You’re not coming back from this. You simply can’t (or more likely won’t) accept being wrong on any of it, and that’s the issue here. You disingenuously advocate for some 9/11-style COVID commission so we can “understand what happened” but you refuse to start with yourself. Instead, you attempt to rebrand yourself as some new independent and unbiased Cuomo while you half-heartedly feature vax injury stories for ratings, and then smugly brush aside the very people who warned that all this would happen. You whitewash past remarks and reframe what you said back on CNN, you downplay the worldwide government tyranny you helped enable… anything to avoid accountability and responsibility. You can’t even man up enough to say “Guys, I made some terrible mistakes along the way, I’m sorry.” — Pro Tip: THAT’S WHERE YOU BEGIN, CHRIS. You don’t get to repackage yourself and expect us all to forgive and forget where you came from. It doesn’t work that way. You are no better than an abusive husband expecting to be thanked by your wife because you’ve stopped hitting her. You abused the public with your position in media, and until you take a good hard look in the mirror and accept that? Nobody is buying your bullshit. It’s done, man. We all see it.

Here is the interview.

Monday, June 3, 2024

LATYPOVA: When there's a CDC rep waltzing into your hospital room to your loved one, kick them out of there. The CDC rep is not their healthcare provider. Your loved one in the hospital does not have to speak with them.

Part of it was that lawsuit that the 15 attorneys general of the states abandoned it should be refiled by somebody.  And I'm hoping that we can find an attorney general of a state that will work on this because it violates the Constitution and violates due process.  They name you a pre-communicable, and you have no ability to defend yourself.  So they name you pre-communicable based on the test that they design, that they keep secret, that they that have never produced evidence of or validation, and then they put you in the detention camp and you can appeal to them only.  So it is as Orwellian and as tyrannical as it gets.  

1:00. When you look at some of the wording of this order where Lisa Rotz, MD, Deputy Director of the Division of Global Migration and Quarantine Centers for CDC.

CDC has determined that you are a high-risk contact to a family member who tested positive for infection with COVID-19.  The last date of high risk exposure was March 23, 2020 the date that you last had contact with the infected family member, and, accordingly, quarantine for you is extended by 14 days from the date of the last known high-risk exposure, which was March 23, 2020.  This notice will be accompanied by a rescission allowing you to agree to serve the remainder of the quarantine at your residence subject to certain stipulations. 

1:43. Like you said Sasha, don't answer any questions; don't consent to track and trace; don't give names of anybody you've been with.  They could scare you into doing that though because it says you were in contact with a family member family, a member who had a big mouth disclosed it (I'm going to put my own editorializing in), for infection with COVID-19.  The last date of high-risk exposure was March 23, 2020, the date that you last had contact and that, accordingly, quarantine for you is extended by 14 days from the date of last known risk exposure.  Some people might argue and say, "Well, back then we all just stayed home.  Nobody took us to a quarantine camp."  

What Sasha is warning is they can do any of this at any time.

And all of Katherine's work is to inform people that they can pull this out again.  This is living law.  It hasn't gone anywhere,  although you don't hear about COVID too much anymore.  It's living, breathing law that's ready at any moment, right?

2:45. Yeah, and I think, specifically the Grand Princess and The Diamond Princess were the test runs for them, for the HHS because then they later refer to that in their motions to dismiss cases that were challenging their authority to do so.  They said, "We already did it.  You see, we did it, and it's totally legal." That's the precedent that they set up as early as they could in the pandemic lockdown by taking these 2 cruise ships and the people from these two cruise ships.  


So I would advise people what you can do is a couple of things. First, you have to be aware of this.  When you are aware of this, mass awareness is a deterrent when enough people know this.  When there's a CDC rep waltzing into your hospital room to your loved one, kick them out of there.  The CDC rep is not their healthcare provider.  Your loved one in the hospital does not have to speak with them.  All of this is voluntary.  They come in and they say, "Well, you know, you need to answer these questions for our survey . . . ."  No.  No.  And because people are nice and they think "I'm in the hospital.  This is all related to my care."  It's not related to your care.  It's related to this, the CDC's Quarantine Extension.  So kick them out.  Don't answer their questions.  Secondly, don't go on a cruise ship . . . .  If anybody approaches you with these kinds of things, wherever you are traveling, beware of what they're trying to do.  

And finally, an important aspect of this is to work with local state authorities and legislators in your state to nullify these laws.  Katherine is drafting a lot of document templates on nullification.  So you can read that on her substack, Bailiwick News, and you will see a bunch of proposed notifications of those laws so the state legislators can do it.  Any state can nullify any federal law. 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

[Roberto] Speranza has been charged with murder in Italy for covering up the side effects of the COVID vaccines and forcing them on the country regardless.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Why not pivot from Jagger's emaciated mealy-mouthed lyrics and Keith Richard's creviced mug to compliant little bitches promoting a bioweapon on behalf of the surveillance state?

Rolling Stones to fans on Covid19 vaccines: "We've all had the shot and you better get one too"

“Put the mask over your nose.”

Why not?  Their career is over.  In fact, their career has been over for a very long time.  It's just taken a while for the dope-addled late-boomers to notice.  They thought they could enjoy one last toke, one last hoorah, one last concert in the long goodbye.  

"Safe and effective"

But now it's official:  the insane Wango Tango 70s, rock 'n' roll's version of Helter Skelter and short-term thinking and decisions suggested by Stephen Stills' "Love the One You're With" to destroy American conservative life is over.  America's youth today has porn, and that's no match for running down to Music Plus, buying concert tickets from TicketMaster, and going to the old Inglewood Forum behind Hollywood Park.  

Is it a case of the cognitively impaired boomers are no longer capable of watching octogenarians prancing and prattle on stage has come to an end?  


And in today's easy access to almost any commodity, the "You Can't Always Get What You Want" ethic is no longer true?  So, why not pivot?  Why not pivot from Jagger's emaciated mealy-mouthed lyrics and Keith Richard's craggy rebel mug to compliant little bitches promoting a bioweapon on behalf of the surveillance state?  

"The new normal"

They've rocked.  And they've rolled.  Now it's time to gather the "green" or the moss, while calling us all to join them and go gently into that good night, a kind of a nostalgic, lyrical call to eugenics.  You know the murdering monsters at MI6 wrote the script for their commercial, the murdering bastards.

"The CDC says . . ."

Mick Jagger is almost 80 years old.  Young and old people like their music, not the performance of old men prancing on stage.  Ain't that a picture? 

"Did you get Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson?"

Keith Richards is 78, again almost 80 years old.  Why attend the concert of octogenarians?  Buy an album or CD and play their music at your birthday party if you like them so much.  So they've got nothing left to say musically, so they've opted to come out as pimps for the COVID warfare.  Nice guys, eh?

"15 Days to Flatten the Curve"

Ronnie Wood is 75, so he's done.  Or should have been done.  Who knows how much methamphetamine they required to make live performances.  I am sure that MI6 did much of their marketing.

       "We're all in this together"

The founder, Brian Jones, was lost in 1969.   

"Unprecedented times"

Charlie Watts checked out due to a "heart procedure surgery."  Hmm, I wonder from what.  It could not have been from the smoking alone . . . .

"I am Science"

Thursday, November 3, 2022


Here's what IP6 does to the protein 53 gene,

IP6 has been shown to desirably alter the expression of proteins produced by the p21 and p53 genes (these are cancer suppressing genes) that control cancer growth,

p53 is short for TP53, which stands for Tumor Protein 53.  TP53 is the name given to this particular protein in people.  In mice, it's labeled trp53. Biologically, the TP53 is pretty important to human life.  In fact, it's referred to as the Guardian of the Genome, so pretty dang important.  Wikipedia explains,

The p53 proteins (originally thought to be, and often spoken of as, a single protein) are crucial in vertebrates, where they prevent cancer formation.[6] As such, p53 has been described as "the guardian of the genome" because of its role in conserving stability by preventing genome mutation. 

So if the spike protein inserted in the COVID-19 vaccines causes the p53 genes to down regulate, meaning to become less responsive, and suppress your immune system, IP6 switches that and up-regulates your p53 genes so that they are more responsive.  

IP6 Gold has come recommended.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Who needs data when you’ve got regulatory capture?

From Dr. Meryl NassMay 30, 2022

Toby Rogers @ substack, "FDA Announces Updated Schedule for June Meetings Regarding Five Pivotal Vaccine Decisions," Toby Rogers, May 28, 2022

Who needs data when you’ve got regulatory capture?

I. The June FDA meetings

This week the Washington Post copied and pasted from a Pfizer press release to announce yet another scientific miracle(TM) that will completely fail in practice. In the process WaPo also got some quotes from the FDA who have now nailed down the schedule for the 4 meetings in June in which they intend to assemble the final pieces for Pharma’s permanent dominance over the American people.


June 7, Novavax 
June 14, Moderna in kids 6 to 17 years old
June 15, Moderna in kids 6 months to 5 years AND Pfizer in kids 6 months to 4 years
June 28, “Future Framework” (the plan to skip clinical trials in perpetuity)

There is a lot to parse in the WaPo’s brief article.

Contrary to the breathless headline, THEY STILL DON'T HAVE ANY DATA. 

Pfizer and BioNTech said the 80 percent efficacy finding was preliminary and based on 10 cases of Covid-19 in the study population as of the end of April.  Once 21 cases have occurred, the companies will conduct a more formal analysis of efficacy . . . Pfizer and BioNTech said they plan to finish filing data with the FDA this week—and warned that the efficacy number was fluid because results are still arriving.

Let’s recap how we got here:

🚩 The Pfizer clinical trial in kids under 5 failed in December 2021.

🚩 So Pfizer added a third dose and that trial also apparently failed in February (which is why Pfizer was forced to withdraw its application on February 10).

🚩 Now Pfizer is describing a jerry-rigged trial of a third dose in 1,678 kids ages 6 months to four years old. Pfizer did not disclose how the kids were divided between the treatment and control group so it is impossible to run our own calculations on efficacy. Out of that sample, 10 developed Covid — although it is not clear how the 10 were distributed between the    treatment and control group. (I suppose some quant on Twitter will figure out how to work backwards from Pfizer’s claims to calculate the numbers in each of these categories but needless to say, this is not the proper way to do science.) Of course Pfizer also failed to describe the contents of the “placebo.”

As always with “publication by press release” the announcement raised more questions than answers:

“the efficacy finding was preliminary”; just 10 cases; “the companies will conduct a more formal analysis” next month; “the efficacy number was fluid because results are still arriving” — so you’re saying that these numbers are NOT statistically significant and in fact you have no
valid “results” at all? Got it.

How exactly will Pfizer double the number of Covid-19 cases in the clinical trial in the next month given that 74.2% of kids already had natural immunity in February which means that nearly 100% of children likely have natural immunity by now?

Also, is the FDA seriously considering basing national policy, that impacts 18 million children, by relying on a study with only 10 cases?  It appears that the FDA is not even pretending to care about science anymore.

What’s perhaps most troubling about this so-called clinical trial is that Pfizer is NOT looking at health outcomes in the real world (because there are none). Instead, all of their claims are based on antibodies in the blood. That’s strange because the members of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee unanimously acknowledged on April 6 that there are “no correlates of protection” in connection with Covid-19 shots (this means that there are no valid proxy measures, such as antibody counts, that can determine whether someone who has received this shot is immune to the virus or not.)

WaPo dutifully copied Pfizer’s disingenuous description:

While the adult trials recruited tens of thousands of volunteers and waited to see if vaccinated people were better protected, the children’s vaccine trials were primarily designed to measure immune responses using blood tests

No they were not “primarily designed to measure immune responses using blood tests.” The studies were intentionally undersize to hide harms from the shots in addition to other tricks that they use to skew the results (such as kicking you out of the trial if you call 911 or go to the emergency room). But when one shrinks the sample size, surprise! it becomes impossible to detect actual health benefits from the shots (the signal would have been tiny if at all, but when one uses a sample that small then any
positive signal can also disappear into statistical insignificance.) . . . 

Click here for the full report. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

COVID-19 refers to Corona venom 19.

This is Dr. Bryan Ardis' defense of his claim that COVID-19 is not a virus source, but rather it is snake venom poisoning. You'll have blood coagulation and anti-coagulation. The 19 in COVID-19 does not refer to 2019 as has been drilled into our heads. According to Ardis, the 19 refers to the 19 snake venom sequences.  

He is being attacked in the blogosphere with everybody dismissing his claim that COVID-19 is a King Cobra venom poisoning.  You may be tired of thinking or hearing about COVID-19, the spike proteins, Dr. Fauci, etc.  But you should know that this claim is not new.  And there is a way to stop the effects of venom poisoning in your body.  The product?  Nicotine.  Because nicotine blocks the snake venom inside the spike protein and keeps it from lodging in nACH Receptors.  He gives the etymology of the word virus.  Apparently, the COVID-19 refers to Corona venom 19.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Snake venom toxin in the spike protein? Nicotine blocks spike from lodging in nAChReceptors

It was from Dr. Bryan Ardis where I'd first learned about Remdesivir, about a hospital advocate, and about how the spike proteins behaved like parasites and that people should be on anti-parasitics.  So I've loved his research abilities, his activism, and his network of professionals like Thomas Renz, Leigh Dundas, and others.  I've relied on other doctors, too, but Ardis' tenacity is inspiring    

There were four sections of this interview that I found compelling.  

12:00  mm   

14:55  January 21st of this year, just two months ago, the FDA decided to authorize Remdesivir as the only drug to be used on newborns [newborns with COVID?] in this country.  The screenshot at 15:14 of "FDA Approves Veklury [Remdesivir] for the Treatment of Non-Hospitalized Patients at High Risk for COVID-19 Disease Progression" comes directly from a press release found at Gilead's website.  "I can't even fathom the men or women in charge who would actually do that.  So now it's been moved out of hospitals into in and out-patient care for children as the only treatment for as young as newborns, seven-pounds heavy, through the 18-year pediatric age range.  It's the only authorized drug.  There is nothing else that they're allowing for COVID-19 treatment.  I find that incredibly evil.  
Also, now they've canceled monoclonal antibody uses throughout the United States and all U.S. territories for COVID-19 early treatment, and they're moving Remdesivir to the fusion centers where they were using monoclonal antibodies as the only IV infusion drug allowed. At the 15:55 mark, the screenshot contains the Forbes headline, "U.S. Pauses Distribution of Monoclonal Antibody Treatments that Proved Ineffective Against Omicron," Zachary Snowdon Smith, December 23, 2021. I have been moved with one singular purpose since May of 2020 when I read Anthony Fauci's memo about Remdesivir, I felt this spark inside of me that I now had to go voice to the world a warning to try to protect as many as possible innocent lives from being killed.  

16:40  It all started with a text.  There's a medical doctor that I admire and love that has had since the beginning of COVID the ability to project information

29:10  People are buying snake venom and mixing it with the same preparation as what is listed on the fact sheet of Velkury.  His screenshot does not provide a source.  Okay, what's his point?  To take Cobra venom, or any other kind of venom, and inject it into horses to create monoclonal antibodies.  When you read the EUA for Remdesivir, it states from January 21, that every practitioner who administers this to a COVID patient pediatric or not, you have to evaluate for thrombin time.  

29:36.  If it increases the prothrombin time, it means it's taking your blood's ability to coagulate and making it longer.  So it thins your blood; you can't clot.  You will internally bleed to death.  With Remdesivir it is stated on the Emergency Use Authorization, that every patient has to have its Prothrombin Time before you give Remdesivir and during treatment.  Do you know what King Cobra venom does to the blood?  

It makes it so that it can't clot. 

It makes it so that it can't clot.  Do you know what the other emphasis is?  It's prothrombin time.  And if you look at the CDC and NIH's websites, it actually says it increases prothrombin time, which is exactly what King Cobra venom does to the human body.  And Remdesivir is a lyophilized peptide-protein from King Cobra venom.  The University of Arizona published last summer a paper when they actually evaluated the blood samples and tissues of people who died, hundreds of them, from two different hospitals after being treated for COVID which means they got what drug--Remdesivir.  When they evaluated their blood, the title of their published article is "Like Venom Coursing the Through the Body: Researchers Identify Mechanism Driving COVID-19 Mortality," Rosemary Brandt, College of Agriculture and Life Science, August 24, 2021.

32:55  And then they take you through all of the elevated enzymes from the blood samples of these people that are naturally found in rattlesnake venom and viper venom that are at levels they've never seen before.  Do you want to know how they got there?  5-10 days of Remdesivir.  They've known since 2005 that if you inject a mouse with Cobra venom, like they're doing with Remdesivir injecting it into your veins, . . . [citing this article, "Histopathological Alterations Induced by Naja naja Crude Venom on Renal, Pulmonary and Intestinal Tissues of Mice Model, Md. Abdulla Al Mamun, et al., 2015. Here are Histological Changesit actually causes a cytokine storm in all of the animals.  I am convinced that COVID-19 is not a respiratory virus of any kind.  It is actually venom poisoning.  It is actually, I believed, synthesized peptides and proteins from venoms of snakes, and they're administering them and targeting them to certain people.  The amazing thing about these 19 toxins found in Cobra venom is they're specifically sequenced to target specific organs, like the pancreas in a diabetic, like the heart in a heart-diseased patient, like the liver in a Hepatitis patient.  

33:55  So if I die because I am . . .  And then use mRNA technology that they've been isolating from snake venom for years that they knew were unusually stable, more stable than any other mRNA they've isolated from natural organisms for decades.  In 2015, they took mRNA from Cobra venom, krait venom they wrapped the mRNA in nanoparticle hydrogel "Nanofibrous Snake Venom Hemostat," ACS Biomater Sci Eng. 2015;1(12):1300-1305.  DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.5b00356. Epub 2015 Oct 20.  And they made it even more stable.  Then they actually added dynabeads to those nanoparticles surrounding the mRNA of snake venom and it made it even more stable.  It made it last longer.  It made it to get inside your cells.  Dynabeads are magnetic metals nanoparticles.  

36:54  Cites Season 4, Episode 15 of The Blacklist, 2016, called "The Apothecary."  Peptides found in krait venom poisoned Raymond "Red" Reddington.  In the show, you learn that he was poisoned by drinking from his drink.  Then I realized something.  I realized how they've been spreading this.  Odd that the CDC's website has a wastewater page with COVID tracker.  


Well, you'd think that new information like what Dr. Ardis presents here with Peters would bring ah-ha moments, and it does for his audience.  It did for me.  I'd heard that the spike proteins contain a genetic sequence of snake poison.  What I thought was interesting was how specific Ardis was by pointing out the King Cobra and the Chinese   Oh, and by the way, I am all for men like Ardis, who is a chiropractor by trade, to insert his research findings onto other fields.  This is how insights come about.  Now it's up to the scientific community to verify or deny it.   

One scientist I follow, Walter Chestnut, says that there is no snake venom per se, but rather the spike protein ACTS like snake venom.  Chestnut calls the protein an epitope, which are antigens that 

Good to know that there are remedies to snake venom poisoning.

It's important to take nicotine lozenges.  Why?  Because nicotine blocks the snake venom inside the spike protein and keeps it from lodging in nACH Receptors.

Friday, January 21, 2022


Here is the document he refers to at the 13:10 mark
Dear Editor

“The best decisions are based on the best science”, the article quotes.

However, the CDC states on page 39 of its 13th July 2020 document entitled,’ CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel For Emergency Use Only Instructions for Use’ (1) :

“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/μL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen”.

What does this mean? And is it the “best science”?


And here is the document he refers to published in EuroSurveillance.  As a preface to reading from the article, Cowan explains that a virus is a thing, like a fork. We're not talking about a thought or a feeling but rather a thing, like a chair or a fork.  If you say no quantifiable virus, you've never isolated the virus from anybody with COVID-19.  Further prefacing, he adds that Christian Drosten other virologists who were tasked with developing a test for this new Coronavirus were caught in a dilemma because they found nothing despite reports around the globe of vital contagion.  So let's see what they say.  Cowan reads the first sentence under "Background,"

The ongoing outbreak of the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) poses a challenge for public health laboratories as virus isolates are unavailable . . . . 

Then he reads the stated Aim of the study.  Jaw-dropping.  I recommend you read it twice.  

We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available. 

They had no virus to make a test to find a piece of the virus.  Therefore, the PCR test, the test which is being used all over the world to document cases, is a complete fraud.  They have never isolated a virus and said, "This is a unique piece of that virus," because they have no virus. 

Ah, are they the only ones? 

Then he quotes from a Pfizer document about making their mRNA vaccine.  

To build an RNA vaccine, scientists do not need the actual virus.  

In other words, Pfizer admits they have no virus with which to make a vaccine against.  They call it an actual virus as opposed to, I guess, a theoretical virus.  Now, I would change the word "theoretical" to say "an imaginary virus" or "a make-believe virus."  So they're using a make-believe virus, which they have never isolated, they don't know the sequence of, they don't know the components of to make a vaccine against this virus and God only knows what they're making a vaccine against.  

Here's another one, a paper published in Nature, which was one of the first papers published describing a novel coronavirus.  And a friend of mine, named Torsten Engelbrecht, asked him because he said he isolated the virus.  People have sent me about 20 different peer-reviewed articles, claiming they isolated the virus.  When you look at the paper, it's very clear that nobody has ever isolated the virus.  It's a fraud.  And we asked him, "Did you isolate the virus?" and he said, 

We did not obtain an electron micrograph showing the degree of purification. 

In other words, they didn't do what every peer-review journal, article has to do, which is to say, "Here are the steps we did.  Here's the pictures showing we have an isolated virus, . . ."  They didn't even take a picture and they admit they didn't isolate the virus.  

Here's another one.  Same thing: identification of a coronavirus isolate from a patient in Korea with COVID-19.  This was published by the Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention, called the KDCA for Korean Disease Control Agency.  Essentially, it's the CDC of Korea.  So, we asked him, did you isolate the virus, because that's what it says in the title.  The answer was, "We could not estimate the degree of purification because we did not purify and concentrate the virus."  In other words, they have no virus.  

Here's another one.  Again, Isolation of the New Virus, "We showed seven virus particles not purified one.  The Canadian Health Ministry in a Freedom of Information Request, "Do you have any information on an isolation of this virus?"  Having completed a thorough search, we regret to inform you that we are unable to locate any records responsive to your request."  None of these groups who are organizing this have any example of an isolated virus.  If you've never isolated the virus, you have no way of knowing whether it causes disease.  Period.  And the test to identify a virus that you've never isolated, it's not false positive or false negative, it's just good, old-fashioned false.  It's meaningless.  So that's where we are.  I could go into how they misled themselves into thinking that they have this virus, but this is a scientific fraud.  And interestingly just three days ago, a group of European virologists and pathologists dissected this Drosten study and said this--the basis of using this study, which is the basis of all the PCR tests, all the testing is pure scientific fraud and they demanded that this journal retract the article.  

So, explain to me what's going on.  There are case reports, death reports, how all this happening and being reported on if there's not a virus? 

First of all, what are these people seeing at the site?  What is a virus?  So that's where it gets very interesting because that's where it leads you into understanding what is going on because in certain cases, like Chicken Pox, you do see these particles--I can show you a picture of them if you want--and they are at the site of the disease.  But we already know that just because you have strep in your throat, doesn't mean it's causing disease.  In order to prove causation, you have to isolate the virus, you have to take the Chicken Pox out, you have to prove you don't have anything else in there--no poisons, no snot, no nothing--just the virus, expose an animal to it.  They did that for 20 years and couldn't make any animal sick.  So the question is, "What is it doing there?" and it's a very interesting question because it gets into the question of how do we even know that it's coming from the outside?  Because it turns out when you have tissue, as I've described earlier, and you starve it and poison it, it packages up little pieces of degraded DNA and packages them up in particles as a detoxification and communication strategy.  In other words, if you break down the tissue, there's a poison-relief mechanism that we have erroneously called viruses.  They're coming from the inside: they're called exosomes, or intracellular vesicles.  Now, there's an article in a journal called Viruses, which looked at this question--how do we know that these are from the outside and not from the inside?  And they said something very interesting, "However, to date, a reliable method that can guarantee a separation of exosomes from viruses does not exist."  Everything that's a thing can be separated and isolated from every other thing.  If I had a fork here, I can separate it from a spoon because they're different.  There's only one reason I can't separate an exosome, which is a detoxification strategy from the inside from a pathogenic virus from the outside and that's because they're the same thing.  Something is poisoning the tissue.  The tissue packages up this degraded genetic material, and we mistakenly call those pathogenic viruses.  


And here's where it gets interesting because we now know that those pieces of genetic material can resonate out into the world as a signal to other organisms that something bad has happened, that poisoning has happened and you should defend yourself.  This is how trees communicate.  If you get beetles eating a tree, they put out chemicals and other signals that communicate to the other trees that there are beetles around and you should defend yourself.  This is because the Darwinian model of evolution based on mutations and survival of the fittest is pure nonsense because it's way too slow.  If you were exposed to Glyphosate and one person had a mutation that allowed them to survive from that exposure, do you know how long that would take to spread through the whole population?  Like 10,000 years, if that even from Boston, for God's sake.  So, nature has another mechanism, which is called viruses, or exosomes.  So you package up this genetic material.  The DNA and RNA have a resonance just like women who communicate with their menstrual cycles through resonance.  A lot of unseen energy communicates through resonance.  That's what we call life.  And then the other organisms can make the same piece of genetic material and turn that into proteins to defend themselves.  So viruses are the mechanism of evolution.  They're the mechanism of adaptation.  A war on viruses is basically a war on evolution and adaptation.  It's a war on life.  So the question now is what is poisoning us?  Now when you look at the symptoms of the disease called COVID-19 and you forget about the virus--because the virus has never been isolated--it's basically imaginary.  So any therapeutics, or so-called maneuver, wearing a mask or social distancing or washing your hands to get rid of something that hasn't even been proven to exist is just nonsense.  It doesn't work at all, it just makes you sicker.

So what do we know about the disease?  Most of it are what are being called "Cases" are just PCR tests which mean nothing.  And I mean, mean nothing.  There are no false positives here because you cannot use that test without having compared it to an intact virus.  So a case means nothing.  Now, there are sick people.  Now, most of the sick people are just the usual sort of sick people.  But there are some sick people who are hypoxic and what's called a hyper-inflammatory state.  Now, how do they get hypoxic, it has nothing to do with viruses--viruses don't make you hypoxic.  But we do know from clear, scientific research, going back to the 1970s, the Naval Intelligent Research Institute did this, the Soviets did it.  There are recent papers on it . . . that if you expose a place to millimeter waves, otherwise known as 5G, three things will happen: one, you'll degrade the oxygen in the atmosphere, so you're essentially, this one ER doctor said, it's like these people are walking up the Himalayas.  His name is Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, [who seemed to spot problems early on] he said they're in a low-oxygen environment, but they're in New York City or Wuhan or on a cruise ship that just had 5G installed.  And what's happening is the millimeter waves are degrading the oxygen in the atmosphere, so it's actually like they're on top of a mountain.  The second thing is 5G interferes with certain pathways in your mitochondria, which are organelles in your tissues that use oxygen to make fuel [energy].  We know this again, going back to research in the 1970s.  So you become tissue hypoxic, you're starving of oxygen because a) there's less oxygen in the atmosphere, and b) you can't use the oxygen that you do have and turn it into fuel which is the whole point of oxygen in the first place.  Exposure to millimeter waves, along with aluminum in the air, air pollution, fear, bad food, lots of things.  But millimeter waves is the new kid on the block.  And the third thing it does is that we know that it creates a hyper-inflammatory response, otherwise known as a cytokine storm, which is the body's way of getting rid of diseased tissue.  It's not a disease, but if you . . . basically, we're talking about radiation sickness.  So you radiate the tissue with millimeter waves, it breaks down, the body says "I have to get rid of this," it uses the same mechanism that we use to get rid of cigarette smoke or splinters.  You create an inflammatory response, which the unfortunate doctors, alternative and otherwise, say, "Oh, you have too much inflammation.  That's your disease."  Inflammation is your body's way of getting rid of dead and diseased tissue, but it can be so overwhelming that it actually kills you.  So you die from hypoxia and an over-enthusiastic inflammatory response and that is exactly what fits with COVID-19 from millimeter waves.  Now, I would point out that we have the epidemiology for this, we have the mechanism which I just went through, but people have criticized me for being very particular about viral causation.  We know that the virus has never been isolated, so you can't possibly know if caffeine is causing high blood pressure if you've never isolated the virus and never made any animal or person sick. So we know that's not the case, and I actually think we should do clear research to show once and for all whether millimeter waves, otherwise known as 5G, hypoxia and inflammatory, cytokine storms as basically the reason for this problem.  

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

CNN SCUM: Meltdown as They Attempt to Ban Dr. Mercola's Book on COVID-19

Friday, April 2, 2021

A strong immune system is your best mask. Vitamin D delivers that strong immunity. Fauci takes 8,000 to 9,000 IUs of vitamin D3

Thanks to Robert Wenzel.

This presentation is a full hour.  This YouTube version is only 29 minutes long.  To watch the full presentation, please open this Rumble link.  The presenter is pathologist and MD, Dr. Ryan Cole.  His credentials are here

Dr. Cole is a board-certified dermatopathologist (AP & CP) and the CEO/Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics. He has worked as an independent pathologist since 2004. Some highlights from his CV: Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology (July 2002-June 2003): Dermatopathology Fellowship (Chief Fellow). Mayo Clinic (July 1997-June 2002): Resident in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology. Chief Fellow, Surgical Pathology Fellowship. Medical College of Virginia (1993-1997): Researched immunology. Served as President of Student Family Practice organization. Coordinated activities and seminars on the practice of family medicine and rural medicine. Earned MD in 1997.

Fauci takes 8,000 to 9,000 IUs of vitamin D3.  But what's his message?  Wear a mask, maybe two.  Why isn't his message to take 10,000IU of vitamin D?

Dr. Cole praises the effectiveness of Ivermectin, calling it an immune modulator and anti-viral medication.  And if anyone has had any one of the vaccines and experiences a cytokine storm, he says that Ivermectin may be your best choice for quelling that storm.  That, and vitamin D. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

"Tony Fauci couldn't possibly have made his claim, that COVID-19 is 10 times more deadly than the flu, with any scientific basis."

Give this a full listen when you have a chance. 
Robert Wenzel has been posting terrific updates and sound, meaning logical, latest news on the COVID-19 and the government enflaming the concern.  Wenzel writes
The [above] interview of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor of medicine at Stanford University, by Peter Robinson, is awesome.
They begin by discussing the problems with current testing that I have been highlighting here and the fact that Trump's adviser Tony Fauci couldn't possibly have made his claim, that COVID-19 is 10 times more deadly than the flu, with any scientific basis.
Be sure to watch at least the first 9 minutes.
It is also good to know that Bhattacharya is about to start properly designed general population serological tests, which he discusses later in the clip. 
Until then, load up on vitamin D.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


This should not come as a secret or a surprise to any visitors to this site.  Unfortunately, Former CDC Director, Tom Frieden was interviewed by John Roberts, long-time CBS Anchor.  The problem is that Roberts leads the questioning and the answers that Frieden gives are standard: stay at home, quarantine a person infected, etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum.  Is he talking to 6-year-olds?  Anyone old enough, from a 9-year-old child to an octogenarian, knows that if you're sick with anything that you stay home.  Now it is true that though high school kids may know this they don't heed this warning because they've got friends to attend to, they've got games and projects that need their hands on.  So it's true that some people need to have this message droned into their head, but if you're at all conscientious you're not going to want to get people sick and sabotage their productivity.  

So take your daily vitamin D for the reasons that Dr. Frieden states here,
Vitamin D supplementation reduces the risk of respiratory infectionregulates cytokine production and can limit the risk of other viruses such as influenza. A respiratory infection can result in cytokine storms – a vicious cycle in which our inflammatory cells damage organs throughout the body – which increase mortality for those with COVID-19. Adequate Vitamin D may potentially provide some modest protection for vulnerable populations. 
Frieden is downplaying the effectiveness of vitamin D because as a former government agent, he has to stay on the plantation narrative of "shelter in place," "accept martial law," "self-quarantine," "wear a mask," "wash your hands," etc., etc., etc.  

Check out what Dr. John Cannell, owner of the Vitamin D Council site, has to say about what vitamin D does for you.  Then check out what Creighton University professor, Robert P. Heaney says about the protective effects of vitamin D, which go way beyond strengthening your immune system.  Need more evidence?  Scroll down this page about 2/3 to find other vitamin D experts to see what they say about what it does and how it can restore your health.  Like I said, I've covered the powerful effects of vitamin D several times.  It's too important a supplement not to have in your daily arsenal.  

I've had good results with this brand.  And the price is not bad either.